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sweet potatoes & squash


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Hi All - I'm new to the forum/whole30 - starting today! I workout/lift weights 4-5 days/week and I was wondeirng how the meal planning & carbs go - are the only carbs throughout the day the ones in the post workout meal? And then the other meals are strictly fats/proteins? I was also thinking of doing a squash carb in my last meal because its closest to pre-workout. What does everyone else do? Do you have carbs throughout the day or not really? Is it bad to have some berries with almond milk at the end of the day? Just wondering what are best practices, etc. Thank you!

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I eat my sweet potato post workout , a fruit with meal one, and another sweet potato with meal two.....( or variations on a theme) After that I stick with veg, but I'm trying to get more compact and my workouts reflect that....

If you have a game plan, eat to fuel your specific goals, you'll be able to dial it it by week two, just by how you feel if you listen to your body and not your emotions..... If I were trying to pack on muscle, I'd be eating two sweet potatoes with every meal.....

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I eat my sweet potato post workout , a fruit with meal one, and another sweet potato with meal two.....( or variations on a theme) After that I stick with veg, but I'm trying to get more compact and my workouts reflect that....

If you have a game plan, eat to fuel your specific goals, you'll be able to dial it it by week two, just by how you feel if you listen to your body and not your emotions..... If I were trying to pack on muscle, I'd be eating two sweet potatoes with every meal.....

Fender, I just popped in to say I love the new Avatar. I want to squeeze his face. :)

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