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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Food Addiction Relapse for the 100th time tells you that your ways aren't working. Find health professionals and support groups to help you recover from this serious problem.

There's no such thing as a perfect recovery but recovery comes first.


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Food Sober

After months or years of sugar abuse, the brain and body has learned to live with a consistent supply of sugar.

Your brain chemicals are all shuffled around. It's the same with alcohol, little difference. Everything is out of sync.

When you deprive the body and brain of sugar and/or alcohol, there's more wild swings UP and down.

These side effects can drive someone back to binge eating or binge drinking.

Going Cold Turkey can cause those with the best of intentions to throw in the towel because of acute withdrawal symptoms and side effects.

Making it through 1 year of being food sober and/or alcohol sober decreases the chance of a full blown relapse.

I knew that after seeking help for food addiction.

The chances of relapse are less than 50% for those who can make it through a year of being food/alcohol sober.

Those who can make it through 5 years of being food/alcohol sober the chances of relapse are approximately 15%.

Quitting drinking or binge eating outweighs every negative side effect from both of them.

Food and alcohol are everywhere.

Binge drinking is risky behavior and binge eating is, too.

Alcohol and food, when they crossover into fully vetted addiction - they rule your life.

They become the priority.

Recovery from addiction is not a road you have to travel alone. 

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The chances of relapse are less than 50% for those who can make it through a year of being food/alcohol sober.

Those who can make it through 5 years of being food/alcohol sober the chances of relapse are approximately 15%.

Quitting drinking or binge eating outweighs every negative side effect from both of them.

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The first year of being food sober = body and mind will shake, rattle and roll.

The food addict like the alcoholic makes a daily habit of seeking out the food substance/sugar or experiencing anxiety and irritation when they cannot.

Food becomes the priority and there's secret eating and/or drinking.  Others notice, yes, they do.

Only the bold ones speak up and let you know that all you've got on the brain is food and/or alcohol.

There's massive rationalization about how far you've taken you down the rabbit hole.

Binge eating and binge drinking.  Both can ruin your life. Addiction = Addiction

Food and alcohol addiction - both result in a fatty liver, high blood glucose levels, digestive problems, pancreas and heart issues.


Addiction is very deceptive. It can't be solved with willpower and white knuckling it.



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Dry Drunk = Trying to cope on your own. White knuckling it with willpower that runs out.

A food dry drunk constantly starts over and over and over again.

Food is ruling your life and it's all that you have on the brain. You're thinking about food while someone is talking to you.

You're constantly thinking about how to amass great quantities of food and how the process of eating it will FEEL.

FAT is not a feeling.


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Dry Drunks start over every single Monday. They eat their way through the weekend with "Cheat Meals".

Cheating their way through life and cheating themselves out of food addiction recovery.


It takes 3 years of being food sober before the body will quit fighting so hard against you.

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Starting over and over and over again is a side effect of doing things in the name of weight loss that you never wanted to do in the first place.

Food Addiction Recovery is going to take true grit along with Face-To-Face help.

Years and years of starting over?  Your ways are not working.

Food Addiction Relapse is less than 50% for those who can make it through a year of being food/alcohol sober.

Those who can make it through 5 years of being food/alcohol sober the chances of relapse are approximately 15%.




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Out of much love for you, I can walk into a bar and pull you off your stool. I can drive you home and put you to bed. You're a road hazard and danger to yourself and others driving while drunk.

Out of much love for you, I can try to talk you out of bellying UP to the buffet table or booking an ocean cruise on a sailing buffet table. Eating your way across the U.S. or many countries.

But if you don't want it as much as I want it for you, I'm blowing smoke and vapor. Blathering and foaming at the mouth to the Universe.  

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.  I can hear it in your words.  Out of the abundance of your heart your mouth is speaking.

It says that you enjoy food or alcohol addiction more than you want recovery.  It's a leaverite and I must leave it right there.

But I can't go down that road ever again. I can't engage in those destructive activities.  We are bent on survival and I'm at the point that recovery means more to me than aiding and abetting those with the desire to stay on the sailing buffet table, cruising back into dock and starting over again next week or next month. 

Starting over and over again would crush my spirit. I can't go back to food addiction.  It made my life a living hail.


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This could be the day that you stop doing that destructive thing you do to yourself.

It only takes one day and one decision.

You have to mean it with everything within your being.

You have to WANT it more than you NEED it.

When you reach that point, you mean serious business with yourself. That is the point of no turning back.

No more looking in the rearview mirror, wishing for change.

Change will be yours if you WANT it. 

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Got endless excuses and massive rationalization?

Take full responsibility for everything you do. Holidays, birthdays, celebrations are endless. There's no such thing as the perfect headspace or perfect day to start.

You can't fix a broken brain with a broken brain. Constant restarts won't fix it either. Do it right the first time. Your heart knows the way.



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Food Addiction

Dry Drunk = Dieting and Over-restriction


Food Sober = Reasonable restriction

Food Addiction Relapse

Recovery comes first. Repeating my strategies and following my positive food management plan with consistency keeps me food sober.

