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At a complete loss...


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I have completed my first Whole30 and have actually extended it for a few moire weeks. I was hoping to drop a few pounds, but my weight just isn't budging. I have Hashimotos and hard-core early menopause. I am so frustrated I just don't know whats to do anymore. Anybody else in the same boat? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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I am not in the same boat but I know that Melissa,who blogs at theclothesmakethegirl.com, has had part of her thyroid removed and writes a lot about paleo, weight loss troubles, and thyroid issues on her site. It might be worth checking out.

Wish I could be of more help.



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It might be helpful to either try the AIP protocol or to read up on supplements that would help with your peri-menopause symptoms. I no longer have my thyroid (removed about 5 years ago), and am in peri-menopause, so I also had trouble getting the pounds to come off. But doing both of these (the AIP and supplements) and now they're coming off. More importantly, I feel sooooo much better. :) Don't lose hope, just keep trying different things until you find what works. And it may be that more time is what is needed..... (I did 49 days, took a brief break, and am now back for another round).

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I'm inclined to agree with Mary-T... more time and slightly different approaches. The fact is that one of your major endocrine organs is malfunctioning so you can't expect to have "standard" results in a unique body. Melissa does have great advice on her blog (not to mention my FAVORITE cookbook on the planet!) but maybe consulting with a nutritionist who is well versed in this area might be the way to go...

The thing is that when we don't get the results we expected from a big commitment, we immediately think we will NEVER get those results so "why bother" with the sacrifices, right? It's selling yourself short.... don't do it. You were fearfully and wonderfully made! and your body WILL work better than it is right now... just keep giving it what it needs. : )

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I have thyroid issues and type 1 diabetes and am having trouble losing any weight. I've lost about 4kg since October so it's coming off, just very slooooowly. Oh and throw your scale away. When weight loss is super slow like mine, it's too small to notice with frequent weighing, and the number on the scale is so demoralising that I usually give up and overeat for a few days after weighing!

Be patient :)

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  • 4 months later...

I'm 62 and post menopausal although still having hot flashes.  I finised my first Whole 30 yesterday and DID NOT cheat and gained 3 pounds.  SOOOOO disappointing.  I don't know what AIP is, but will see if I can find it on the Paleomom.com website.  I had a bad day and was really cranky because of the huge disappointment of gaining 3 pounds in the 30 days.  I will probably stick with Whole30, but cut my portion sizes down.  I only want to lose about 7 pounds.  I have a big appetite and am probably just eating too much and having too much fat.  Any advice is most appreciated.

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I'm 62 and post menopausal although still having hot flashes.  I finised my first Whole 30 yesterday and DID NOT cheat and gained 3 pounds.  SOOOOO disappointing.  I don't know what AIP is, but will see if I can find it on the Paleomom.com website.  I had a bad day and was really cranky because of the huge disappointment of gaining 3 pounds in the 30 days.  I will probably stick with Whole30, but cut my portion sizes down.  I only want to lose about 7 pounds.  I have a big appetite and am probably just eating too much and having too much fat.  Any advice is most appreciated.

Did you measure yourself before and after?  I'm curious if you lost any inches?

AIP is the auto-immune protocol.

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NH Girl, here is the list for Auto Immune Protocol on W30 http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Shopping-List-Autoimmune.pdf. It is the basic plan but also excludes eggs, nuts and seed (and any spices from seeds), nightshades, also no nut butter or ghee. I am doing that protocol and it's been working great for me. I haven't weighed myself, but I can tell I have lost inches at least.  I am also menopausal and have hashi's thyroiditis.


I did read on another thread where Melissa chimed in about menopausal women and how they have special needs and may need to see a naturalpath to get the hormones stable before seeing great results. Or it can just take longer. I think my hot flashes have subsided in frequency and intensity since being on W30. Other benefits are a big reduction in joint inflammation and the elimination of sugar highs and lows. I plan on doing another W30 after taking a break for vacation.

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NH Girl, I wouldn't recommend changing your portion sizes. Even though it seems discouraging, 3 lbs doesn't really mean a whole lot. I fluctuate 3 lbs on a day to day basis, and I used to regularly cut 3-4lbs in a day or two to make weight for a weightlifting meet.  Don't stress out about this.  Given that you're menopausal, like Bet said, it's definitely harder work for you...but staying the course will help!

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Thanks for the comments and the support everyone.  I lost a total of 2 and 1/4 inches, so that was at least something.  I lost it yesterday and had an ounce of dark chocolate, some low salt potato chips and coconut milk yogurt along with my Whole 30 stuff.  Bad news.  Something really got to me and I was up to the BR at 9, 11 and 1 pm last night.  Was back on track today.  I am a small person with a big appetite.  ISWF says you can have eggs, ie how many you can hold in your hand.  I have been having 3 (we have our own chickens) but thought that maybe I should just have 2 and also, I was having a lot of fat.  Love the mayo recipe that is in the book  - I could eat that on everything.  So I am just trying to be more reasonable and will see what happens.  Plus it may just take me longer to get my body into a fat burning mode.

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NH Girl, here is the list for Auto Immune Protocol on W30 http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Shopping-List-Autoimmune.pdf. It is the basic plan but also excludes eggs, nuts and seed (and any spices from seeds), nightshades, also no nut butter or ghee. I am doing that protocol and it's been working great for me. I haven't weighed myself, but I can tell I have lost inches at least.  I am also menopausal and have hashi's thyroiditis.


I did read on another thread where Melissa chimed in about menopausal women and how they have special needs and may need to see a naturalpath to get the hormones stable before seeing great results. Or it can just take longer. I think my hot flashes have subsided in frequency and intensity since being on W30. Other benefits are a big reduction in joint inflammation and the elimination of sugar highs and lows. I plan on doing another W30 after taking a break for vacation.

I don't have any auto immune issues, but is the thought that this protocol helps menopausal women?  What do you eat for BF if you don't have eggs?  Just some type of meat?  I was on bio-identical hormones about 3 years ago and that worked great for me.  Had to get off, but may see about getting back on, even though I am 62.  My hot flashes were gone.  I'll check out the protocol.  Thanks much!

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Hi NH, I've been making this for breakfast. I take ground pork and add in some shredded sweet potatoes. I bake a batch on Sunday and reheat some each morning. I also have some frozen spinach I heat up. I like it a lot better than eggs.

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