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Still Waiting...


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I'm still waiting. It's day 22 and I'm still waiting for Tiger Blood. Still waiting to sleep better. Still waiting for the gas and bloating to subside. 

On the plus side, the food restrictions have become second nature. I feel remarkably normal, without the achy joints and swelling I get when I eat anything with MSG in it. I'm more energetic in the evenings, perhaps because of not drinking wine. I feel thinner.

8 more days. I'm waiting.

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this is normal for some people - the further you were off plan before, the further you have to go, the longer it takes for complete healing to show itself.  Tiger Blood is a lot more usual for those eating a lot of fish for their protein (no idea why, but there's a corrolation).  good NSVs though.  Keep on keeping on!

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9 hours ago, JoyfullyCheryl said:

I'm still waiting for Tiger Blood. Still waiting to sleep better. Still waiting for the gas and bloating to subside

Not everyone experiences Tiger Blood, but most experience better sleep, and most people find that any gas & bloating issues have resolved by now.

Can you give us a run down of what you've been eating for the past say 4-5 days, giving specifics on veg types, portion sizes, liquid intake, activity levels etc (& any meds/supplements or pre-existing medical conditions). That way we can take a look and see if you might need to make any tweaks for the days ahead.

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2 hours ago, jmcbn said:

Can you give us a run down of what you've been eating for the past say 4-5 days, giving specifics on veg types, portion sizes, liquid intake, activity levels etc (& any meds/supplements or pre-existing medical conditions). That way we can take a look and see if you might need to make any tweaks for the days ahead.

Thank you! Portion sizes vary, but I have been eating to full, but not stuffed.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1/2 a chicken apple sausage, 1/4-1/2 sweet potato, 1-2 tsp coconut oil. Today I added a handful of spinach. Yesterday I topped with 1/2 an avocado.

Lunch: Almost always a salad (spinach, sweet bell pepper, cucumber, carrot, celery, grape tomatoes) with my own "dump ranch" or Tessmae's creamy ranch and sometimes topped with 1/2 avocado. Add a pint jar of either chicken soup (kale and spaghetti squash in place of noodles) or turkey pumpkin chili (onion, bell pepper, ground turkey, canned pumpkin, diced tomatoes, spices). Over the weekend I made chicken salad with carrot, celery, onion, kalamata olives, W30 mayo and brown mustard.

Dinner: Usually a meat source (salmon, chicken, beef, lamb or pork) and a salad. Some days add a red potato or sweet potato or a green vege like broccoli or asparagus. Had chicken meatballs with red sauce and zoodles on Thursday, duck and shrimp gumbo (almond flour roux for thickening) on Saturday and turkey pumpkin chili on Sunday.

Beverages: Coffee with almond milk in the morning (1-2 cups). Lots of water all day. Seltzer with a splash of pure cranberry juice and fresh lemon juice for a treat. Herbal tea after dinner.

I also eat an occasional LaraBar for hunger at work, but not often. Sometimes a pouch of applesauce if my meal seems to need it.

Activity: I do 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight lifting, 3 times a week. I wear a step counter and get 7-10k steps a day. The last 5 days, I've done a lot of snow shoveling.

Meds: The only prescription is Singulair (I had a bad asthma cycle in the fall and am not willing to go there again). Supplements are all W30 compliant- Vit D, Calcium, Magnesium, and a probiotic.

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3 hours ago, JoyfullyCheryl said:

30 minutes of weight lifting, 3 times a week

Are you eating a pre and/or postWO? When does the training fit into your schedule?

Your meals look pretty good to me, although you definitely need fat EVERY day at breakfast, what fats are you adding at dinner?

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I train M-W-F at 6:00 am. I eat a hardboiled egg before working out and breakfast after I shower.

I make a point of adding coconut oil to my breakfast each day. Dinner fat is usually in the form of salad dressing (dump ranch is made with avocado oil) and sometimes fresh avocado on my salad. 

