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Here is my other concern.   I have agreed to do the cooking for three other people who are convinced to do the whole 30 diet. I am finding (as are they) that the food is really delicious.  I'm using all of the recipes  from the whole 30 cookbook. The only thing that I am doing that's different is modifying the portion size to accommodate more people thus doubling the ingredients (in most cases).  Have you found yourself enjoying this food?  My husband asked me how this food is supposed to be healthy bc it tastes so good.  I know this seems like an odd question.  

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1 hour ago, KristinP1981 said:

 My husband asked me how this food is supposed to be healthy bc it tastes so good.  I know this seems like an odd question.  

It is weird to have really yummy food be healthy, isn't It? It's mostly the fat that helps, and if, like me, you spent years being told to cut all the fat out, it is amazing the difference it can make to put a sauce over your vegetables, or roast them coated in oil, or have avocado with you meal, or eat the whole egg, not just the white.

But you know, there's nothing wrong with truly enjoying your food. For years, I felt like diets were punishment for being fat -- I was clearly a horrible person who deserved to eat steamed broccoli and dry grilled chicken breast until I could get myself under control. It never worked, and I feel like it contributed to viewing off-limits foods as alternately rewards because I'd been doing well with the diet, and then on the flip side, a guilty pleasure I would punish myself for indulging in.

And that's kind of long, and may not apply to you at all, but long story short, healthy food can definitely look and taste amazing, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying it. It makes it a lot easier to eat healthy when you can enjoy the food.

If you are interested in the science-y stuff about why these foods are healthy, I'd recommend finding a copy of It Starts With Food for those explanations.

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