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Always 'hungry' after dinner...!?


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I ate a huge dinner tonight to combat my snacking issue and was stuffed! But sure enough, 3 hrs later and I think I'm hungry! Not starving, just a little empty feeling, and I HATE goin to bed empty-ish!

So I snacked on frozen blueberries, which led to 1\2 a banana... thankfully I stopped there but I feel guilty for doin this!

Is it my a sugar craving? Either way, should I be ignoring my stomach (Brain...) and just going to bed?

Or is OK to snack?

Advice please :)


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Hi, meals should really be enough to carry you from one to the other, however it often takes some time to tweak them to get them to work like this. I know you said you ate a huge dinner but did it have enough protein and fat? There's nothing wrong with a snack if you're hungry but ideally it should be a mini meal, protein, fat & veggies. The book says the way to tell if it's real hunger or a craving is, how would you react if you were offered plain fish and broccoli. If that's appealing you're hungry, so eat. If it's not and you really want fruit or something sweet, then it's a craving. The bad news is if it is a sugar craving and you eat fruit, then you've basically fed the craving and strengthened it :( but if you ignore it it gets weaker and eventually goes away :). If you're going to have fruit it's ideally eaten as part of a meal, not a snack on it's own.

It can take a while to get used to not being full going to bed but it is sooo much better for the body but don't feel guilty, it's a learning process for us all.

By the way, I'm presuming you're still on W30? If you've finished it and this post W30 then you're riding your own bike so it's whatever you decide ;) . good luck anyway

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I plan my last meal to end 2 hours before bed time. Eating earlier means I am more likely to want to "top off the tank" before bed. When you do eat something, it is important to make that something protein and fat heavy and not fruit or sweet heavy. One of my go-to snacks is a can of sardines and a few bites of cold sauerkraut.

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Here is a whole9 blog post you may find helpful:


I would ask you to ask yourself if it is hunger or habit? Were you someone that always had a little snack at night, maybe while watching TV? Those habits can be hard to break. If you aren't willing to eat something like Tom suggested above, then it quite possibly is not hunger at all but the sugar dragon coming out of the cave.

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I also, at night, will let my stomach feel a little empty, because it doesn't bother me -- I know I'll eat when I get up in the morning. But, if my stomach starts growling, I'll eat. I know I won't starve, because I'm eating enough during the day in general, and waiting to make sure I'm really hungry isn't going to cost me that much.

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Thanks for all the replies!

Kirsteen- I'm on day 9 of my W30. It makes so much sense wat you said abt wanting to eat broccoli etc.. :) I think I was hungry, except I should've gone to bed because it was very mild.

BTW, once I started eating fruit, THAT's when the craving for more began.

Next time, fish and broccoli it is!!!!! :)

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Hi Star, I was pretty sure you were still W30 but this has somehow got into the Life After W30 section. I'm not sure how to move it but don't worry about it, I'll ask another mod. Yep, the fruit in sugar can easily awaken cravings in some people, I'm one of them :( which is why I limit it to meals. One other thing I found was that it wasn't enough just to have a big enough dinner, I had to have a big enough breakfast as well if I wanted to stop being hungry at night. So make sure you keep eating enough. good luck

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Yes, yes, yes to a big enough breakfast. That has been the key for me. If I have been on the run all day and have had minimal calories and not the proper make-up of protein and fat and veggies, I can never make-up for it at dinner. I can be full, but then an hour later, be hungry again. It's that old adage, eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Queen, and dinner like a pauper, or something like that.

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I'm the same, if I don't eat enough during the day I just can't get satisfied at dinner, no matter how high I pile my plate. Like tonight for instance! I ate a smallish lunch and breakfast (trying to lose a few pounds, bad idea), was starving and ate a huge dinner, and en route to bed stopped by the fridge and ate the lunch I'd prepared for tomorrow, plus other bits and pieces. 2 dinners later I'm feeling pretty gross. Whereas if I have a big proper meal at lunch, something I'm really not used to doing, I find I'm not really hungry at all for the rest of the day. Eat more during the day - it should help :)

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