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robotarmy's whole30


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Day 18 complete.

Pre CF: banana

Breakfast: beef roast in tomato sauce

Lunch: same

Dinner: burger, fruit salad

Okay, so the date: was really really super nervous. But had a really nice time and good conversation for the whole time. He was very very cute, and kind, and polite. Had dinner, then went to get him a hot fudge sundae for dessert. The end of the evening brought a hug, which is cool. Regardless of whether or not we see each other again, I had a good time! And hey, I got taken out by a cute guy.

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Thanks guys. I was so nervous. But he put me right at ease. I don't think there's anything there (a couple of red flags...but oh boy is he good looking) but we may hang out again. It's cool. Now I'm finding the nerve to work it with more guys :) Did I mention it's been a loooong time since I've actually dated? Wow. I forgot what it's like to pursue and be pursued. It's a slightly different thing in your 30s, but we all have experience and battle scars at this point so there are fewer games and more honest communications. That's not a bad thing. And thanks to all the good eating and wicked good physical activity I'm doing, I feel amazing inside and out.

And thanks Derval for the picture advice! I'll give it a try when I'm not dead tired. Nighty night!

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Day 20? Finished? Can it be?

Breakfast: braised greens w/ a little bit of chicken, 2 clementines

Lunch: pot roast in tomato sauce

Post workout: handful of dates and nuts

Dinner: 2 small lamb chops with onions and mushrooms, brocc-kali (hybrid of broccoli and kale, from my CSA box)


Food: amazing

Workout: worked my arms to failure. Didn't intend to, just trying to finish my 3 minute AMRAP KB swings + push-ups after some intense bench presses...Have I mentioned I am absolutely in love with CrossFit? I am. It's my new boyfriend.

On the way home from CF I stopped at the store to pick up some of the grass-fed beef. Even though I was at one of the 'natural' grocery stores, I was struck by how much junk food was there. And I'm not talking about non-Whole30-compliant stuff. I'm talking straight up junk food. I'd never noticed it before. And people are buying it because it's "natural" or "organic." But organic junk food is still junk food. Straight up.

It makes so much sense, but I'd never thought about it. This Whole30 business is amazing.

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Day 21. DAY 21!

Great day. Great food. Great workout.

Breakfast: clementines

Lunch: leftover lamb from last night's dinner

Pre workout: dates and pecans

Dinner: I'm not at all hungry. Haven't eaten yet. Thinking of just popping open a can of tuna before bed. But I'd feel like I was forcing myself to eat, so I'll wait it out to see how I feel. (Edit: Having a small bowl of the curry I'm making--it's good)

Making a beef curry to get me through the weekend. Tomorrow is going to be a long day: at least 13 hours of work. Saturday is also a work day this week. Lunch/dinner will be provided, but I guarantee it's nothing I will eat. So I'll take my curry and some fruit and some emergency Larabars.

Tonight's workout wasn't super strenuous, but it was great. Worked on my overhead press form (shoulders were super tight from yesterday's workout....could barely get the PVC pipe behind my head in practice). Trainer insisted that I stretch out and work on my form. Felt great. For the workout we all worked on power snatches. It was my day to learn the lift, so I worked on it with the PVC, the light bar, and then the light bar with weight. Good form was the only goal for me, not meeting the reps on the board. Improvements were made. And my shoulders feel fantastic. I'm just super bummed that I can't go tomorrow or Saturday because of work. So I"ll go for a run on Sunday and back to CF on Monday.

And...are...are those biceps? Heck yes they are.

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Lunch update from work: feeling amazing. That's how I know I've really hit my stride with my eating. I feel like accomplishing anything is within my reach. Even though I'm probably the physically weakest person at the gym, I feel powerful. And this is all because I've spent the last 22 days telling the naysayer voice in my head no, while proactively seeking out and saying yes to new experiences. Oh yeah and eating 100% W30 compliant. Amazing. Simply amazing.

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Day 22 complete. Started 3 weeks ago today. Actually ate breakfast this morning, too.

