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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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Feeling a bit discouraged over here as both hubby and I are sick with a cold and the usual remedies are unavailable to us—no Vitamin C (sugar), no throat lozenges (ditto), no lemon ginger tea (ditto)... Just the ol' saltwater throat gargles around here! Any hot tips for Whole30-friendly cold remedies would be appreciated (will also search the boards and see what I find).



make your own lemon ginger tea? grate fresh ginger into hot water, squeeze lemon... my partner caught a stomach/flu type bug last night too and i was stumped trying to figure out what to feed him. he didn't eat at all last night but this morning i gave him some plantains for breakfast with mint tea - closest we could come to dry toast. he then stole half the sugar snap peas off my plate so was clearly on the upswing :) hope you feel better soon!

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Thanks! I found somewhere else on the forums where someone suggested hot water with ACV (about 1 tsp), so I downed a cup of that and it REALLY made my throat feel better. Will stick to that and salt gargle for the rest of the day and see if anything improves. SO FAR (knock on wood) my head is clear and my sinuses are no worse than they usually are thanks to allergies. Just the sore throat. I really hope it doesn't get worse, because we are planning on going on a Very Big Hike on Saturday and I need ALL my energy for that.

I also gargle/rinse with cayenne pepper and warm water when I'm sick or have a sore throat. Start with a small amount (maybe quarter tsp) until you know how much heat you can tolerate and make sure the water is not too warm. Always works wonders for me. Feel better!

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Eats for Day 26:

**steamed shrimp, mayo, blueberries

**watermelon, raw almonds

**chicken, mustard, cucumbers, red pepper, guacamole

**cherry pie Larabar, grape Kombucha

**sausage, mustard, scrambled eggs

Napped today. Low energy, came home late from my lesson, butt kicked. Still made myself eat dinner and I feel better now. My intuition told me to bake some sweet potatoes today and I ignored it. Definitely will do tomorrow.

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Day 30.  Let the drums roll and trumpets blare!  :P 

I have this weird sense of peace and calm arriving at day 30. Kind of a knowing that all is good.

Yesterday was good. I was concerned that an early dinner at 4:30 pm (because I had a 7-9pm class) would cause me to want to snack either at the class or when I got home, but nada.  No desire to eat or drink anything after having yesterday's final meal. Wild, really.

Today, I just finished the last of my crustless quiche for breakfast with my coffee/ghee/coconut oil. Lunch I will have prosciutto, salad with paleo mayo-based dressing, and some strawberries on the side. Dinner will be turkey burger, spinach and a pear.


The only thing I plan to reintroduce tomorrow (and this weekend) is wine, as I'm going away with my 3 girlfriends this weekend. One friend is dairy and gluten-free (GF), another is vegan, and I've been GF since 2006, so we make quite the bunch when we go out to eat!  My plan is to reintroduce dairy on Monday, which will put me in sync with the rest of the June group here on the forum. 


Plan to measure and weigh myself tomorrow morning. 

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Day 27!


The last couple of days have been fine but I'm still not feeling the 'tiger blood'.  My eating has been really good but the only thing I'm not eating much is fruit. I love fruit and have it at home but I just haven't been squeezing it into my eating plan.


I'm loving avacados and sweet potatoes and am eating these quite often - sweet potatoes, once or twice each day and at least half an avacado for one of my meals.


I've been going to Crossfit every morning and my workouts have been pretty good...about the same as pre-whole30.  I did not sleep well at all last night - kept waking up.


I'm really looking forward to Monday, July 1!


I hope everyone has a great day!

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Day 30 was yesterday!!! I made it, and I will continue on. I may not be as strict, but I like how I feel so I plan to be cautious on what I re-introduce.  I lost a total of 9 pounds and 6 inches.

I am very happy about that. I can't wait to read how everyone else has done on July 1.


