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Jennifer Jensen

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Jennifer Jensen last won the day on November 23 2020

Jennifer Jensen had the most liked content!

About Jennifer Jensen

  • Birthday 02/18/1964

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    Decrease inflammation, decrease neuropathy due to inflammation, less pain in shoulders, hips, and knees, improve digestion, lose weight, and have more energy to pursue exercise and work. I also want to have a better relationship with food.

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Pell City, Alabama
  • Interests
    Hiking, swimming, cycling, and kayaking. I also love to volunteer with Meals on Wheels, Helping Hands for Babies (NICU), and Be a Blessing Birmingham (helping the homeless). I love to cook! I am also a Christian and it influences all of my life. I hope that also means I am more loving and kind but I know I have my days like everyone else.

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