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Breakfast isn't keeping me full anymore

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I'm on day 22 and for the past week and a half, I've been having the same breakfast. A sweet potato (spiralized into noodles), and Aidelle's chicken apple sausage, a few blueberries sauteed together and about a tablespoon of almond butter on top. I eat breakfast at about 6:30am and lunch around 1pm. The first week this was keeping me plenty full until my lunchtime but I've noticed the past few days I've been getting hungry earlier and earlier, 10:30am this morning. Is this breakfast not keeping me full anymore because my body has changed over the course of my Whole30 or is it because I've been eating the same thing? I'm someone who can eat the same thing over and over for months on end until I get sick of it but I'm wondering if that doesn't fly with Whole30.

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You might want to try eating some more.  Add an egg or another 0.5-1 sausage?  It's possible your hormones have started to reset and you're just feeling the un-diluted hunger sensations.  How do you feel otherwise?  Do you consume any liquids at breakfast?  They seem to recommend meals keeping you full for 4-5 hours, so you're actually inline with that right now.

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If you were to cut the sausage up into pieces so your could line it up on your hand, would it actually be the size and thickness of your palm? I suspect that it would maybe cover the surface of your palm in a thin layer. I've got decently sized hands for a woman and a protein serving of those sausages for me is 2 and a half. 

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