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Headaches/migranes post Whole30

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I completed the Whole30 in Jan13 and felt amazing. I'm following the guidelines with occasional diversions - mostly the odd glass of white wine or dark chocolate. i have not reintroduced any grains or dairy.

I use to have around 3 migraines a year that would keep me in bed for 24hrs. However in the last 2 months I've had three migraines and still feel headachy.

Any suggestions on any diet related things that I might look at? After feeling so fantastic - these headaches bugging me.

Off to the doctors for blood tests - just to check nothing else is going on by the way.

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Red wine and dark chocolate trigger migraines for me, but it has to be more than a few pieces of chocolate. These are obviously chemical triggers and I can't pinpoint the exact ingredients that cause them. I've also had a migraine recently after a particularly strenuous workout where I felt hungry and probably overdid it a bit. Sorry I can't be of more help in your case. These things can be so individual.

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Hi There!

I too am a fellow migriane sufferer, Whole 30 has fixed them to quite the degree but I am still getting them from time to time. Although mine are related to hormones.

I am trying to convince myself to go coffee free for the next 30 days. I don't drink a lot of coffee - once a day - but I have a sinking feeling that it might be messing with me. I do so enjoy coffee.

I have had someone else recommend cutting out everything pork. I do already know that I have a bit of an adverse effect to pork (pastured or non-pastured) so I have cut back in that regard only having it very occasionally.

Chocolate and red wine will be very occasional treat for me. It does have some effect. To what degree I am not sure yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I went through a period last year where I was getting constant headaches and low-level migraines (not debilitating, but with the visual aura) and dizziness. After a barrage of tests and a (very expensive) trip to an ENT and an MRI, the ENT fixed the dizziness but not the headaches. Then I went on holiday and realised when I got back that I hadn't had a single headache while I was gone. The only difference between holiday and home was my multi-vitamin. So I switched brands and was fine! (My doctor did look at me like I was a hypochondriac though)

And then last week I started getting the exact same headaches and symptoms - coincidentally (NOT!) I'd just started taking a new brand of magnesium - the exact brand I'd had the reaction to the multi-vitamins from. Switched to a different brand - no more headaches. No idea what it was causing it, as one was a pill and one was a dissolvable tablet, but I'll be staying away from that brand from now on.

Anyway, my point is - see if you can think of new medications, washing powders, scented candles (a big one for me) anything like that, which might be contributing.

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