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Hunger vs Habit

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Hi there! I am day 7 into the whole30 program and am doing ok. I've had a few headaches the past few days but I think that its due to my being full and not drinking as much water as I should. While I am not having too much trouble with staying whole30 compliant, I feel that I am still snacking and eating mindlessly out of habit. Pre-W30 I would come home from work and snack, workout, have a post workout snack or light dinner. Throughout the workday I also snacked- on moderately healthy foods, but snacked even when I wasn't really hungry. I find doing whole30 I still mentally want to snack on something- probably out of habit. My question is- how do I stay motivated and listen to my hunger cues and kick my old snacking habits? Anyone have any good tips? Thank you!

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Snacking is still my downfall, so I am going to check this post regularly for helpful hints! I hope other members will have some.

I have gotten some success with the Whole9 idea that if I'm not hungry enough to eat "steamed fish and broccoli," then I'm not really hungry. Of course it's easy to find a way 'round that, in the sense of not having steamed fish around.... But still, it does help me be somewhat more honest with myself about hunger vs habit.

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While I have never smoked, I have known many smokers who stated that they had to retrain their brains; just because they were drinking coffee did not also mean that they also needed a cigarette.

I think too often we get into mindless eating, as you said, do to habit. I used to attend a flurry of meetings, and when I got back to my desk, would open the email and start mindlessly munching. It is funny that I still think "oh it is snack time" but then remind myself that I am not even hungry. For you, this may take time to create the new habits. Instead of snacking, make a new habit of drinking your water, etc.

One thing to mention is that if you are finding you are genuinely hungry, eat! Make it a mini-meal of protein, fat and veg (or fruit if you prefer). When you do have this minimeal, power down on distractions. Don't eat and cruise your email for example. Create the new grooves in your brain that you are going to focus on eating, and assessing your hunger, not the urgency of an email.

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I agree with the mini meal suggestion if you're actually hungry. For so long, I used to have a 3/4pm snack every single day (of something super unhealthy, like cookies, candy, something super processed with lots of bad stuff). So, I also kind of feel like it's still "snack time" around that time but I try to do something busier than normal (like take a lap around the office floor, walk outside for a few minutes, do a short medication, etc.) instead. But, I bring some jerky and piece of fruit just in case I actually think I need food. :)

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I come from a disordered eating background and also a 3 meal 2 snacks a day style of eating...switching to 3 meals and no snacks was hard at first but once your body truly adapts to burning fat rather than sugar it becomes much easier so hang in there. I find on some days when I'm up earlier than usual and go to bed later that I need a 4th meal...usually just what I would call a big snack that includes fat and protein...

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To return to my earlier theme, I find that I can resist the snack attack, if I try: get up, walk around, walk away from the kitchen, etc. It's just that I get tired of the 'constant vigilance.'

But I think the lesson from reading many other people's posts in various places is that I have to put the work in up front to make those new habits, break the old ones, etc. Most importantly, it won't get easier to do before I actually start doing it consistently. Which stinks, in my view, but seems to be true. (Not the kind of advice you were looking for, doubtless!)

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