It keeps my brain from returning to autopilot and eating. all. the. things. in the unconscious mode with a total relapse. 

A total relapse is allowing the brain and body to rebound with every single hard fought pound of weight releasing - full blown food addiction and wild swings UP and down until it all comes undone.


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 Making plans for the weekend food explosion that is going to happen at your house.

Planning on starting over again on Monday.

Has that changed everything for you then?

It doesn't have to rain taco chips. Don't let potato chips sweep you off your feet.


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Looking back,  there's more work to be done. Addiction Recovery is never done.

Think you've got all of the answers and tools?

Pride comes before a fall.

Just when you think you're inches from a clean getaway, life pulls the props out from underneath you.

Going back to our original factory settings. That yellow-bellied lily-livered sapsucker gets in there and starts messing with the dials while you're sleeping. He never lets sleeping dogs lie.

Keep one eye wide-open. Be a watchman on the wall.

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Out of much love, I can get a water hose and put that cigarette out for you.


How long after smoking are you safe from COPD?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Ronald Crystal, Pulmonary Disease Specialist say

Dr. Gupta: Is there any point where you can say, “Okay, you haven’t smoked for 25 years, 30 years, whatever it may be. You are in the clear”?

Dr. Crystal: You are never in the clear. It depends very much on how much you smoked. So if you smoked, you know, one cigarette a day for maybe a year, probably your risk is very little. But if you smoked a pack a day for 20 years, then 20 to 30 years later you are still at risk.

Dr. Gupta: So once you have COPD, you kind of have it. This is going to be a diagnosis that you carry for the rest of your life?

Dr. Crystal: It's a diagnosis you carry for the rest of your life, but what you would like to do is if you stop smoking, is be able to stay at that level and not progress.


Choices and Consequences

"You're developing COPD all along, and  losing lung function and, like many patients, just deny it and sort of put it off until it really hits."

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Addiction Recovery

Oooo, don't be so hard on yourself. Go ahead and give  yourself permission to keep on smoking and drinking and eating multi-crap.

Making excuses and massive rationalization, that's addiction.

Go ahead and keep spending yourself into the ground, racking up debt on your credit cards.  You deserve that new boat or recreational toy. Buy all of it.  Amass that debt, there's always tomorrow. Gamble it all away.

That's addiction.

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More than 80% of patients with COPD have a history of cigarette smoking. A few patients have it because of chemical inhalation exposure.

Weight loss can also occur in severe COPD and is a sign of severe disease with a poor prognosis.

At one time, we distinguished different types of COPD, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. All patients with COPD have an element of each, although one component will usually predominate in the individual patient.

Chronic bronchitis is defined by a chronic cough that produces sputum. Emphysema is defined by enlargement and destruction of the airspaces in the lung.

When the physician examines a patient with very severe COPD one finds decreased breath sounds, wheezes, crackles at the lungs, and distant heart sounds. The patient's diaphragm in limited in movement, meaning the patient cannot take in deep breaths. In extremely severe disease, the chest size is increased.

Patients lean forward to use all the muscles of the chest and neck to bring air in. COPD can progress to cause heart failure, as the right side of the heart cannot pump blood into the damaged lungs.


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As the disease worsens oxygenation goes down and carbon dioxide levels rise. Blood gas abnormalities acutely worsen during COPD exacerbations and often worsen during exercise and sleep.

Because most patients have a significant smoking history, most patients have many of the other illnesses associated with smoking, especially cardiovascular disease.

These patients also have high risk for smoking related malignancies.

Poor lung function often interferes with or prevents treatment of the other diseases.

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Addiction Recovery

Got 2nd hand smoke in the house? The kids are smoking your cigarettes...putting them at risk for COPD.

COPD...it's a helluva way to go. Patients feel like they're literally drowning in the end stages.

Want to be tied to an oxygen tank for the rest of your life?  You'd better lay those cigarettes down.

If you can't do it on your own, find help. You don't want to go out like that.

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You're developing an addiction all along. Losing your lung and heart function or your pancreas and kidneys are knocking up against the rocks...

If you're a gambler...you're looking bankruptcy directly in the eye.

Like many addicts of every kind...

Just deny it and put it off until it really hits.  

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Last call for alcohol

On the train headed

For nowhere fast

Want to buy a ticket

Creating nightmares

That will forever last

Trading your dreams

And kids

For addiction

It will stick around

Until the end


That faithful friend


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Food addicts have fewer dopamine receptors because their brains are trying to compensate for having chronically high dopamine levels which are triggered by chronic overeating and chronic food rewards.

Many assume that food, alcohol, substances are responsible for the damage they do to the brain. New scientific research says that the 'damage'- may have been there to begin with....already engineered and geared towards addiction.  Many other factors enter in along with environment and genetics.

The only real antidote is exercise. It won't cost you a dime if you take it back outside.

Exercise is the safest way to increase dopamine levels in the brain.


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