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Vegetarian Whole30 and Braggs


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Hey everyone!

So, I know that Braggs is not allowed in the regular Whole30, because you can't have soy. As a vegetarian, the VegWhole30 does allow me to eat certain soy products. Is Braggs still off the list?

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From:  https://whole30.com/2015/06/veg-whole30/

Legumes: Your best choices are minimally processed, fermented soy products like tempeh or natto, or organic edamame (soybeans). You can also include non-fermented, organic soy (like extra-firm tofu) and various legumes in rotation. Avoid non-organic soy, processed soy products (like “burgers” and “cheese”), and peanuts.

I would say the spirit of choosing legumes would be to get alternate protein sources, but not a free card for other products.

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