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Diabetes ups the ante

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I am 10 days into my first Whole30. I did not plan to get the whole family on board until/unless I had sufficient results to counter any "We don't want to change" arguments. Buuuuuut......

My husband was diagnosed 7 years ago with type 2 diabetes. He has done a great job -- mostly through exercise and monitoring sugar intake -- of keeping it controlled. However, at his latest doctor's appointment, he learned that his A1C has inched up to 7.0, right on the border of "uncontrolled" territory. And he could stand to lose 10 pounds or so.

He has been interested in and supportive of my Whole30 experiment, but he is still convinced that whole grains = healthy carbs. I am working on that.

I would appreciate any advice, information or suggestions from those who are managing type-2 diabetes. This is a battle I DO NOT intend to lose. Please help if you can.

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My mom got her diabetes under control by cutting out grains (even whole grains). She's now back on having oatmeal for breakfast, I think, but monitoring her blood sugar VERY carefully, and if that starts giving her higher readings, she'll cut it back out. She cut the whole grains out at the recommendation of her doctor after she developed a diabetic ulcer on her foot (now healed, which is great). Is his doctor a specialist or anything like that? I feel like a lot of GPs are not up on nutrition, and especially not up on nutrition for special needs and chronic ailments.

Walking every day definitely is a good suggestion -- even a little movement is better than none.

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Thanks for the info. I hadn't yet looked up the glycemic load, etc. of sweet potatoes. And we used to walk 3+ miles every day, but have missed out lately due to time and weather and baby constraints. We did buy an Octane elliptical, and he uses it a lot. He also monitors his blood sugar daily, and there hasn't been a spike lately, so this A1C reading is out of left field.

I am currently in a death feud (exaggerating, of course!) with his doctor. It seems like every time he has an appointment, he comes home with a new Rx or a higher dosage of something. I have gone with him to appointments to talk about our nutrition strategies, and the response is, "Sounds great. Keep that up." And more drugs.

For example, my husband has low overall cholesterol and low (under 40) HDL. Runs in the family. His doctor prescribes Niaspan to increase his HDL, but that causes elevated blood sugar. I keep saying I think the blood sugar is a bigger problem than the low HDL, and I think it is time for them both to listen.

I did get my husband to agree to give up his "healthy" plain oatmeal breakfast if I am willing to cook his breakfast instead. (I am!) He is also going to forego sandwiches for lunch in favor of whatever I come up with for him to eat. And dinner is already w30. So, by hook or by crook, he is going paleo. I need this to work.

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Hi all...this is my very first post and my very first Whole30. I am just on day 2 but super excited and pumped. I wont go into all my questions or thoughts as this is for Diabetics so I will comment on that.

My husband is diabetic (type 2) and he managed to get off insulin with diet and exercise. In the last while (year perhaps) we both have not been good. It has gotten worse and when I found out about this, I thought how great it would be for both of us. (I am really overweight and now is the time to do something).

Anyway, this is directly in response to the original poster who mentioned about the doctor. As luck would have it, my hubs had an appointment with his doctor this morning. He told her about what he was going to do (super excited as well) and she wanted nothing to do with it. She basically said that nothing will help except more or different drugs, including one for borderline high-cholesterol. Hubs didn't even get a chance to say what it was about she just said nothing would help. I don't understand how a doctor can't think that eating better wouldn't help...

So, my questions is, does anyone have any idea what to say to a Dr. who doesn't want to be part of this? And it is not diet specific, it was just the old 'throw drugs at it' mentality (and I know this isn't a diet, just using the term here). Hubs is just thinking that when he goes back he can let his blood work do the talking but what about for the future?

Thanks in advance...any help would be appreciated!

PS If this is in the wrong spot or should be it's own topic please let me know. I just didn't want to make an extra topic if it isn't needed (I read the forum rules :):))

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You know, it's a really tough situation to handle docs that aren't willing to listen. Do you have the option of changing/switching PCPs? I totally agree with your husband's plan of attack "just let the bloodwork/results speak for themselves," but you're right that there's a concern for the future.

There are docs out there that don't just throw drugs at every problem that crosses their paths, but you may have to look for them. It's important to stand up for yourself, ask what the options are (and do the research on your own too!)

If you can't get what you need from them, you need to look elsewhere.

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Wow! Thanks Renee Lee, I appreciate the very quick response.

Yes, we talked about the possibility of changing doctors and I hate to say BUT because I believe that sometimes a BUT is just an excuse in disguise...but, we live in very small town and it actually might not be an option! Saying that however will not stop us from finding someone who will work with us even if that means travelling 2 hours to do it!!

I think we are going to wait until the appointment in March and see what happens then. If everything goes well and his results are good then I would expect her to get on board as it were and be part of the solution. If she doesn't, I think that is a clear sign that we need to make a change. I guess I just needed to see someone else say the same thing to solidify it in my mind.

Thanks again, and I am quite happy to be here and be part of what looks like a great group of people!


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