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Confused about dairy reaction (or lack there of)


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I guess this should be good news, but I am a little surprised by my reaction to dairy when I reintroduced it yesterday. I had yogurt with breakfast (egg and fruit were also included) and then gorgonzola cheese with my lunch (chicken burger with tomatoes and swiss chard) and after dinner I had some ice cream - something I've always wondered if I'm sensitive to.


I was lactose intolerant as a child so I have a repulsion towards milk - no way I was going to introduce that, I am totally fine with the alternatives. I did however, expect immediate bloating and gas yesterday, and I felt none! I did feel some slight inflammation in my joints and did not sleep that great. When I introduced alcohol I felt the same kind of inflammation including weird calf pain! Same thing happened last night - like a charlie horse in my calf. I also had a slight headache yesterday but it was very minor and went away.


After my first Whole 30 I figured out that I can't do beans, but I never figured out dairy or gluten. I most likely have mild IBS so I am wondering if my pre-Whole 30 symptoms (frequent bloating and gas) are triggered by a combination of things, like having both dairy and gluten, etc? I am so confused! I've looked into FODMAPs and got completely overwhelmed. Any words of wisdom about what I've noticed? I'll reintro gluten in a couple of days and see what happens, so that may open up some answers. 

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Dairy doesn't always have a gastrointestinal effect. More often than not it will effect the respiratory system (and in turn sleep), and the joints, and it often takes a build up of dairy for this to become apparent. After a week of daily dairy my sleep quality will drop significantly, and result in an annoying cough after I eat. Longer than a week I develop pretty much permanent catarrh, and in winter a runny nose. Once every now & then (ie. every couple of months) and I'm good for the most part - depending on what type of dairy I consume.


The IBS symptoms you mention could well be the result of a combination of problematic foods - or a combination of high FODMAPs - but figuring that out will take some self experimentation as everyone's tolerance levels are individual.

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Dairy doesn't always have a gastrointestinal effect. More often than not it will effect the respiratory system (and in turn sleep), and the joints, and it often takes a build up of dairy for this to become apparent. After a week of daily dairy my sleep quality will drop significantly, and result in an annoying cough after I eat. Longer than a week I develop pretty much permanent catarrh, and in winter a runny nose. Once every now & then (ie. every couple of months) and I'm good for the most part - depending on what type of dairy I consume.


I'm really glad you mentioned this - I hadn't thought about dairy affecting my sleep, though I haven't seemed to have any other type of reaction to it. I'll be cognizant of this going forward. Thank you!

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