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I'd try & squeeze in a postWO snack of a few bites of lean protein on the days that you lift. Combining postWO & breakfast is counter productive as the fat in the template meal will slow down muscle protein synthesis, which will in turn slow down recovery. It might not seem like much, but it could make a difference to how you're feeling over all and will certainly negate the need for any larabars.

In terms of sleep you mentioned that it hadn't improved - do you practice good sleep hygiene? Regular sleep/wake-up times, dim lights after sunset, bedroom cooler than rest of the house, black out blinds/no blue light in bedroom, no screen time for an hour or so before bed, no caffeine after midday, regular time outdoors, eating within an hour of wakening? All of these will contribute to better sleep....

Other than that how are your stress levels?

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My stress level is low. I have a great job that I love and home is just the hubster and myself; we live a quiet life.

My sleep habits are pretty good. I push the "no screens" thing, but do all the other things you mentioned. Honestly, falling asleep isn't my problem. I wake up every 2 hours. I usually go back to sleep easily, but almost never sleep more than 2 hours at a time. I thought that a change in diet would help, but not so. Maybe it's just a menopause thing that I can't do anything about.

So you think I should have the HB egg before my WO, some protein when I get home from the gym, and breakfast after shower?

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8 hours ago, JoyfullyCheryl said:

So you think I should have the HB egg before my WO, some protein when I get home from the gym, and breakfast after shower?

How long is your session? And did you train fasted previously? If you trained fasted before, and your taking a few bites of postWO protein would mean eating within an hour of wakening then I'd skip the HB egg before-hand. If not then yes, I'd recommend both.

And yeah, the sleep could be menopause related - for some reason I thought you were a lot younger.... !!

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you won't get tiger blood if you're not getting enough energy from fuel, so definitely add in more fat (especially at breakfast 1-2 tsp of coconut oil isn't enough (imo) - I'm usually cooking eggs in 1tbsp of coconut oil, eating half an Avo, adding mayo, and eating 10-12 olives).  unless you've got plenty of excess body fat, you need to provide dietary fat for you body to use as fuel.

 I mentioned fish - oily fish like mackeral, sardines, trout etc, about once a day will help to push the energy levels up - should add, this is recollection off top of head, so check ISWF and/OR Whole30 recomendations for which fish, how often.

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2 minutes ago, Crastney said:

 I mentioned fish - oily fish like mackeral, sardines, trout etc, about once a day will help to push the energy levels up - should add, this is recollection off top of head, so check ISWF and/OR Whole30 recomendations for which fish, how often.

I wonder if you're actually quoting me here.... :D


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Everyone has a photographic memory. They really do. Those of us who are clicking and clacking down the track with our Whole 30 brains, it can't be helped. Total recall. 

It's not bragging if it's true. Birds of a feather fly together, remembering where we've built our nests and stored all of our nuts. Squirrels, tiny little squirrels can remember where they've cached all of their nuts.  If a squirrel can do that, how much more can we remember with our Whole 30 brain. The half has not been told.   patpat dance crazy rabbit

So wait for the Tiger Blood.  It may be different for everyone here but I can assure you, if you keep eating whole foods, something wonderful will happen to you. 

Open. Mind. Insert. Possibilities.

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8 hours ago, jmcbn said:

How long is your session? And did you train fasted previously? If you trained fasted before, and your taking a few bites of postWO protein would mean eating within an hour of wakening then I'd skip the HB egg before-hand. If not then yes, I'd recommend both.

And yeah, the sleep could be menopause related - for some reason I thought you were a lot younger.... !!

LOL! Maybe it's the cartoon profile image that I use. I'm 57. I started lifting when I was 35 and competed (and won) some powerlifting events in my early 40's. I continue to lift because I love it and I think muscle mass is important as we age. Menopause hit me hard. The sleep deprivation caused by hot flashes was killer! I gained over 20 lbs and lost some muscle mass. I've since lost that added weight, but would like to get another 5-10 lbs off. Sleep is better, but still a problem and I'm working to regain lost strength.

Yes, I have trained fasting in the past, usually eating as soon as I got home. 

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