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Chapped lips, Hunger Test, stomach growling


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1. my lips are insanely chapped... any idea what this could be? I feel like it's creeping onto my face...

2. Hunger Test, I hate fish (except shrimp) and the "Hunger Test" says do you want fish and veggies - fish and veggies make me want to vom/ I never want them - should I be saying do I want chicken and veggies instead i.e. I assume this is the same test? I might consider eating fish right now I feel so hungry...

3. My stomach is growling between meals -- like hardcore -- I am having a hard time telling if it's because I did some serious cardio this morning or if the EFFING sugar dragon has gotten the best of my hormones and I need to starve the dude / forego the snack for a few days to see if it goes away...?! any direction would be amazing. 


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1. put lip moisturizer on? Drink enough water - 1/2 pound per ounce of bodyweight

2. yes, the "hunger test" is any bland food. Steamed broccoli and plain chicken breast is a suitable test.

3. without knowing what you have been eating, it's hard to give directed advice. If you are this hungry that you are contemplating eating things that make you want to vomit, I would easily guess that you are not eating enough at meals. Your meals should keep you going for 4-5 hours easily. Starving a sugar dragon is done by not eating sugar/fruit, not by actually starving yourself. Eat food. Protein, fat and veggies. Increase those meal sizes until you are making it 4-5 hours. This may take some time if you have been consistently under-eating. If you are hungry between meals while you are sorting out meal size/composition, have protein + fat or protein + veggies.


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@MKH if you list out a day or two of meals, including approximate portion sizes, we can definitely give you better feedback.

In addition to what's been mentioned, I'd really wonder if you're getting enough fat -- that, along with plenty of water, may help the chapped lips. Each meal should have one or two of the fat options listed on the template, in addition to any fat you cook in. (You can download the meal template here:  https://whole30.com/pdf-downloads/

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