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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Addiction is a double-edged sword. Withdrawal is miserable.

While the brain is doing its best to rewire and regulate its systems without the sugar or alcohol or gambling or spending....

It can catapult and motivate the addict to recapture the initial thrill of euphoria that substance gave you.  Another merry-go-round ride of wild swings UP and down.

Since the neurons may already be damaged from years of addiction - many find they cannot experience pleasure and reward from any other source.

Nothing else will do.

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Alcohol can do permanent damage to the body, too. It is the most popular substance of all.

Alcohol changes the brain's internal communication network and central nervous system. It causes disruption in mood and behaviors, making it harder to concentrate...and driving while drunk is a disaster for everyone.

Add smoking to the drinking and you're only digging a much deeper hole for yourself.


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A study published in the journal Stroke suggested that too much alcohol in middle age (more than two drinks a day) increases the chance of a stroke by 34 percent, the same degree that high blood pressure or diabetes would. People who drink too much in their 50s and 60s have a greater chance of suffering strokes much earlier than those in the same age who drink lightly or not at all. Consuming more than two drinks every day “can shorten time to stroke by about five years,” said the lead author of the Stroke study.

Alcohol thins blood, the risk for a hemorrhagic stroke (where a blood vessel breaks inside the brain) goes up. The more alcohol in the blood, the greater the chances of bleeding in the brain.

Choices and Consequences.

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Too much alcohol can damage and destroy the cells of the liver. Normally, the liver simply breaks down alcohol for removal by the body.

Too much alcohol overwhelms the liver, causing a number of conditions that threaten the rest of the body, such as alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and alcoholic cirrhosis.

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Many can go onto alcohol after a major weight releasing. They see/feel it as a work-around for food.

Addiction is a driver. It's going to help the brain get that Rocky Mountain Dopamine High from whatever is within reach.

Addiction is a true deceiver.

The gut-brain connection is strong.

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Got food addiction?

Starting over and over and over again. Come back 3 or 4 years from now. How's that working for you then?

Can't find any real pleasure or experience true relief until you amass a large quantity of food in the backseat of your car.  Looking forward to going home and eating. all. the. things.

If you're not in the process of eating all the things, is your brain always working on how much fun your next thrill eating trip will be. Oooooo, I can't wait until the end of the working day, I'm heading on over to the drive-thru or mini-mart to amass my dopamine hit. Then, I will laugh entirely too much for about 5 minutes until the misery sets in.  

I will embrace all the healthy tomorrow. After all, if I eat all the things today, I can get them out of the way and start over again on Monday. Monday Mindset.  

Does that excite you more than having an actual relationship with real people?

Do you prefer thrill eating more than anything else in your life?

It's going to take true grit to really reach for your happy awareness every day. 

Recovery comes first.



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Today is Monday. If you are hailbent on starting on Monday. There is no such thing as the perfect day or the perfect time to start.

Today could be the day that you STOP doing that destructive thing you do to yourself.

It only takes one day and one decision to STOP. You've got to mean it with everything within your being.

Find the greater purpose for your life.

Is this not the path that was chosen to set the captive free?

Addiction Recovery comes first.

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Is this not the path to set other captives free?

The greater purpose.

In the beginning, if you cannot do it for yourself...think about your loved ones. They want you around.  I hope.:D

START today and do not waste another minute of your life.

Do you actually believe that losing 8 or 10 lbs in 30 days will cure a food addiction.  It. Will. Not.

Weight loss - with nothing but dieting on the brain has absolutely nothing to do with food addiction recovery.

Your original factory settings did not come with a set of instructions for dieting your life away and dialing your foods down into 2 or 3 items.  That is an imaginary fix.

Dieting and over-restriction won't fix a bloomin' thing.

STOP in the name of love for yourself.

For your positive changes to continue your positive habits have to continue.

The more we give the more we have to give to others. Have your feelers been so hurt that food is your friend and lover.  A substitute for absolutely everything. 

That's addiction.  It is stink on stink.

Stinkin' Thinkin'.

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My spirit is the best part of me. I can't rely on the other two nitwits. Body and mind. Those two will deceive you. They're bent on driving you back towards addiction.

Eating it all back.

You think they care about you?  Don't kid yourself. All they want to do is get right back into those old brain grooves and let you eat yourself to death.  True.

The food addicted brain wants one more dopamine hit after another. There is not enough food in this entire world to assuage food addiction.

You need a greater purpose to follow through?

On the first part of the journey I didn't really give a rat's arse about myself so I did it for others. Eventually, I was doing it for myself and all by myself.

I still am.

No one can do this for you.  Don't rely on your family and friends to constantly prop you UP.  You will wear them out. They've only got so much propping UP because they're holding themselves together.

