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I am feeling so blah


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I just started my Whole30. I prepped for over two weeks. I got coconut everything, tons of veggies, etc. I thought I was prepared. I made a weeks worth of veggie and bacon frittatas. While they were cooking, I started reading this forum. I'm already feeling awful: headaches, exhaustion, starving all day yesterday. I'm feeling really discouraged. And now I read I may have bought the wrong kind of bacon and the wrong coconut milk? And my balsamic vinegar may non compliant!? Ahhhhhhh!

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If your coconut milk is the kind that comes in cartons, then yes it is bad...you need the canned stuff normally found in the Asian food section. I have given up on finding compliant bacon; everything in the store has sugar! You can get it online from US Wellness, but I'm just not so in love with bacon I'm willing to pay those prices. I don't know about the vinegar, I thought everything but malt was OK.

I find it quite exhausting to follow the W30 protocol - you have to read every single label, shop around for the best prices, plan your meals every week, then cook cook cook followed by wash wash wash dishes! It's totally worth it though. No one can tell you how long you will have to wait to feel better, but it will happen eventually. And besides the increased energy, there could be all kinds of other benefits (depends on what problems you had and how you ate prior to W30).

If I were you, I would go ahead and eat everything that's already cooked and just make your official start day a bit later, once you've had time to fully research everything and buy all the good compliant stuff. Good luck and please don't give up!!

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Bacon with any kind of added sugar is a no go.

Many people do not eat enough during a Whole30 because they can't believe they are really supposed to eat as much as we say. If you are hungry, you are almost certainly not eating enough. You should probably review the meal template - http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf - again, and see how much more you might should be eating.

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