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Keeping Up With Koby


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Day 1 and I think I've done okay. I been on an elimination diet for the past three weeks, so I don't think cravings will be too bad, although I'm going to have to stay away from nut butters/spreads apparently, as I could eat the whole jar atm. :( One thing I'm already completely in love :wub: with is none of this measuring/weighing/points/calories crap that I've been dealing with for the last 20 years!

Food for today -

Meal 1: 1/2 avocado; 1/2 chicken breast diced and mixed with spring onion, tomato and alfalfa sprouts; drizzle of EVOO

Meal 2: 2 eggs scrambled in coconut oil with tomato, broccoli, spring onion and mushroom

Meal 3: spaghetti squash bolognaise with a side of silverbeet tossed in ghee

(Mini) Meal 4: 2 hard boiled eggs and 1 tbsp of brazil, almond and cashew nut butter

Fluids: 2L of water; 2 mugs of peppermint tea; 1 coffee with homemade (unsweetened) hazelnut milk; 1 chamomile tea

Exercise: 2 x 30min walks

Sleep: Slept 7.5 hrs last night, and only woke once - a miracle! (Working nights for 7yrs ruined my sleep patterns, so it's rare I get a good night's sleep)

Today's challenge: Serving pasta to my bro for dinner and not eating any! I didn't really want it, but I swear it was calling to me. I resisted though! :rolleyes:

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Nut spreads are my husband's downfall! I like them too, but so far have been able to keep them limited to a spoonful at a time (and not all the time :) )

I also like the no calorie counting thing. I just let myself eat as much as I want and for the first few weeks felt stuffed after each meal, but then I just started eating smaller portions without really thinking of it. It's been nice to eat as much as I want and know it's all good stuff.

Way to go on Day One!

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One thing I'm already completely in love :wub: with is none of this measuring/weighing/points/calories crap that I've been dealing with for the last 20 years!

Right?? It's a radically different way of approaching food especially for women I think - we're traditionally programmed to be so conscious of not eating large portions, add to that counting calories and anxiety about weight...the idea of just eating within certain parameters but not counting calories or really restricting portions is...weird. :-) (obviously there are recommendations about portion size but they're realistic, and following the template (especially when it comes to the added fats) really helps ensure that what you eat is going to fill your Tummy and make you feel totally satiated until your next meal.

Welcome aboard and good luck! :-)

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Agreed! It feels scary at first--not counting, measuring, calculating recipes. But then it's so freeing. I remember knowing at 2pm how many points I had left and freaking out I wouldn't be able to have a full portion of dinner (that I had weighed out to the gram.)

Vast improvement.

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Day 2

Meal 1: 2 eggs scrambled in ghee with zucchini, red and green capsicum, tomato and mushroom.

Meal 2: 1 med tin of tuna mixed with a bowl of mashed vegies, fried in coconut oil; 1 pear

Meal 3: 1 pce of steak; 2/3 of a sweet potato baked in coconut oil and sprinkled with chinese 5 spice; steamed green beans, snow peas and carrot.

Fluids: 2L water; 2 cups of coffee with a splash of coconut milk in each; 2 cups peppermint tea; 1 cup chamomile tea

Exercise: 2 x 30min walks (due to my dodgy back, the only heavy lifting I'll be doing for awhile is my own weight! ;) )

Sleep: Not too bad - nearly 6.5 hrs, but woke 3 times.

Today's challenge: Not weighing myself this morning! I've weighed myself daily for as long as I can remember, and yes, I know this makes no sense, but it's a bit of a compulsion. I think I'm going to have to give them to someone to hide/look after until the habit breaks.

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Day 3

Had a bit of a strange day today. Woke up feeling fantastic, which I didn't expect at all. The around lunch time I had sugar cravings - having some coconut milk helped, but I think I like that stuff too much (I could drink it by the can!). Also, I've had heartburn on and off all day, and now, it's only 1915 and I'm already feeling really tired. I guess it's just my body's way of getting used to the food changes.

Meal 1: Baked smoked trout, egg, and thyme muffins; steamed green beans and snow peas

Meal 2: Minced beef fried in ghee with tomato, mushroom, a few olives, and fresh herbs; steamed broccoli and silverbeet

Meal 3: Lamb stew with mashed pumpkin and sweet potato mixed with ghee

Fluids: 2L water; 2 cups of coffee with coconut milk; 1 peppermint tea; 1 chamomile tea

Exercise: 2 x 30min walks

Sleep: Had a pretty good sleep last night - 8.5 hrs, but woke up 3-4 times

Today's challenge: Keeping a handle on my coconut milk and ghee consumption. Seems I may have CM and ghee dragons?!

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Congrats on those long hours of sleep! I'm really looking forward to that.

Isn't it strange how cravings strike at the strangest times?

Sorry you're feeling a bit fatigued. Hope it passes quickly and you feel energetic!

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Agreed! It feels scary at first--not counting, measuring, calculating recipes. But then it's so freeing. I remember knowing at 2pm how many points I had left and freaking out I wouldn't be able to have a full portion of dinner (that I had weighed out to the gram.)

Vast improvement.

Oh yes, this. I would cut points ruthlessly in the morning so I had leeway for a bigger dinner/treat in the evening but I'd be so freaking hungry by the time I got there, I'd overeat anyway. Sad, sad state of affairs.

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