Out of the abundance of your heart your mouth is speaking.

Surround yourself with those who have your best interests at heart. Let them speak life and love into your life. Get away from those who want to take aim with more potshots across the bow. Who needs that?

Your heart may be so broken that you don't even know how to put the pieces back together. So I look UP.

Food won't fix a broken heart. 

Giving and caring about others will.

START today.  Just for today...when you lay down those old trickery trigger foods, have faith and believe that in doing so, you are releasing yourself and others from addiction.

When we give up destructive substances, it creates a vacuum. You're going to have to find positive things to fill that hole with.  I fill mine with faith. Faith that believes in miracles for others.

Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

I've replaced food substances with faith substances. This is the path I've chosen to set the captives free, including me.

I have to believe that in doing so, my small measure of faith is enough to do the miraculous. Unseen and seen. It's all fun. Really.  I believe even our smallest gestures of sweetness and kindness towards others really does matter.

I can feel it when others have good intentions towards me.  I know you can, too. 

Let's keep going.  My faith is renewed. My greater purpose, believing for others to be set free from food addiction captivity is part of my positive food management plan. True and lasting food freedom.

Much Love. Felicias. Tanto Amore.




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 Today, while milling around and just shooting the breeze with the Universe, with renewed faith and purpose...

I do declare that I am believing for some really big things for others. Massive.

I have some folkaronies that are really suffering. They need a miracle.

I am not starting over but I am fully engaged and believing for the captives to be set free. Ayup.

It is so worth it and these are my so worth it moments, seeing results and answers, answers, answers.  

Answers mean more to me than food rewards and sliding back off the goose into a pile of mini-mart mini meals of multi-crap.


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My cup runneth over. Happy awareness is not overrated.

I'm going to put my faith in a pressure cooker now. I will not take the lid off until the answers come.  What you ask for in private is rewarded openly.

In my culture, the more you blather and foam at the mouth for the things you are really believing in, it takes all of the wind out of the sails.

It's as if your brain thinks they've already happenend and will just give up the ghost. Walk off, throw its hands in the air and gives up. 

By talking too much about it before the evidence of things yet not seen happen, you've just got to shut your mouth.

There is absolutely such a thing as too much blathering and foaming at the mouth.  I'm going to turn the thermostat UP to a rolling boil, Felicias. 

Zero in with laser focus and let the pieces fall into place and watch for signs coming across the horizon. A watchman on the wall.

Oooo, we can still talk amongst ourselves about everything else but I'm going to pull out all of the stops and give it all I've got.  Never underestimate the gift of faith. It can move mountains.

True faith is totally overreaching but it is not totally underachieving.

Really reach for your happiness every day. Eat whole foods without limiting your quantity, measuring everything. Have faith.

This is the strategy I've used to break all of those old food addiction cycles for me.  I'm not perfected yet. Pride does come before a fall.

So long now. I can hardly contain myself. :lol: 

Having a new purpose for traveling on does jack me all back UP. 



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When you have a thought, let it goooooo.  Or not.

Strike while the griddle is hot. Don't edit yourself.

You will meet all kinds of people running around out here in the sagebrush, from all walks of life. Pro football players, actors, singers, nationally known pastors, presidents, presidents' wives, native american chiefs, all kinds of peoples.

For peoples of faith, you'll have to read between my lines. You know what Ima talkin' about.  

In your lifetime, you will be fortunate if you a handful of true words spoken over yourself. If they don't come true or check with your spirit, you can toss them out. Cast them aside. Control Alt Delete.

Those words that are true - they can give you encouragement for an entire lifetime. You can hitch your wagon to them. They are too legit and you are not going to quit. You're encouraged.

They say that sticks and stones will break your bones but words can never hurt you. That's a big bunch of hooey. You and I know it. Words can hurt you.

Shake them off. Literally brush them off your shoulders.

Over the course of my lifetime, I've met a handful, 5 people with 5 words that were 100% accurate. I've met some with imaginary words, too. Three of those people have crossed over the great divide. They were young, too. Not one of them made it to retirement. I hold them near and dear to my heart.

Positive words spoken into your heart and life are a confirmation of what you already knew and know about yourself.

When your self-esteem is knocking up against the rocks or tanked out, you can pick yourself back UP again by thinking back on the positive things that have been said to you in the past.

They're still active, alive, effective and powerful. There will be seasons when you have to throw everything up against the wall to pull yourself out of a blue smoke haze.

Words are powerful. Motivators vs. Marsher of mellows. 

You choose. You decide.  What to keep in and what to eliminate.

Whole 30 is an elimination protocol of 30 days. You can also eliminate those negative words spoken over you. Get rid of them and brush them off your shoulders.

During your Reintro Phase, choose and decide, who and what stays and what goes.

