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Adding fats to meals


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I'm wondering if I'm getting enough fat with each meal. Does sautéing veggies in olive oil count as the fat for the meal, or do I need to actually EAT something to get fat like olives or avocados?  Also, at meal times I often feel stuffed to the gills, yet I find myself getting hungry sometimes sooner than the 4 hours.  I usually eat the palm-size protein and enough veggies as well as fruit. And I drink water constantly throughout the day. So is this related to a lack of fat?

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Cooking oil mostly stays in the pan so you should be adding an extra source to each meal. Fat is also a great way to add satiety to a meal without adding bulk, so you should find this should help you go longer between meals too.

You might also find upping the veg & skipping the fruit helpful too.

Hope this helps.

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Cooking fat is generally not "counted" because it tends to stay in the pan. And chances are if you are using a glug of olive oil for a pan of veggies that is going to serve more than one meal/person, you aren't getting the full serving anyway. Do add some fat to your meals and see how you do. If you are eating a large volume of protein and veggies, you can increase the fat and see if that helps. Should....I would think. :)

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17 minutes ago, bjyoung116 said:

Just one tablespoon of olive oil had a substantial amount of fat so I would say you're just fine! :)

But as was mentioned above, when you cook with oil, much of it stays in the pan and isn't eaten. 

If people are often hungry and aren't going 4-5 hours between meals easily, they should eat more at their meals, and one thing many people skimp on is fat, because so much conventional wisdom says fat is bad. Fat isn't bad for you -- we need fat in our diets, it's good for hair and skin, and for our brains. To cook your food in some oil, and then also have avocado or olives or some kind of sauce is not too much fat.

For 30 days, we'd ask you not to pay attention to calories or fat grams, but just follow the meal template and see how you feel at the end of it.

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Thanks everyone for your responses! I will start adding some olives (yum) and/or avocado to each meal and see if that resolves my hunger feelings. I have no doubt that I've been "brainwashed" by all the talk about fat and even though I never counted calories (too much math involved! haha) I managed to maintain my weight by limiting how much I ate at meals. And, most often, what I DID eat was not super healthy. I was seriously lacking in the veggie department. So as a result I was hungry all the time - which led to snacking on cheese & crackers, chips or the occasional candy bar. Needless to say, my diet was a mess! 

So glad I found the W30 and am on the right path finally!!


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