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Day 23.... Sugar!


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Happy to report that I am on day 23 of my first Whole30! Only 7 days left to go and so excited to be this far through the challenge!

However, I am having some SERIOUS sugar cravings that started back today. They seem to be so much worse than during the first week. I had several very vivid (and sort of strange) dreams about food last night (...all sugar-related...) and have felt like I am hungry since I woke up. I had a good breakfast of poached eggs, baby spinach and leftover grilled sirloin (all cooked with ghee). I also had some hot chai and 1 boiled egg mid-morning, in an attempt to stave off the craving. I have grilled chicken and homemade butternut squash and apple soup for lunch (which I LOVE), but that good meal sounds unappetizing because my brain just wants to eat crap today.

The woman in the office next to me is eating out of a bag of M&M's. There are 3 boxes of donuts in the break room. And I swear, the vending machine was hissing at me when I went in the company kitchen to get hot water for my tea.


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Oh ladies... I know you are right and I definitely won't be caving. I have too much willpower to waste 23 days of work!

I got the day 22 (or maybe 21) email that talked about the "extinction bursts", but bless my heart, I was not prepared for this. I don't even eat M&M's or plain glazed donuts! It just seems like my brain is trying to sabotage me right now...

Any suggestions on how to stop thinking about the sugar and push off the cravings? Is the sugar craving really telling me that I need to eat something else?

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Oh no! I'm on day 11 and definitely not looking forward to this! We keep a lot of sweets at my office too and a lot of people ere love to drink soda (I used to be one of them). It's true that all those things will be there when you are done with your Whole30 so stay strong! you are so close!

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Yesterday was rough, but I stuck with it. Forced myself to stay away from fruit and "sweeter" vegetables for the rest of the day.

This morning, I had a LOT more protein and am feeling 100% better! I had about 8 ounces of grilled steak and 2 fried eggs, over a plateful of sauteed garlic spinach. I also drank about 20 ounces of water before I ate, which also might have helped.

Here's to day 24! Only 6 to go!

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