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Chicken Sausage


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I have been looking at sweet italian sausage and the ingredients include sugar.. although a trace amount.. I purchased Chicken Sausage.. Sweet Italian.. it is gluten free, skin free, etc. it says 0 sugar, but there is a trace amount of something in the ingrediants (less than 2%) of turbinado sugar. The brand is Thin and Trim.. no preservatives, no soy, wheat free, no pork casing or chicken skin.. I am thinking this is fine.. but thought I would put it out there. I just completed day 12 and am starting to feel good!

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Thanks Guys.. I will continue my quest.. I have given up on finding compliant bacon.. made my own sausage last week with ground pork and lots of sage and fennel! Have a good weekend.


Jump on the pork belly band wagon. There are more than one very busy threads on it that us bacon addicts joined. I now make my own bacon and feel 100% happy about eating something that I know is EXACTLY in it.

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I was also struggling to find italian sausage without sugar for a recipe this week. I followed this recipe and it turned out great!

http://allrecipes.co...le=4&ismetric=0 Hope this helps!

Vegetable oil is not allowed on Whole30, so I hope you used a compliant oil. :) I think I'd use ghee for this recipe and I might try it for zook noodles and sauce. :)

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