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No Appetite

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I am on day 17 of my very first whole30. I have no appetite. I love avocados but the thought of eating one right now is repulsive. I am continuing to eat according to the plan but nothing sounds good and I feel like I'm forcing myself the past 2 days. I'm not tempted to go off plan and I'm not craving anything. Please tell me this is normal and if not, any suggestions?

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Hey Kathy, I don't know how normal it is for everyone, but I know that I personally am rarely, if ever, hungry. I'm on Day 25 and I've only just started being hungry when I first wake up, but it still takes me 5-7 hours to get hungry for lunch after that. I flat out don't get hungry for dinner. But I'm still eating according to the template and I'm seeing improvements in a lot of areas, so I would say just trust it and keep going with eating as much of the template meal as you can manage! That's what the mods advised me, and I think it's working... sometimes it just takes time.

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Hi Kathy,


You definitely do not have to eat avocado, if they are making you queasy, leave them out.  For alternate fat sources you can try sunshine sauce, chimichurri sauce, homemade mayo (use this to make a million different sauces), ghee, coconut products, fattier cuts of meat etc.  Nuts and their butters are also compliant but meant to be limited, not used as a main fat source.


As for being low/no appetite, this is pretty common.  We recommend you make something you know you like (compliant, of course) and get at least the minimum template amount of food into yourself every 4-5 hours. Lack of appetite followed by not eating anything significant breeds further lack of appetite and can become a viscious cycle, especially when nausea shows up due to lack of appreciable nutrients.  Definitely eat.  


(Moving this out of "Can I Have" and into "Troubleshooting".)

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Thank you. I've made the mayo and actually prefer it over store bought. Stopped making my self eat the avocados and have cut back on the eggs at breakfast and replaced it with some homemade brats and homemade brkfst sausage. Actually felt hungry at lunch today so that's an improvement.

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