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sick to my stomach

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Day 2 of eating breakfast and day 2 of my stomach hurting. Yesterday it was pretty mild but today it's so intense. I'm nauseous and feel horrible. This is the same pain I started feeling which led me to believe I was allergic to eggs, I took them out of my diet and this cleared up, however it's back with a vengeance. Yesterday I ate my leftover dinner of chicken, broccoli, garlic, red bell, and carrots for breakfast, and today it was grassfed beef with sauteed onion, red bell. garlic, tomato, jalapeno, carrots and celery, with avocado. I'm just confused because if it was a certain food, I'd be feeling bad in the evening when I ate it, but I don't I always feel fine. It's only when I eat first thing, about an hour after I eat, I get sick to my stomach for about 2-3 hours. Is this normal? Is this going to last long because I want to curl up and die right now.

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Hi Jessica,

I am on day 9 of my first whole 30 and I had many of the same "tummy issues" you are describing the first few days of my Whole 30. They passed! My best guess is that my body was getting used to digesting these new foods, maybe more fiber than I'm used to or something? I don't know. Maybe sip on some bone broth if you have a tummy ache or some sparkling water for the bubbles.

Feel better!

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I've been struggling recently with a similar issue, and I think it has predominantly to do with fat. Not saying fat is bad, but that our bodies may be used to higher carb, lower fat eating, and this might be challenging to the digestive system. I've had success with digestive enzymes (when I remember to take them), but I notice I have trouble trying to stick to three meals a day, as this requires higher doses of fat at each meal. This might not be your issue, but it's another factor to consider. Good luck!

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Thank you ladies for the ideas and suggestions. You may be right about the adjusting thing. I was eating paleo before this so I thought I was pretty fat adapted but I was only eating 1 to 2 meals later in the day. It's possible that my body isn't use to eating 3 times a day? Hopefully it'll sort itself out and I will look into the digestive enzymes.

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Day One for me and I had terrible stomach pain this morning after eating 2 eggs for breakfast. Pain was a 7 out of 10. Got better after about 45 minutes (and "eliminating" some stuff although I did not throw up). I am baffled as to why this happened. I have eaten eggs before for breakfast but usually in a sandwich, omelette, etc.

Hope it doesn't happen again...

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From what I've experienced and heard from others there are frequently a few upset stomach days as your body detoxes and adjust to digesting different types of food. If it continues when you eat eggs though you should eliminate them, that's a sign of an allergy. I'm betting you'll be fine in a few days though! You might want to look into some digestive enzymes. It was suggested to me. I haven't gotten any yet, but I am going to. Also, a 1 inch piece of ginger grated to make a tea, with a little lemon seemed to get rid of most of my ickiness pretty quickly. Good luck darling! Day 12 done here and feeling fantastic!

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