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New (& scared); Starting 1 Feb


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Hello world. 

I will be doing, not attempting, nor trying, the whole30 reset program for 30 days starting February 1st.  I'm terrified because I know that I am a huge snacker and have a giant sweet tooth.  But I know my body needs this, so I am starting to plan.  I hope to find a buddy to help me through this because I know I will not be able to do it without support. 

Thanks for reading!

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Hi everyone! I’m also starting W30 for the first time. I’m exited and nervous as well. Looking for support and hoping for the best. I think for me the hardest will be trying to get ahead and staying committed to prepping things for the weeks to come!

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I am starting Feb 1st also. I’m worried because I don’t know anyone who has done this. I just read the book and it made sense to me. My family and friends I have told are not exactly encouraging. If not outright discouraging, they just think it’s weird. So, I’m glad I found this forum. 

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@Charlene33 I feel you about not getting support!  I'm on my second round (doing 60 days this time to help solidify the good habits). I'll finish a day ahead of all of you starting feb 1. But I promise you all can do this!  Meal plan and prep and key for success. I did some freezer meals this time and that helped a ton. 

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Happy February 1!  I am beginning my second Whole30 today!  I did one last March and completed it successfully!  However, I didn't ever feel my Tiger's Blood and I didn't tame my Sugar Dragon (went right back to sweets afterwards).  I am hoping to do both this time around and have committed to 45 days (until March 17).   Happy WHOLE30 all!

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Hi my name is Carol and I decided yesterday morning while scrolling through my twitter and seeing someone who said they were starting Whole 30 today - to start myself.  I went immediately to the website started reading, recognized this was a gift I was waiting for and jumped!  I got up and immediately started throwing things in my pantry away and made a shelve of items in the fridge and freezer to give to my neighbors.  I headed out to Trader Joe's and did some initial shopping to get me through the first days until I could navigate and understand the food prep etc...  I decided to also quit smoking today as well.  I did not gorge eat yesterday and realized that my mindset was already into this program - but this morning looked lovingly as I emptied the milk down the drain and walked by my coffee pot.  Could I drink coffee without milk or half and half and the teaspoon of sugar I love - sure...but started thinking do i even like it without the additives - NO!!!!  I NEVER eat in the morning so the idea that I had stewed tomatoes and onions and topped it with two eggs and was eating a bowlful at 9:30 am was a small miracle.  I am lucky I work from home and could take my time in pre and actually eating and made sure I was not watching tv, on my computer or doing anything else but eating...  Lunch today was a salad with tuna in front of my computer and has taken me over and hour and a half to finish...I am drinking tall, cold glasses of water with lemon...

Feeling pretty good..

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