Add back, in no particular order, the positive foods, words and people who will have the pleasure and honor of sticking around. Just for you.

Your Reintro Phase can last you a lifetime. Choices and Consequences.   

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The brain and gut microbiome  connection.

Does the brain influence gut development, or does the gut influence brain development?

Mayer believes it’s a two-way street. “Signals from the gut microbes shape the way the sensory system develops,” he says. His theory, which he describes at length in his book, The Mind-Gut Connection, is that our microbial communities assemble early in life, when the brain is still very flexible.

The microbiome of an infant’s gut is created through the nutrition he or she receives from the mother, how that nutrition is delivered and other factors. It is possible, though not yet proved, that if the mother experienced stress during pregnancy, that might also influence the developing infant’s microbial community.

Early-life trauma has also been found to shape the gut microbiome. “A lot of influences start during pregnancy and go on for the first three years of life,” says Mayer. “That’s the programming of the gut microbiome-brain axis.” The established microbiome then influences the brain, and then the brain continues to influence the microbiome, in a lifelong loop.

Related: Antibodies in breast milk prime the baby’s gut to handle Mom’s invading microbes

The UCLA researchers, along with a host of other scientists worldwide, are continuing to study the link between the gut microbiome and brain development.

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Healthy gut bacteria = Positive brain maker and dream weaver.

Answers, answers, answers and running down a dream that would never come to me...working on a mystery.



Change your gut and change your life and brain, mood and behaviors.

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It Starts With Food and it ends with food.

Gut health is the barometer of wellness. The microbiome talks to your brain.

Dysbiosis =





Metabolic Syndrome

Liver diseases



The most profound way to alter your gut microbiome is to STOP eating sugar.

Eat more polyphenols. That doesn't mean you have to give up fruit because berries are loaded with them. Eat fermented foods.

Prebiotics, probiotics and fish, fish, fish.

All plant foods contain beneficial fiber and enzymes for your gut health.High fiber fresh fruits and vege can alter the gut microbiota.

Certain people groups need more than others.



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If it's not sustainable now, it won't be 2 or 3 months down the road, 3 years or 30 years from now - you've got to find your way that works for you.

Creating your own positive food management plan is going to require some careful thought and planning. If you can't do it alone, sit down with someone. Face-to-Face.

Food Addiction and eating disorders progress as the years roll on. Mild to severe, profound and all inbetween. They do not go away on their own.  Some order out of that chaos must be imposed. An intervention.

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All plant foods contain beneficial fiber and enzymes for your gut.

I stand my ground and I am fruit loose. That doesn't mean I eat fruit all the frickity frick frick day.

When I was in the throes of food addiction, fruit was absolutely the last thing on my mind. It was way too sour while I was amassing multi-crap for thrill eating. 

When was the last time you saw someone loaded to the gills with berries and apples who was in hot pursuit of a sugar high. 

Nuh huh. The binge and thrill eater goes for the real stuff and even something very artificial.  HFCS, sweetners (your brain and body can't tell the difference between the artifical and sugar sugars).  Not one time in my life did I ever go into the store and throw a bag of fruit into my car, driving down the highway on a berry high.

I headed straight for the interior aisles of the grocery store or towards everything in the mini-mart. I remember bringing a quart of choco milk home with a bag of those commerical soft cookies. I would eat them in one sitting and watch the preachers on the TV. I would cry when they would cry. Won't you help me, won't you help me...and I would bawl my head off.

I did this every day after work.  I didn't eat supper because I was always tanked up on multi-crap.  For lunch, I was eating choco covered orange jelly sticks and cinnamon rolls.  Do you know the way I really felt. Breakfast was coffee and cream. 

If I needed a palate cleanser, I would eat potato chips.

No one cared what I was doing to myself and I didn't care either. I do get sad and feel sorry for my former self. It was a helluva way to live.  I never felt good.

It doesn't matter how old you are right now. Binge eating usually starts in your youth. Addiction can ruin your life and I don't want to go out like that.

I do not want to fall back and slide back off the goose.

Recovery comes first.

If you are still stuck in massive rationalization about your eating habits - you've got to face the hard, cold truth.  No. More. Excuses.

Today could be the day that you stop doing that destructive thing you've been doing to yourself.

Some order out of that chaos must be imposed.

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I wish I knew then what I know now. Ooooo, how I wish. But if wishes were fishes - we'd all swim out of those deep ditches and find our way a lot sooner.


So let's give it all we've got. Today. 

Eat your fish, fish, fish, your natural fibers and enzymes.

Literally brush all of the negative words off your shoulders whenever someone takes potshots at you.

They don't have to live in your body. They don't know the trail of tears you've left behind you. Whopping boatloads of tears.



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