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My Post Whole 30 plans


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Hi All- this is my first time posting! I am on Day 25 of my first whole 30 and feel great. I love this way of eating so much I really don't plan on going back to what i did before (counting calories and dealing w incessant cravings!) Here are my plans for life post whole 30 - would love to hear thoughts

Reintroduce Wine in moderation (1-2 xs wk); hard liquor or beer on special occasions only.

I'd really like even a half of Splenda in my coffee w coconut milk. This is the only place I miss the sweetness. Thoughts?

Eat whole 30 on meals prepared by myself

When eating out eat 'seemingly' compliant (eg bunless burger, chicken and veg, steak, veggie omelette) but not worry about if they used butter, seed oil, starches etc in the prep. I've never been a huge fan of eating out regularly but it does come up at least 1x per week.

Oh and I love sashimi when out for sushi but am I really supposed carry coconut amigos in my bag!? Would tamari be a lesser of two evils (vs soy sauce).


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I love your plan except for one tiny little yellow half a packet in your coffee. ;)

I honestly, truly believe that fake sugars are evil. I will leave it at that.

As for the soy, once you know how you react, you may certainly decide that the convenience of the less healthy choice far outweighs the drudgery of carrying your own coconut aminos!

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I agree with KB on the fake sugar thing. I feel it would be better to use real sugar than the fake stuff. Better yet to use neither since you will have done without for 30 days. As far as carrying coconut aminos in your purse, I have done it for over a year. My friends have decided to find it charming. :) I just decided soy is bad and I enjoy the aminos on my sushi.

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I too agree on the fake sugar.... I I have been off " artificial everything" for 6 months now and don't plan on ever getting back on that train again.

I have gone off fake sugar for short spurts before....then " just a little wont hurt" and before I know it,I'm up to three packets, multiple times a day and 4-5 cans of diet coke... To me it's 100X more addictive than real sugar, which I can take or leave.....

If you're craving it now, stay away, it's not your body that misses it, it's your emotions.... Do your self a favor and just have a real sugar every so often if you must, simply because " you find it delicious", not because you miss it or want to reward yourself.

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