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Pre/Post Workout meals

Steven L.

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I am starting W30 in mid-October.  One question I have is when should I eat my pre and post workout meals.  I know what the template says, but I workout at Lunch time so i'm a bit confused on when I should be eating lunch and each workout meal as I understand the workout meals are in addition to lunch. Any ideas are appreciated.  Thanks!

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Depending on your schedule and meal timing, you have a couple options.

You could eat your lunch an hour or so earlier and then do your workout and have the post workout bites. Or you can workout before your meal, do the post workout bites and then go back to the office and eat your lunch. The PRE workout isn't always required depending on how you feel.

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  • 3 months later...

follow up question to clarify- so we don't need to eat both the pre and post workout meals? But should we always be eating one of them? For example, I always work out after work and eat dinner right when I get home. Do I have to do a post workout meal since I'm already eating dinner, or can I just do a pre-workout meal? 


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This was my exact question. I go to the gym right after work and then go straight home and eat dinner. I’m pretty sure we would only need a Pre-Workout “snack/mini meal” but I need some ideas for that! Not sure what I eat because I definitely don’t want to workout on a full stomach 

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@gbschneider1 and @Jennathrasher -- pre and post-workout food needs can differ for different people, so you may need to try different things to see what works for you.

In general, if you have eaten within the last couple of hours before your workout, you may not need pre-workout. It is not about directly fueling your workout the way that having carbs can provide quick energy. If you have something, it could be as little as just a couple of bites of protein and/or fat, definitely not a full meal or so much that you feel full.

This article tells more about post-workout: http://whole9life.com/2015/02/eat-post-workout/

If you are working out, you need more food than someone who isn't working out. Your body needs the fuel to function. If you are doing strength training, you may benefit from protein very soon after your workout to aid in muscle recovery. Your dinner may not work as well for this because you'll be having fat as well, which can slow down the absorption of the protein. 

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@gbschneider1 and @Jennathrasher, as mentioned above, everyone's nutrition needs around working out are different, but I also work out after work and am eating dinner within an hour, in which case no post-workout meal in needed for me. On the other hand, since I'm usually working out 4-5 hours after lunch I can sometimes start getting a little hungry, and working out with a growling stomach isn't fun, so if needed, I'll have a few bites beforehand. It's really all about listening to your body, please don't force yourself to eat if you are feeling full, satisfied, and energized, but don't skip out on fueling your body either if it's truly what you need. Hope this helps!

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