Breakfast: Beef curry, 2 clementines

Lunch: Beef curry, 1/2 grapefruit

Dinner: Leftover curry from lunch, some raw veggies


Working pretty much all day tomorrow. Missing out on brunch with friends, which is lame. Oh well, another time.

In other news, at least I'll have time to do some running both Saturday and Sunday. And may take myself to REI for some new running capris. That would be pretty awesome.

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Day 23, nearly in the bag! Worked all day. Ugh.

Breakfast (at work): 2 Larabars and hot tea

Lunch: leftover curry

Pre-run: Larabar

Dinner: leftover shrimp soup

I'm not a fast runner. I never have been. And to be honest, I've taken the last 2 years off of running due to injury and lack of inspiration. So imagine my surprise when I ran 3 miles at nearly my old 5k pace today. Now, that's not a fast pace by any means. But I felt great. I mean, really great. Can't wait to get out there again tomorrow.

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Day 23: 5 miles in the rain. Awesome. But I ran stupid. Wasn't properly fueled so I was dying by the time I got back to the car. And now I'm going out for coffee with a cute guy who has been blowing my mind a little bit (in a good way). Going to see if he actually exists and isn't actually a figment of my imagination.

Will report back. In my Whole30 journal. Because that's how we roll here at robotarmy industries.

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Day 23 is in the bag!

Food: uninteresting. Larabars, tuna, fruit; nuts, sashimi.

Feeling great and looking forward to the home stretch!

Okay so, met up with mind blowing man this afternoon and had a nice long chat that turned into a chat over dinner. Really really good looking guy too. Nice. Fun. Funny. Asked him out again awkwardly at the end of the date. He said yes, but we're both so busy it might be difficult. So I texted him a "hey no pressure" message later because I worried he said yes to be nice. He said "don't sweat it, we'll get it figured out" and said he had a good time too. So at least I've had good times with both of my dates this week. Don't know if this guy was feeling it...but again, it was a great time.

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Day 24 under way! Breakfast was dates and pecans. Yeah I know but I don't feel particularly inspired at 6am. Lunch was a pretty awesome salad with butter lettuce, kalamata olives, slivered almonds, white carrots, and tuna, dressed with olive oil and Meyer lemon juice. Just 40 more mins of work then it's home and off to CrossFit! Can't wait to go tonight. It's going to be a great workout. It's like the endorphins are already flowing.

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Day 28! Actually kind of hungry this morning, but playing it safe and going with the truly excellent broth I made yesterday. Just from beef marrow bones and lamb neck bones. Also playing it safe and staying home from work. I'm hoping to feel good enough to get to the gym tonight!

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Hi robotarmy,

Hope you are on the mend now!

And as a side note, I hadn't really dated in awhile and then in the midst of my first whole 30 last August, I met a wonderful guy who encompasses everything I was looking for in a partner. I'm not sure if it was a case of simply being more open or what, but I feel like the fact that I was devoted to inner and outer wellness and clear thinking made me see something that I might have missed had I been my former self.

As weird as it sounds, I firmly believe that the effects of my whole 30 also brought me the love of my life. And I'm not one of those silly sappy girls at all. But I can't deny the connection.

All this to say that sometimes when we have things more in order in our heads, we see everything around us more clearly.

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All this to say that sometimes when we have things more in order in our heads, we see everything around us more clearly.


That's awesome. So far 2013 has been an eventful year for me, including the jump back into dating. It's encouraging to hear your words! I definitely think that thinking and feeling more clearly has so much to do with how we react to every single life situation (including the matters of love). And I'm grateful for the W30 because I'm thinking more clearly and feeling positive and fantastic. I know what I want, and feel empowered to go out and get it!

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Guys, thanks so much for your well wishes. This stomach bug has been icky, but it seems that it's on its way out.

So Day 28 is DONE! I feel so much better than I did earlier today and yesterday. Ate some actual food. Got my butt to CF, where snatches and burpees (100) were done. I did not vom. So I'm headed back to work tomorrow!! Can't wait to see my colleagues and students.

Food: broth...water...a couple of Larabars...sardines w/ olives and some slivered almonds...water...

Feeling amazing. Can't wait to achieve this goal of 30 days of clean eating!

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