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So I’m on my third ever round of Whole30 and have to say, it has been the easiest yet and really the smoothest. I’ve not struggled with cravings as much and finally understand SWYPO fully, so actually following all the rules this time. I have noticed that I’m sleeping much better overall—I typically struggle with major insomnia and wake up constantly throughout the night and that has been way less frequent—but the mornings have been rough. Bearing in mind, I have a very abnormal schedule because I’m self employed/freelance classical musician, so no 9-5..Most days I teach late and get home late and then often dinner is 9, 10 pm, and I may be meal prepping well into the night...

It’s felt just about impossible to get up these past few mornings (it was a busy week for sure, but today was calmer and I let myself sleep in and found myself still exhausted at 10 am and ended up sleeping until noon). I’ve been trying to figure out if my sleepiness is just from an unexpected busy week, or something else. It’s really only the getting out of bed part that’s been rough...after breakfast my energy and focus levels have been way higher throughout the day.

Yesterday, day 15, felt like I had gotten to tiger blood stage once I was out and about, but one of the most exhausting mornings I can recall in ages. It’s just strange to me since I’ve been sleeping so well! Not always getting 7 hours of sleep, but definitely way better quality than I have in a very long time. 

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10 hours ago, singingsarah said:

So I’m on my third ever round of Whole30 and have to say, it has been the easiest yet and really the smoothest. I’ve not struggled with cravings as much and finally understand SWYPO fully, so actually following all the rules this time. I have noticed that I’m sleeping much better overall—I typically struggle with major insomnia and wake up constantly throughout the night and that has been way less frequent—but the mornings have been rough. Bearing in mind, I have a very abnormal schedule because I’m self employed/freelance classical musician, so no 9-5..Most days I teach late and get home late and then often dinner is 9, 10 pm, and I may be meal prepping well into the night...

It’s felt just about impossible to get up these past few mornings (it was a busy week for sure, but today was calmer and I let myself sleep in and found myself still exhausted at 10 am and ended up sleeping until noon). I’ve been trying to figure out if my sleepiness is just from an unexpected busy week, or something else. It’s really only the getting out of bed part that’s been rough...after breakfast my energy and focus levels have been way higher throughout the day.

Yesterday, day 15, felt like I had gotten to tiger blood stage once I was out and about, but one of the most exhausting mornings I can recall in ages. It’s just strange to me since I’ve been sleeping so well! Not always getting 7 hours of sleep, but definitely way better quality than I have in a very long time. 

It honestly sounds like you're trying to wake up during a deep sleep cycle, which is likely due to your day and the timing of your last meal.  Even tho you have a crazy schedule, can you make yourself a sleep schedule so that every day you get up and go to sleep at the same time?  It may be that you're getting up earlier even tho you've gone to bed late and in that case, you may want to consider power naps in the day.

You can also feel free to post your meals if you want us to take a look but the fact that this is just around your waking time and you're alert and rested and focused during the day indicates that maybe it's something around your circadian rhythm.... is any of that sounding like it could be true?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome, thank you! After your response I started working on tracking my sleep better through apps I have. I do think my lifestyle and stress levels may part of the issue, but in any case these past few days (22-26) have been much better. I hope to find more answers when I’ve tracked more days of my sleeping!

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