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Crohn's--can Whole30 help?

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Hi everyone! I am on Day 8 of the Whole 30, after being on a very flexible version of it off-and-on for a while. I decided to get serious in the New Year because of flare-ups with my Crohn's disease and to tame my binge-eating/emotional-eating/out-of-control dragon!

I was diagnosed with Crohn's about half a year ago and started taking Cimzia, which kept me in recovery for a couple of months. For the last couple of months however, I've felt like I'm on the verge of a flare-up, i.e., many bathroom emergencies, sudden cramps, etc. It happened no matter what I ate, if I ate, how much, what time of day, etc.

Maybe I'm being impatient, but I was expecting at least some sort of change, even slight alleviation, after being on a strict Whole 30 for a week now. But alas, it seems as bad as ever. I'm going to my GI this week, but I assume she will try to prescribe more medication rather than be receptive to helping my symptoms with diet changes.

Does any one else have advice about this, or their own story about curing Crohn's (or any IBD) with Whole 30? Perhaps posting an eating log of some sort would help you help me troubleshoot this thing?

Thanks for your help!

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Hi touchstone,

Do some searching on this blog for Crohns, and you'll see a bunch of responses. Mod Robin's has it and has been hugely successful in getting asymptomatic. She shared her full story in a response recently.

Hang in there! Things don't always get better until after the 2 week mark for some folks.

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touchstone -

We'll get this figured out together. A food log would be awesome, and make sure you note if you're eating any veggies raw. Right now I can tell you to stay away from many raw veg and just forget about nuts for now. Also, if you've been struggling for awhile, it's going to take some time to get things settled down from an inflammation standpoint. Are you on any medications?

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Thanks, Robin and Renee!

Robin, I am currently on Cimzia (similar to Humira). I usually do a whole bunch o' cookery on the weekends and this weeks it's pretty consistently been:


1/2 sweet potato, 1 hard-boiled egg



This great recipe, with a side of (very well-) roasted broccoli as she suggests.


tuna, fried egg, 1/2 avocado

No raw vegetables, but I admit I could start trying to stay away from nut butters if they cause inflammation.

Have been casually looking into the SCD diet, which seems super intense, restrictive, and scary!

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just to encourage you: my husband has struggled with horrible ulcerative colitis for 2+ years. He was able to get off his steroids and immuno-suppressants when he went gluten free a year ago, but still had symptoms, and sometimes they got pretty bad.

He did a whole30 with me in August and has been 100% symptom free since then. He even added a few things back in...he's careful, and reverts back to whole30 at the slightest hint of an issue, but it's been amazing for him. And it was definitely rough for him during the first 2 weeks, but then it really improved.

Hang in there!

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