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W30, Endometriosis and the AIP

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Hi there! 1st time poster and experienced W30'r here! 

My younger sister has crippling endometriosis, and has agreed to do the W30 with me in January (with her doctor's blessing, of course). 

Any tips for her? Based on my understanding, the condition isn't an autoimmune disorder, but it might respond well to an AIP. Should she do a strict AIP protocol? Or, should she make smaller modifications, like limiting fatty meats or avoiding eggs? Most of what I've read suggests that she increase her fruit and vegetable intake a lot. How should she reconcile that advice with W30's fruit intake recommendations? 

Any advice is much appreciated. 

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In general, especially if it's a big change, we recommend starting with a regular Whole30, not imposing the AIP or other restrictions. Most people notice results even without those further restrictions, and it can be easier to add them in later if you feel they're necessary, once you're more used to the prep and label reading that for many people is a big change from what they're used to anyway. If there are particular foods she knows don't work for her, she can definitely leave those out, but more restrictions can make it overwhelming for some people.

As for fruit, there's not really much in the way of nutrients in fruit that you can't get from vegetables, and if you follow the meal template, you'll be eating a good amount of vegetables, minimum 3 cups a day, more like 6-9.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Endometriosis is an estrogen dependent disease that also causes inflammation. So, whole30 is a great diet for it. I also recommend not drinking caffeine as it increases estrogen in the body. There is an endometriosis diet that is pretty similar to whole30 that I followed at one time. I saw some improvement with that diet, but not a lot. 

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

I've heard the caffeine connection a lot as well.  I have no experience with endometriosis so have no personal info to add but she may notice a difference without coffee.  But as Shannon said, especially if she likes coffee, try a W30 and see if it helps and then try eliminating coffee rather than both at once.  

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