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How long does bone broth keep in the fridge?


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I finally made some beef broth about a couple of weeks (roughly) ago. It's still in the fridge. I used some of it in my slow cooker stew last week but now I'm wondering if it's still any good?


It still has that lovely hard crusty layer of fat on the top of half of it (if that makes any difference).



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I am skittish when it comes to how long food is good for--I say 4-5 days at best, although I have read that if you bring up to a boil and boil it (not sure for how long) it 'resets' the time you can keep it for, but it has to be done during the time that it is still good. If it still had fat over the whole top it might be protected, but if it were me, I would err on the side of caution and toss it. 

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Thanks - you're probably right. I guess I was thinking that it's this magical potion and would be good forever hahahaha


Next time I will freeze some in little pots to use again as soon as I make it.

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I have drunk 10 day old bone broth, but I think that is pushing it.


The trick is to drink 2-3 mugs of bone broth per day when you have it to get through a pot of it within a week. Note: I make a lot at one time. I don't cook with bone broth much. I simply drink it like coffee or tea.

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Ditto. 10 days is the max I've figured too. I like to freeze broth in ice cubes trays. Label them and try to use it up in a month. Easy to portion for drinking or cooking (I'll trow couple cubes in my kitchen sink skillets or add to the single serving soups). 

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  • 4 months later...

Once mine is cool, I put it in ziplock bags in 1 cup portions and lay them out on a cookie sheet and freeze them. Then i just pile the frozen baggies in the freezer. When I need some broth for a recipe, I pull as many out as I need and run them under warm water to loosen up the bag, then put the frozen chunk into a saucepan and turn it to high heat with a lid on to thaw completely.

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