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The world's ending, Atticus!

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No, not really! I just need a little shot in the arm today--reached Day 14, almost half-way home, and starting to have that reaction that everybody talked about and everybody says you don't think will happen to you--but it happened to me! I am grieving over the food I can't eat, and not yet dreaming, but day-dreaming over foods I want. Not craving, not like rummaging through the back of the cupboards in the vain hope I left a package of instant lemon pudding back there, but just thinking, "Oh, man! Lemon pudding! Fruit leather! (which I never eat) Soft, sweet, chewy things, I love you!" Hah. But not so hah, if you know what I'm saying.

The good things happening are way too good to give up, though: less fibro pain, a bit better sleep, much better bowel function (where else could you say that on the internet!), face rash and keratosis pilaris (which I've had since I was a little girl) nearly gone, hair loss halted, less "cellulite," back to the gym and post-workout soreness not so terrible I want to throw myself off the top of the Smith machine, and mood way, way, way, way more stable and predictable.

So, forging on, but a little tea and sympathy would be much appreciated! I promise to return the favor if needed!

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Hey there. First of all, congratulations on making it this far with great improvements. Second, you are not craving a grilled mockingbird (worried tone here) are you? I am pretty sure they might be compliant.

But seriously,

1. You have chosen to look for support instead of giving up - awesome

2. You know it is supposed to happen and you know exactly why it is happening. Mindset "this is an inevitable phase" that will be over soon was working for me.

3. Read reintro logs with the most scary titles :D

4. Enjoy the suffer. Sounds horrible and negative, I know. It's like paying the debt to your gut. You made it suffer for a long time. Again, worked for me, so it's your call.

5. Find couple exciting and new recipes to try (meat and veggies please). Or pick a veggie and research new cool method to cook it. Trick your brain if that is what it takes.

6. Go and workout. Or stretch. Or walk. Distraction it is.

Hope this helps somewhat.

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Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I don't think I'm in any danger of stopping the program--the gift of fibromyalgia is that it is so incredibly motivating if you find something that helps--but as I say, it was sort of a shocker to find myself so blue over missing certain foods. I don't think I even want to eat them--I think I just want to have them in my mouth! So maybe what I should do is indulge in a little bit of comfort today, via tea, a nice baked sweet potato, and a good long phone call to a friend. A walk sounds outstanding, too. Thanks again.

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Scoutfinch you can have all the tea and sympathy you want, it's what we Brits are known for :). As you said you're grieving over food you can't have. Change our lifestyle in any major way and we grieve for what we've lost or given up even if we wanted rid of it in the first place. We all do it. But hey, you recognise what's happening and you know it'll pass. So yes, be really good to yourself, have as many comforts (compliant) as you want. And while you're at it, tell yourself how wonderful you are, 'cos you are ;) You didn't just sit and mope, you didn't try to find something non-compliant to eat, you faced your feelings, owned up to them and came on here to talk about them. So high fives for dealing with it so well. The grief will pass and you'll keep getting healthier and healthier. good luck

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Thank you, Kirsteen, you are lovely! (And my dad was from England, so I know.) That thing you said is really right: even if we wanted rid of it in the first place, there does seem to be something disloyal in wanting that and in following up on it. Fascinating process, I will say that! Thank you again!

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Scout as the other two said, so great you chose to put your cravings into words and not into your mouth. This happens to all of us. Sometimes there is a reason (everything from fatigue to hunger to anger to an emotional moment) and other times it happens just because.

I am on my fifth W whatever and I have found those feelings only happen rarely. When they do, I remind myself that it's not that I can't have (insert item) but that I CHOOSE not to have them.

Keep forging on. You are doing great! :)

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It takes a while for your brain to catch up to how your body feels.... After a while it gets the message that you are feeling great and you really make the connection, this is when the thought of eating instant modified food starch,sugar, and artificial lemon flavor .... Really grosses you out instead of tempting you...

Give it time... Sounds like you are doing great!!!

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