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Day 15: cravings and illness (a cold)

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Well, it's day 15 over and I've spent the last 7 days fighting a monstrous cold (bordering on flu like symptoms: aches, pains, congestion, fever) but am on the mend now. Really, really, really struggling with cravings for sugar, which is strange because up until about day 12 I was absolutely fine.

My resolve is starting to wane (it hasn't caved yet) but I keep thinking "ah well, 15 days isn't bad, I'll just knock it n the head now and restart when I feel better", but then I come to my senses!

Anyone been having these problems at the half way mark?

Karen x

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Hi, I didn't have a cold but took really ill with a dose of enteritis half way through my first W30. Like you I felt like throwing in the towel but then I thought 'If I feel this bad and I'm eating good food, how much worse will I feel eating crap?' I'm glad you're on the mend, I think you'll find now you are getting better the cravings will get easier and subside. Hang in there, you can do it. Good luck

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Hi there! I'm on day 10. Around about day 7 or 8 I started to get a cold. Now it is full blown! Fevery, snotty, headachy, low energy. This is my second Whole30 and both times I wound up with an awful cold. I've been scouring the internet trying to find out if it is detox or just a really lame coincidence.

I haven't really been dealing with sugar cravings. But I have been having about one piece of fruit per day which is probably more than is a good idea. I haven't been super strict about the fruit since this is my second go of it.

One thing that really helps me with sugar cravings when I do get them is cinnamon. It naturally balances blood sugar. I usually mix about a teaspoon with a bit of almond butter and eat it plain or with a carrot or celery.

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