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Day 4 and so many struggles

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I realize this seems rediculous asking for help so early but I want this to work. I have woke with a headache tr past three days. I also feel lightheaded. I am struggling to eat breakfast. My old routine was tea with milk and sugar an hour after I took my thyroid medicine then about a half hour later I would feel up to eating. Without that am tea 'coating' my stomach I am hating breakfast. 

I gathered from some other threads that I'm probably not eating enough. I just need to know when to expect to wake and feel good. 

I also need encouragement that I'm not harming my body which is what it feels like. 

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26 minutes ago, SBK783 said:

I realize this seems rediculous asking for help so early but I want this to work. I have woke with a headache tr past three days. I also feel lightheaded. I am struggling to eat breakfast. My old routine was tea with milk and sugar an hour after I took my thyroid medicine then about a half hour later I would feel up to eating. Without that am tea 'coating' my stomach I am hating breakfast. 

I gathered from some other threads that I'm probably not eating enough. I just need to know when to expect to wake and feel good. 

I also need encouragement that I'm not harming my body which is what it feels like. 

Probably helpful to review the whole30 timeline (google it, should come up). Most people follow it pretty closely so it's totally normal to have headaches in the beginning. Definitely need to eat more, breakfast especially. If you can't get down a whole template meal, try eating a little bit and then packaging the rest for later. Try to eat a little more each morning until you've worked up to it.

No one can really tell you when you'll expect to wake and feel good. That depends on you, your past eating habits, and what you're eating now. A moderator can help you if you list out you meals with quantities and specific foods from the past few days. Hang in there, it gets better :) 

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1 hour ago, SBK783 said:

I realize this seems rediculous asking for help so early but I want this to work. I have woke with a headache tr past three days. I also feel lightheaded. I am struggling to eat breakfast. My old routine was tea with milk and sugar an hour after I took my thyroid medicine then about a half hour later I would feel up to eating. Without that am tea 'coating' my stomach I am hating breakfast. 

I gathered from some other threads that I'm probably not eating enough. I just need to know when to expect to wake and feel good. 

I also need encouragement that I'm not harming my body which is what it feels like. 

What about eating whole foods and not drinking sugar/milk tea would be harming your body?  If you would like some directed feedback, please list out what you've been eating including portion sizes related to template, specific veggies, fruit, fat and protein, water intake etc...

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This week I made egg muffins. I used 14 eggs and close to a pound of sausage (whole 30 compliant) and that made 12 muffins. Yesterday i ate one of those with an apple for breakfast. 

Snack was a tomato

lunch was a salad with 4 jumbo shrimp and a hamburger with whole 30 ketchup

dinner did not go as planned as I had to work so before I went in I ate an avocado and tomato. When I came home I ate some cauliflower rice from the book. I was too tired and it was really late to cook more food


this morning I made a sweet potato has with one potato, one onion and some bell pepper. I topped it with 3 eggs. I am actually feeling a little better now. 


I did read read the section on what to expect so I knew the headache was normal I'm just struggling with how bad I feel. I feel really down today too which I'm assuming is just an adjustment as well. 

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Oh dear. It's no wonder you have a headache and are feeling down. You're missing a great deal of nutrition. We really want you to eat. Enough that you are comfortable going 4-5 hours between meals. Enough that you FEEL good.

Have you seen the meal template? It recommends 1-2 palms of protein (that's the length, width and thickness of your own palm) at every meal. If you're using eggs for protein, it's as many as you can hold in your hand without dropping. We then recommend that you add 2-3 cups of veggies (cooked quantity or equivilant) to that protein and finish with 1-2 servings of fat. Only once that has been completed should you be adding fruits.

Your egg muffins equal out to 1 egg and 1 ounce of meat. I would suggest you eat around 3-4 of the muffins, add 2-3 cups of veggies and a fat source. 

Lunch would be alright as long as the salad greens were a huge quantity or you added a bulkier/sturdier veggie. Salad greens munch down to nearly nothing.  You would also want to add fat to your lunch.

As you said, your dinner missed the mark altogether. 

I'm glad you are feeling a bit better this morning. Three eggs and the veggies is excellent. Add fat to it as well! If you continue to eat properly sized meals, you'll feel better! :) 

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