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Reintro Day 5 - snacks are back

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Ya, this isn't good. Somehow, snacking has returned. 3 times today I have found myself staring into the fridge or swinging open the pantry door to have a little look around - because taking a mid-day inventory is a necessary thing. Nope. Nope. Nope. I do not need to be grazing - I woke up at 6AM as usual, had a lovely tomato, onion and kale hash with eggs for breakfast and potato salad and leftover chop for lunch and... okay, I see it. That's really not enough food. The hash is veg and 2 eggs. Then I walk with my daughter to work and return with 9000 steps on my pedometer and I drink a little sparkling mineral water with lemon and wonder why, at 10AM, I'm standing in front of the pantry fondling a bag of Werther's toffee like, if I read the label fast enough, I'll decide they are compliant. 

I did not see what was happening until I started writing it down just now. I'm not eating enough. Okay then... onward. I hereby forgive myself for plowing through the rest of the potato salad and eating watermelon over the sink like a thief. Got it. More food including a carb at breakfast and maybe a couple of dates and some almonds after my morning walk. 

In other news, I'm still not really reintroducing anything. I've reread ISWF and have decided I need to define "Worth It" so I can be more confident trying things. I'm still not missing anything either so no worries - things will come back when they come I suppose.

I went back to work today - I'm a personal coach with clients all over the world - juggling different time zones is a work out in itself. Taking a full week off for travel and jet lag was a good idea - I felt on top of my game with my 2 clients today. I really feel well - I don't know how to describe it other than to say, I feel really well. Amazing.



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On 2/13/2019 at 1:22 AM, Lorna from Canada said:

...like, if I read the label fast enough, I'll decide they are compliant.

This had me cracking up, because I've done that... and had the 30-minute conversation in my head where one voice justifies the decision to grab whatever it is I'm considering, while another voice calmly reminds me that I probably don't actually want to deal with the side effects that would come with eating it (and occasionally another rational voice asks if I'd be just as happy to sit down with a plate of real food). It gets amusing, and a little sad, sometimes. And it's not like my sugar dragon is even still roaring, or that I feel like I didn't work through the mindset behind my old snacking habits... but I still end up gazing with borderline intent to graze, until I realize that I'm not actually hungry (or that I am but that's because it's been, I dunno, 6 hours since I ate?) :D

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