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Gastrointestional Issues! Aarrghh! Normal?

Jenn B

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I am having severe gastrointestinal issues on the eve of day 6, all through the night, and now into day 7.

I was doing fine the first 6 days, and am wondering, is this normal?

The only new foods in day 6 were:

I tried "whole" bacon for the first time yesterday morning with breakfast.

I added less than a teaspoon of canned coconut milk to my coffee (by the way, is decaffeinated coffee an acceptable "Whole" food? and I added brocoli rab (may be spelling this wrong) on day 5 and day 6.

Hate to be graphic, but lets just say if you are down wind, you don't want to be, and when I awoke numerous times last evening to run to the facility, one time, totally unaware in my sleep that this happened, there were remnants in my underclothing.

I work as a part time ski instructor on weekends and don't have time to prepare my food- just wondering how to handle this. and really, is this normal?

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Gastro issues can be a normal way of your body adapting to new foods. Many people find digestive enzymes helpful. Without knowing what you ate before and exactly what you're eating now it's not really possible to guess. However, even then it would only be a guess. I posted about halfway through my 1st W30 that I had the most horrendous gastro issues, so bad I'd to call in the doc. I discovered I'd a dose of enteritis which he reckoned was caused by a bug and totally unrelated to the W30 food choices and took medication to clear up.

Personally if I were you, I'd cut out any new foods I thought might be problematical, wait til I felt better and maybe reintroduce them one at a time and try digestive enzymes if you're not already taking them. However if it doesn't clear up or gets worse it might be worth seeking medical help, since all sorts of things could be causing this. Really hope you feel better soon.

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Thank you. So far so good. With meal two, I ate a banana. I have not had to "run" to the bathroom. Tomorrow morning will be the true test. And as per your advice, will seek medical attention if it is not clearing up within the next day or so.

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