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First Whole30 Starting Oct 1st

Nilam Patel

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1 hour ago, kellyplyler said:

Hi everyone! Happy to find this thread! Since there isn't an "official" Whole30 going on right now and none of my friends/family are doing it with me, I need the support! On Day 10 today and so far, so good. I think I ate too many carbs in my first week, so I'm changing it up this week and focusing more on salads and green veggies. I have been going WAY over my grocery budget, so I'm going to spend the rest of the week meal planning to get the most out of my money. My biggest splurge item is La Croix - I drink like 3/day and it's killing my budget! I need to cut back to just one per day and I should still be able to have my "treat".

Hi Kelly... I too am on day 10. It has been going good and i've resisted some sweets put in front of me. We are also eating salads and quite a few eggs and sweet potatoes. I also made the breakfast sausages listed in the Whole 30 book and they are really tastiekeep up the good work . We are 1/3 the way through.

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5 minutes ago, Diane M said:

craving chocolate

Hi @Diane M

A chocolate craving can be indicative of a magnesium deficiency - are you supplementing with magnesium? If not you might try starting. That said if you were a big chocolate eater it could just be your brain trying to trick you into feeding it sugar again  - a craving, plain & simple - in that case you want to increase the fat in your meals a little. In the mean time when a craving strikes try a distraction technique like going for a walk, filing your nails, running a bath etc., and if that doesn;t work reach for some fat - a few olives, a spoonful of macnut or coconut oil for instance.

Fat is your friend here.

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Hi guys! Only 20 more days to go. Yesterday was a rough one, definitely had that day 10 feeling of wanting to give up. My schedule was messed up from the night before, I didn't have energy, and I know Inshouldnt care about weight, but it is so hard. My boyfriend sees the difference already in body composition, men are lucky! I however don't so, that was a buzzkill. But today I looked at all my non-scale victories, energy when I follow my schedule, taming my sugar dragon, not hungry between meals, and making so many delicious meals that I am never bored. Hope everyone else is doing well. 

Side note: I can't believe how many food products have sugar and it doesn't even make sense as to why some of these products have it! Label reading is so easy now. It's a habit!

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I haven't come to the site for a while but here we are on day #18 of the Whole 30. Over half way through the program and I am still going strong:)  No cheating but there have been many opportunities.  I know I can do this and keep telling myself that. Like it says in the book....WE CAN DO THIS.  I think it's important to see ourselves the way we want to be and to speak positive things into our lives every day.  It won't be very much longer and day 30 will be here and we can all celebrate our success:)

We have been eating all our meals at home so we decided to take our budgeted money we had for eating out and buy something useful. We bought a 3 gal fermentation crock and are excited about putting it to use making sauerkraut and vegies. 

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On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 3:16 PM, Sarahbutler87 said:

I was just telling my husband that I cant believe what all has sugar in it!  I haven't really had a rough day yet, If I let myself get too hungry I start thinking about cheesecake but other than that it has kind of been a breeze! Stay strong lol! 

Yes, it's important to keep good things to eat on hand so you don't go to long without food. The cravings come to everyone but we can help ourselves a lot with thinking ahead and planning.

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I've had some problems with accidentally eating sugar and maintaining a balanced diet.  I looked at the ingredients for some food at New Seasons and was excited that I was able to find some prepared Whole30 food.  However, I found out last night that they don't list all the ingredients on the tag I was looking at and even New Seasons adds a kind of dextrose to their green beans and other "healthy" foods.  This weekend was especially tough because we went to the beach for the weekend.  A water spout turned tornado ended up going through the town we were staying in and we lost power for two days.  I had brought food to cook, but we couldn't cook at first.  I ended up eating some raw vegetables with salad or dipped in salsa and  way too many nuts.   So, not balanced and the food was so uninteresting that sticking to the Whole30 was tough.  However, I did do it even though I'm not sure that I've done everything " right".  On reflection, it feels great that I've made it to day #17 without knowingly falling off the wagon.  I've really struggled with sticking with eating plans the last few years, which is part of the reason I did the Whole30.   Although, it seems that, in order for it to work, I need to use my weekend productively to cook and plan.  When I've had time to cook a good meal, I've enjoyed the food and it was not hard to stay on the plan.  I believe that I will do a Whole60 ,or maybe even Whole90, to get better at the cooking part so that manage and balance my food better so that I can continue eating well after the Whole30.  I never realized how much not being a cook has affected my overall health.

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Hi! I'm Shannon. I started on October 1st, too... Day 21, but this is my first post in this forum. I'm actually really proud that I've been compliant and really sticking to the plan.  The hardest part for me is living in a small town with limited grocery store choices, so I've had to really be creative. I miss coffee with flavored, sweetened creamer... the way I used to drink it, but I'm learning to appreciate my black coffee with a little coconut oil... I can taste things I've never noticed before.  I miss cheese... and little things I took for granted like black beans.  So mostly I haven't had any cravings... but I had to hide the scale. I feel like a new person... :) 

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