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Emotional Pig out


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I am on day 14 of the Whole30 (I know, I started mid-month!).  Last night I got very hungry and started eating a lot of food.  Everything was Whole30 compliant thankfully (banana, apple, bacon, 3 LARA BARS) however it still scared me.  I was shocked at myself.  I did not know where the urge came from, this Whole30 has actually been very pleasurable for me however I felt guilty this morning when I woke up.  I have been going through some emotional stress and I do not know if that had anything to do with it but the whole point is to CHANGE my relationship with food.  Feeling a little discouraged today and just wanted some wisdom from the community!

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Could've been undereating in general too; that can kind of build to a head over time, and then something emotional can set you off.

I've been compliant-snacky too, and it's funny how our brains still seek out those easy calories: coconut milk, lara bars, etc.

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You are definitely not alone! I have been in the same boat. I'm on Day 17 now, and the past three days I've been totally off. Everything I've eaten has been Whole 30 compliant, but the quantities not so much. I'm a huge stress and emotional eater, and I've managed to focus myself for the first 13-14 days. But then this weekend came and it was like, nope, let's eat allll our feelings and stress again. I totally get feeling discouraged and just down about the whole thing. 

I think the important thing is to look at how far we have come, and to realize that we aren't going to get everything perfect all the time. I don't know if it's the same for you, but this is my first Whole30. The fact that I'm still on it is a huge win. I've been stress and emotionally eating for most of my life, so to have 14 good days, followed by 3 bad days, is still a win. And then next time around, maybe it will only be 2 bad days, and then back on track. Just keep focusing on trying to change the behavior, and give yourself room to fail, pick yourself back up, and keep going forward. You're already halfway there! :D

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On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 5:27 PM, mscarney00 said:

I am on day 14 of the Whole30 (I know, I started mid-month!).  Last night I got very hungry and started eating a lot of food.  Everything was Whole30 compliant thankfully (banana, apple, bacon, 3 LARA BARS) however it still scared me.  I was shocked at myself.  I did not know where the urge came from, this Whole30 has actually been very pleasurable for me however I felt guilty this morning when I woke up.  I have been going through some emotional stress and I do not know if that had anything to do with it but the whole point is to CHANGE my relationship with food.  Feeling a little discouraged today and just wanted some wisdom from the community!

The important thing is to not be too hard on yourself afterwards. Changing your relationship with food takes time, and you're certainly not going to have it all figured out after just 14 days. Use it as a learning experience and next time you get those feelings, go for a walk, or brew some herbal tea and practice some self care!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm right there with you. I just sat down with a jar of compliant almond butter and a spoon. In my defense, I'm on day 20, I'm starting to struggle, and I'm utterly exhausted. So it's not an excuse, but I needed something. The good news? I can't remember the last time I didn't weigh myself everyday. I haven't weighed myself in 30 days! I could have gained weight; I could have lost weight. I'm not really even freaking out about it. So, the almond butter wasn't a great idea, but I have to forgive myself. To be honest,I'm not a fan of eating three meals a day. I like my mini meals...I wish the program was more accepting of the mini meal plan. 

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