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Low FODMAPs for a Whole30 High


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I'm pretty sure it's not giving up. You've done an amazing job with your food experiment. But there comes a time when you're overthinking and need to just stop. Surrender. Take a break. Pitch a fit. Whatever you need to do!

Remember, the temperence in Whole9, even moderation in moderation. I hope that you can relax and let your hair down in some small fashion. Hulk Hogan's no super hero, but he's still awesome. And so are you.

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I'm pretty sure it's not giving up. You've done an amazing job with your food experiment. But there comes a time when you're overthinking and need to just stop. Surrender. Take a break. Pitch a fit. Whatever you need to do!

Remember, the temperence in Whole9, even moderation in moderation. I hope that you can relax and let your hair down in some small fashion. Hulk Hogan's no super hero, but he's still awesome. And so are you.


You've done so great in the face of adversity, it's ok to take a breather.

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Thanks you guys.

If self control is like a muscle, then mine went into a serious spasm!

I haven't actually gone off plan yet, except for a tiny bit of 90% chocolate. I think my inner toddler may have some foot-stamping to do. And my inner foodie is fed up with all the recipes I have to skip!

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Day 24: There's a crazy person inside my head

I really don't know what's going on with me! I think it may be the weather. The 'thrill-seeking' part of my brain has just been turned back on after a relaxing period of dormancy. I want EXCITEMENT! ADVENTURE! NOVELTY!!! And I'm trying to stop looking for it in the kitchen, but it's hard to change the habit of a lifetime.

I made Well Fed's Pad Thai this evening. It was good, but nothing like Pad Thai. For one thing, Pad Thai doesn't have a peanut sauce; it's more a sugar/soy/vinegar/fish sauce type thing. I think I might try to Paleofy real Pad Thai soon. I've got some "Miracle Noodles" that need using.

Still haven't officially quit the Whole30. It's like it's so ingrained that I just can't!!!! Or maybe that I'm so not-myself right now that I'm afraid what would happen if I loosened the reigns. I'm going out to dinner Wednesday night; I'll probably make that the official end.

Right now I'm thinking I'll take a week off, and then go low FODMAPs and low fruit/starch for a couple of weeks to try to starve out the nasty little beasties!!! Or maybe I'll take two weeks off. I don't have any desire for dairy or grains, but I wouldn't mind a bit of SWYPO!!! Mmmmmm, paleo pancakes, please.

I've started taking s. boulardii and Super Enzymes, and putting fresh ginger in my water with meals. They seem to be helping with the gas/bloating.

My husband has just said he can't take another winter like this and maybe we should move somewhere sunnier than Portland. So we've spent the evening looking up 'livable' cities with warmer weather; our list isn't very long.

Juzbo and praxis, I hadn't realized Melbourne now holds the title as most livable city!

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