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Day 27. No tiger blood here, but I think the dreary weather and various other stresses are taking their toll. I'm also quite bored with my foods and don't have time to peruse cookbooks/sites so it's the same ol' same ol'. But, all compliant. Tomorrow we leave for what looks like it will be an awfully rainy five days of camping. Fortunately, we're cabin camping so at least we won't be dealing with a soggy tent and so forth. Today I'm working on organizing the food that must be packed so that I can remain on the W30 through Sunday. I won't be introducing grains right away as I want to avoid them as much as possible. Same with most dairy. Pretty much all I'm looking forward to, eventually, is the option of eating things with legumes (black beans, in particular) and limited hard cheese. We'll see. Probably a lot of seafood in my future. 


I knew, coming into this, that gluten was off the list and that dairy (specifically milk and ice cream) and sugar were not good to me. Beans once or twice a week don't seem to bother me. I rarely drink alcohol. I just figured this would be a terrific way to kick start healthier eating, ideally losing some weight - which I have, whether in pounds or inches. I'll see on Thursday when I get back. 


Well, back to the lengthy "to do" list for today. Cheers to everyone wrapping up their June W30!!!

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Wow! Congrats Pam! I don't feel like I lost weight. Probably ate bigger meals...snacked some of the days....barely worked out. But we shall see July 1 and my other benefits (sleeping, even energy, no cravings....)...all good

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it's so great to see everyone wrapping up! great job team :)


i need to reread the reintro section in ISWF and figure out how to handle it while traveling and not having access to a kitchen.

Re: tiger blood. never felt it either. I blame it on generally not getting enough sleep - usually 6.5 hours a night due to my partner's work schedule. but as of today school is done and he's off so we slept in - 7.5 hours! looking forward a better-rested summer.

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I had one day of tiger blood, but that was it.  I'm yawning as I type this, and I already sleep more than anyone I know.  That's just how I operate.


I won't be doing a typical reintroduction since I already know what I can and can not eat from my prior 2 runs.  I don't seem to have a sensitivity to anything, but red wine makes me want to eat.  It's also my favorite thing in the world.  My plan is to reintroduce red wine with the limit of one glass, and not until after I have dinner.  (Drinking it on an empty stomach spells disaster for me.)  My house is completely safe, so I can't really get into much trouble unless I go out and buy something to eat, which is unlikely.  I will add back some high fat dairy and an occasional non-compliant salad dressing, but other than that I plan to stay on plan except for our monthly sushi treat.


Good luck to all as we wrap up this W30!


Congrats Pam-it sounds like you had a great 30 days!

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I know there are some things I am NEVER going to take back (well, they say never say never)...but I do not plan to ever return to sodas (diet or regular)....I want to stay away from added sugar and artificial sweeteners...but I know a few things I may add back may have "some" sugar, but not one of the main/top ingredients. Overall, I want to stay close to Whole 30....wholle, natural foods. Don't want gluten...not even sure about grains overall...maybe occasional pasta....I'm a HUGE ice cream fan...but not sure I even miss it.....we shall see.

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Was reading the Whole30 Daily for today and I am going to commit to an Exercise30....I did not work out much during this Whole30 and so I am going to start July 1 with an "Exercise30"...meaning I will exercise DAILY for 30 days. Does not have to be killer workouts...just "some" type of activity or movement....some days cardio or Zumba....other days kettlebells....other days gentler activities like stretching or yoga...but I need to get back into an exercise routine...something I do consistenly vs on and off (mostly off).

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I did a 100 day challenge this year.  For the first 100 days of the year, I got at least 20 minutes of exercise every day.  It was a total pain, but a REAL eye opener and I got a lot out of it.  It may not seem like much, but it was a long 100 days!


I think you will enjoy your W30 Exercise plan, Kelly!  I had in my head that I was "pretty active" already and that it wouldn't be a big deal.  Boy was I wrong!  I did it with my nephew which really helped.  Neither of us wanted to let the other down.  And I did a Whole 30 in there as well-my most successful one so far.


Good luck!  I'm so glad we are almost done!

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I did a 100 day challenge this year.  For the first 100 days of the year, I got at least 20 minutes of exercise every day.  It was a total pain, but a REAL eye opener and I got a lot out of it.  It may not seem like much, but it was a long 100 days!


I think you will enjoy your W30 Exercise plan, Kelly!  I had in my head that I was "pretty active" already and that it wouldn't be a big deal.  Boy was I wrong!  I did it with my nephew which really helped.  Neither of us wanted to let the other down.  And I did a Whole 30 in there as well-my most successful one so far.


