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Completed 30days

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Just weighed in after my first W30 and I gained weight, frustrating but trying to not let it bother me. I lost two inches from my waist/hips, less than I thought I would but at least it's something. I know I need to keep going. I still have never woken up hungry and forcing breakfast down and digestion is still off kilter. I will eat chocolate today but other than that I will need to plan for my next W30...maybe after easter.

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2" off the waist/hips is great, I carry all extra pounds in my hips-makes it hard to shop! I hope you continue to build on your success and feel even better when you get the digestion and hunger elements in line. Are you taking any enzymes or eating fermented foods to help with the digestion aspect? How's the rest of your life, stress, sleep, support, etc?

Oh and enjoy the chocolate! If you're going to indulge make it really delightful!

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I did start enzymes and am trying kombucha but don't like it very much. I want to venture into fermented foods but haven't yet. Sleep stinks only because of two toddlers who don't sleep well. I have a fair amount of stress packing up two different house for a move..mine and my dads. I think my next go will exclude nuts, eggs and nightshades to see if IBS protocol yields better digestion. Guessing I need closer to 60 days next time too.

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Mom2A&M don't forget muscle weighs more than fat. If you are showing up consistently for your workouts maybe you are just getting stronger! I think dropping sizes and whittling your waist line is a better litmus test. Don't give up, just sayin'...

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My logical side knows this, and I have lost 50 lbs over the last 18months so I also know that it's a long process. Was hoping to drop a few more than two inches. I have decided to attempt a W60 starting in April and follow IBS protocol, my digestion is more my focus now, and I want to feel tiger blood ;)

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Mom2A&M, 2 inches is awesome. I know you know that this isn't a weight loss program. Sleep and stress have SO much to do with everything else. Give yourself a break. W30 isn't a magic bullet. You have lost 50 lbs...you know all of this. Just reminding you. :) Do you have much more to lose? It gets tough towards the end. I know...I lost 84 lbs about 4 years ago on a horrid space food diet. I wish I had known W30 back then.

Muscle does not weigh more than fat, but it is more dense (denser?). So...a lb of fat sitting on a table is bigger than a lb of muscle.

I wish I could convince you to forget about the scale and measuring tape. I know it's hard. I gave mine to my neighbor. Those numbers no longer mean anything to me. I measure success so much differently now.

Hopefully when you do your next W30, some of the stress will be off your shoulders.

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Mom2A&M, 2 inches is awesome. I know you know that this isn't a weight loss program. Sleep and stress have SO much to do with everything else. Give yourself a break. W30 isn't a magic bullet. You have lost 50 lbs...you know all of this. Just reminding you. :) Do you have much more to lose? It gets tough towards the end. I know...I lost 84 lbs about 4 years ago on a horrid space food diet. I wish I had known W30 back then.

Muscle does not weigh more than fat, but it is more dense (denser?). So...a lb of fat sitting on a table is bigger than a lb of muscle.

I wish I could convince you to forget about the scale and measuring tape. I know it's hard. I gave mine to my neighbor. Those numbers no longer mean anything to me. I measure success so much differently now.

Hopefully when you do your next W30, some of the stress will be off your shoulders.

I don't have that much more to lose, and I am less concerned with the scale as I am about belly fat. I have a long family history of heart disease and I know belly fat is a risk factor. I also don't care for the muffin top (unless I'm eating it!) I can see more definition in my shoulder/arms so I know it's improving. My biggest concern now is digestion, so next time focus will be how I feel and no scale! Thanks!

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IBS protocol has worked my digestion out really well- I'm not 100% yet, but better than I can remember maybe ever. I also gained a few pounds, but am smaller through my midsection, so I'm just like whatever about my weight. I think shifting your focus to your digestion is a VERY WISE MOVE.

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