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Hoping to help my Acid Reflux


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I first heard about Whole30 about 13 months ago.  I looked it up to see what it was all about, but decided it was too restrictive.  I wasn't ready to try it.  I had done an elimination diet with the help of my naturopathic doctor 12 years ago.  At that time I discovered I had food allergies to wheat and soy protein.  That caused a major change in the way I ate and the meals I cooked.  I had to learn to cook all over again!! But it was worth it because I felt much better than I had in years.  

I have tried many weight loss diets in the past and most of them didn't work for me at all.  I could follow them in every way and hardly lose any weight on them.  I did have one successful diet, about 25 years ago.  I was on a very low fat diet.  That was all the rage back then.  I was a fanatic about it and kept my fat intake to 10 g. or less per day!  I was also doing Richard Simmons' videos every day (6-7 times a week), and walking frequently.  I lost a considerable amount of weight (as I recall, it was about 40 lbs.).  However, after I had been doing this diet and exercise for awhile (probably over a year) and had lost a lot of weight, all of a sudden I started gaining weight.  Nothing at all had changed about the way I was eating or exercising!  The doctor and I were both baffled at the turn around.  It was some time after that that I gave up the low fat diet because, obviously, it was no longer working for me!  I have since learned that our bodies need a certain amount of healthy fats and I really believe that diet messed up my metabolism.

I have always had a problem with sleeping well at night.  I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep.  And lately I have been extremely tired all the time.  Five days ago,  I suddenly developed stomach cramping immediately after lunch.  I woke up early the next morning, throwing up.  I was up most of the rest of the "night" with vomiting and severe stomach cramping.  I felt awful!!!  That day the stomach cramping continued, but the vomiting had stopped after 2-3 hours.  I helped control the pain with a heating pad.  I was still having stomach cramping when I went to bed that night.  

The next morning the stomach cramping was gone.  However, whenever I tried to take a deep breath or cough, it felt like pressure in my upper abdomen and that was also painful.  I went to the doctor that afternoon.  He said it was acid reflux and gave me some medicines to take.  He also told me to avoid fatty foods and dairy.

Over the next few days I saw some improvement, but not 100% better.  That's when I decided it was time to try the Whole30 diet and see if it made a difference in my acid reflux, my energy levels, sleep patterns, and weight loss.  

Today is Day 1, September 27, 2018.  For breakfast I had a 2 egg frittata with broccoli and roasted sweet peppers, seasoned with salt and pepper.  It was pretty good, but for some reason, my stomach was bothering me, so I only ate half of it then.  I came back 2 or so hours later and finished it.  I also had a pear at that time. 

I am looking forward to improving my health and losing weight.  

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I too suffer with crazy acid reflux. This may be an overshare but Whenninturned 32 I started suffering from crazy stomach pains and can’t figure out what triggers it. I do know that  I have some “sludge” in my gall bladder that makes my stomach cramp up when I eat certain things (at some point I’ll have to have my gall bladder removed) it’s just figuring out what those things are. Have you ever thought of talking to your doctor about your gall bladder? 

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No, like I said, I just discovered I had it a few days ago.  From what I have been reading, most of the time acid reflux is caused by too low stomach acid levels instead of too much stomach acid.  So I have been trying raw apple cider vinegar mixed with water today before and after my meals and that has made a huge difference in my symptoms!!  I am doing much better today by doing that. 

Sorry to hear about your gall bladder problems and thank you for your concern.  

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I am just finishing up my second day.  My acid reflux is doing MUCH better today.  I realized that the problem wasn't too much stomach acid, but too little!  So I took raw apple cider vinegar with water before and after lunch.  I ate a mandarin before supper and had some fermented veggies with supper.  That seemed to do the trick for me. 

So far, this has been pretty easy, but it will be much harder for the next 2 days when my husband is home for the weekend.  He doesn't eat many veggies and is a very picky eater!!  I am still trying to figure out what I can make that I can have and he will eat for all 6 meals!  I think we will do omelettes tomorrow morning.  He likes them and so do I and we can each make them to our liking.  I am hoping to do a whole chicken in my Instant Pot for either lunch or supper tomorrow.  I have some leftover green beans and some other veggies I can eat and he is planning on getting himself some corn.  I'm still not sure what to do for the other meal tomorrow.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am already on day 12.  This is going pretty quickly!  The biggest problem I am having, by far, is planning meals that are compatible with this way of eating and also acceptable to my husband and 13-year-old grandson, who is currently living with us. 

I have been sleeping fantastic most nights, except when I have something on my mind.  And I have noticed that the whites of my eyes are actually white, not blood shot red, like they usually are! 

I have much more energy, still not as much as I would like, but a vast improvement over what I did have! 

My clothes are feeling looser and I am enjoying veggies more than I did before this.  Raw veggies with Dump Ranch dressing are great! Fresh French style green beans, steamed, with ghee and salt are also tasting wonderful to me!  

I am not having any food cravings, which is really amazing, since I was addicted to dark chocolate!

Oh, and my acid reflux is doing much better as well!  

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1 hour ago, Cheryl1960 said:

The biggest problem I am having, by far, is planning meals that are compatible with this way of eating and also acceptable to my husband and 13-year-old grandson, who is currently living with us

I don't have kids, but one of my go to meals is a burger patty and vegetables-- I top the patty with different things, like guacamole, or mayo, mustard, tomato, and pickle, or sometimes a fried egg. I often have roasted sweet potato or potato pieces with it. You could pretty easily do that for yourself and let your husband and grandson use buns and cheese on theirs. (Other ideas for burger toppings:  http://meljoulwan.com/2012/07/31/tuesday-10-burger-toppers/)

Or find a recipe for compliant taco meat, and you can have a big taco salad with lots of vegetables and avocado, and let them use tortillas or taco shells for theirs and add cheese or sour cream. Same idea could work with fajitas too, or you could do these plantain nachos for yourself and let them have regular chips:  http://meljoulwan.com/2014/01/31/plantain-nachos/


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am near the end of Day 30, and I can't believe how fast this has gone!!  I have not felt deprived or hungry.  I have not had to count calories or weigh or measure food.  I have just had to read a LOT of labels!!!  I have been very satisfied and had very few cravings.  My clothes are definitely feeling looser.  I even needed to tighten all the straps on the sandals that I wear around the house.  I am sleeping much better most nights and have more energy than I have had in a long time.  I don't usually need a nap during the day, which is much different than how I was feeling!  I am not having a problem with my acid reflux. 

I have learned that I really like brussels sprouts and cauliflower rice.  I plan to do the reintroduction, but I can see myself doing this again in the near future.  In the meantime, I plan to eat mostly compliant.  I still have a lot of weight to lose and I haven't found a diet in years that has actually worked for me until now.  Maybe I can find someone to do this with me next round!

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/28/2018 at 10:23 AM, Cheryl1960 said:

No, like I said, I just discovered I had it a few days ago.  From what I have been reading, most of the time acid reflux is caused by too low stomach acid levels instead of too much stomach acid.  So I have been trying raw apple cider vinegar mixed with water today before and after my meals and that has made a huge difference in my symptoms!!  I am doing much better today by doing that.  

Hi @Cheryl1960 ! Congratulations on your first round, I am so glad it was pretty easy and you made it through with some NSVs to share!!

I'm so curious about how things continued with your acid reflux, I think I have the same issue and want to try what you've suggested about some apple cider vinegar before and after your meals ... do you mind telling me how much of it you were having and if you were doing it before & after every meal, are you still continuing to do it?

Hope you had a lovely holiday season and your new year is off to a great start!

Also, wanted to share one of my favorite recipes that your grandson and husband might light;


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