Good luck!  I'm so glad we are almost done!




Thanks Megmac! I am almost kicking myself thinking (IF I had worked out, my weight loss and other results would be even better)..but instead, I tell myself I can start NOW....always learning, always a work in progress.


I'm feeling so happy and proud of us all for getting this far...we are almost at Day 30...then re-intro!


WOOO HOOOO FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't think it's bad that your first W30 you took it easy with the exercise.  It's a big change for your body AND your mind, and requires a lot of work and focus.  Now you are adding in the exercise.  I think it's a great plan!

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Kelly, that's a great idea! I actually think they should have a Whole9 board here in addition to the Whole30. We talk a lot about food (and yeah, I know, It Starts With Food ;) ) but there's also exercise and sleep and stress reduction and I don't even know what else because I haven't read their stuff in too long. I think a Whole30 exercise challenge could be fun. Definitely something a lot of us (coughcoughMEcoughcough) need motivation for!

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I don't think it's bad that your first W30 you took it easy with the exercise.  It's a big change for your body AND your mind, and requires a lot of work and focus.  Now you are adding in the exercise.  I think it's a great plan!

Megmac:  Good point...a LOT of changes with my first time Whole30....for body and mind, as you said...plus learning to cook! You're right! So, now I am ready (and excited) to do an EXERCISE30...and today I got online and ordered my first ever order from a local farm for a small delivery of farm fresh fruits/veggies...for next week. I ordered from http://www.farmfreshtoyou.com

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Kelly, that's a great idea! I actually think they should have a Whole9 board here in addition to the Whole30. We talk a lot about food (and yeah, I know, It Starts With Food ;) ) but there's also exercise and sleep and stress reduction and I don't even know what else because I haven't read their stuff in too long. I think a Whole30 exercise challenge could be fun. Definitely something a lot of us (coughcoughMEcoughcough) need motivation for!


Join me RiverSong! (:

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Day 30.  Let the drums roll and trumpets blare!  :P 

I have this weird sense of peace and calm arriving at day 30. Kind of a knowing that all is good.

Yesterday was good. I was concerned that an early dinner at 4:30 pm (because I had a 7-9pm class) would cause me to want to snack either at the class or when I got home, but nada.  No desire to eat or drink anything after having yesterday's final meal. Wild, really.

Today, I just finished the last of my crustless quiche for breakfast with my coffee/ghee/coconut oil. Lunch I will have prosciutto, salad with paleo mayo-based dressing, and some strawberries on the side. Dinner will be turkey burger, spinach and a pear.


The only thing I plan to reintroduce tomorrow (and this weekend) is wine, as I'm going away with my 3 girlfriends this weekend. One friend is dairy and gluten-free (GF), another is vegan, and I've been GF since 2006, so we make quite the bunch when we go out to eat!  My plan is to reintroduce dairy on Monday, which will put me in sync with the rest of the June group here on the forum. 


Plan to measure and weigh myself tomorrow morning. 


Nice!!!!  let us know tomorrow how it goes! congratulations! by this time you're probably done on the W30!  I can't wait to say the same!

Have fun on the weekend we'll see you on Monday for the dairy test ;)

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Was reading the Whole30 Daily for today and I am going to commit to an Exercise30....I did not work out much during this Whole30 and so I am going to start July 1 with an "Exercise30"...meaning I will exercise DAILY for 30 days. Does not have to be killer workouts...just "some" type of activity or movement....some days cardio or Zumba....other days kettlebells....other days gentler activities like stretching or yoga...but I need to get back into an exercise routine...something I do consistenly vs on and off (mostly off).


@Kelly...Great idea... I want to commit to that as well. Maybe that can be incorporated to our forum for after Whole 30.


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Yes, I have to start working out too... I didn't work out at all during June.  I was too busy planning and cooking.  But 1st of July I'll be back  to "Insanity" at least 20 minutes each day.  (I lost 17 pounds by doing it), so now with my new way of eating and the work out plan.... I'll kick some butts :P 

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