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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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Eats for Day 27:

**green smoothie: banana, tahihi, greens, coconut water

**sausage with mustard

**raw almonds, plums (lost count - so delicious plucked from the tree)

**coconut water (hot today!), whole avocado

**grilled mahi mahi and steak, cucumber salad with orange peppers, avocado and vinagraite, sweet potato, watermelon

MAJORLY LOW ENERGY TODAY. The weather was hot but not sure if that's the whole reason. Just woke up feeling butt kicked and never got over it. Tried to nap but it was too hot. Managed to go for a ride but chores were almost undoable. Hoping for a miracle tomorrow.

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Hi all,


So close!

I'm puzzling over two questions/things today.


1. Random shin splints in one leg. No exercise today, elliptical yesterday, gentle yoga day before. Only painful when getting up or down or stairs. Anyone else experiencing this?


2. I posted on the Reintroduction thread and it does seem like you can do whatever order you prefer. Which is helpful, and i'm still trying to decide what order is best for me. Do any of you live in or have you traveled much in Central America or Costa Rica in particular? Trying to balance what I want most (wine and milk in my coffee) versus what will be hardest to avoid/most readily available - rice, beans, beer. Some type of alcohol is coming back no matter what - celebrating an anniversary on this trip. But beyond that, I'm a little stumped about what order will set me up best in terms of satiety and pleasure on the trip,and doing reintroduction at least relatively properly. Any opinions or thoughts on this would be appreciated!



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I'm starting w dairy on Monday....Greek yogurt (plain Fage) and maybe creamer for my coffee.........sure, in our reintro thread that I will start July 1st I think it is appropriate to talk about other goals and things we are striving or such ad an Exercise 30 for me....sleep/rest, etc or whatever each person chooses.

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Hello day 31 and Mr. Tape Measure!  :D 

First off, let me state the reasons I went on the Whole30.  I wanted to re-institute vegetables into my diet more regularly, cut back on the cheese and chocolate snacking (which had gotten out of control), and stop the after-dinner-in-front-of-the-TV snacking.  If I could drop a bit of excess weight/inches, that would be a bonus.

I achieved all those goals and more. Vegetables at every meal, zero chocolate and zero cravings.  Snacking, when I was hungry, was only between M1 and M2 or M2 and M3.


- I like cooking again
- Shocked I never craved cheese or chocolate
- Brighter skin and less under-eye darkness
- Weirdest outcome (sorry if this is TMI): after not having a period since Aug 2011 (to which my gynecologist attributed as a normal side effect of my birth control), my period reappeared last Thursday, day 23 of my W30.

Body composition/weight:
- I've lost 4.2 inches, most in my bust-line (I may have lost more, because I didn't measure myself until 7 days in). Lost 1 5/8" at bust-line, 11/16" on my waist, 11/16" on my hips, 5/16" on my left thigh and 7/8" on my right thigh (neglected to measure my calves at the start).

- weight: I lost 5 pounds. Happy with that pace of weight loss: feel like it's a healthy safe pace.


Energy is great, although I feel like I had decent energy already going into this. That being said, I've been getting up earlier and feeling more well-rested. Only slept through the night once: I think my body needs to get up and pee once during the night.

It feels great to be eating real food more consistently again. That being said, I'm looking forward to having a nice glass of wine later today!  That will technically be my first re-intro (away for the weekend with friends), and then I plan to re-intro dairy on Monday.  I will also ultimately test non-gluten grains and legumes. Won't test gluten-grains, as I've been gluten-free for 6+ years - no need to retest or reintroduce. Given the weirdness around my period, I'm thinking soy won't make a comeback into my diet, which I can live with (means no more soy milk in my daily morning coffee. That's fine: I can live with coconut oil and ghee!). Chocolate will return, but it will be intermittent and quality: nice dark chocolate, a unique truffle, or dark chocolate covered strawberries.


Woo hoo!

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Day 28!


I didn't have a great sleep last night, I woke up a couple of times but I was able to get back to sleep.  Even without a great sleep, I'm feeling pretty good this morning.  I went to Crossfit at 6am and had a really good workout and felt like I had a little more energy then usual.  Perhaps some 'tiger blood'? I'm not so sure...


As I said before, I have no plan to re-introduce grains, with the exception of beer.  However, the beer that I will be consuming will be finely crafted ales/lagers from micro-breweries that put nothing but the best ingredients in their beer. I'm certain I will have dairy again, at some point in the future - I just don't have any plans to add it in the near future.


Even without the 'tiger blood', I am very pleased that I took on this challenge. I have read SO MUCH material about Paleo and have learnt a lot about the food I eat. (Past & Present)  My hope is to carry on with this way of eating, knowing that if I fall off track for an extended period of time, I'll have Whole30 to set me right.


I hope you all have a great day!

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OMG, guys! The closer we get to the end, the more horrible food nightmares I'm having! Every night I dream of biting into something sweet and then realizing I still have a few more days to go!! I don't plan on reintroducing sugar (or any of the other food groups on a regular basis) into my diet but  I'm sure going to be happy to get that "can't have this" monkey off my back just for the peace of mind. LOL

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CONGRATS GFCHRIS!!!!!! SO much success! Wooo hooo!


I am looking forward to exercising regularly....I know it will make a huge difference in my healthy overall health and well being.


Other than testing dairy for the greek yogurt....I may occasionally have ice cream or chocolate or an alcoholic drink....or pasta...but I'm really OK with not taking back sodas or artificial sweeteners or process snacky items...except maybe Trader Joe's multigrain pita chips....and maybe hummus....we shall see. Not missing anything in particular...so will be interesting to see if that changes.

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hi all! weighed myself and took my after picture this morning since traveling tomorrow. here are my results:


1. Down 6 lbs, and I have exercised less than usual
2. Some change in body composition especially in belly area which is a tough spot for me
3. More even energy throughout day, no big highs and lows
4. Better sleep, vivid dreams
5. Massive reduction in acid reflux
6. Much improved digestive function - didn't even know anything was up in that department!


My partner lost 3 lbs which was absolutely not his goal, he would have preferred to gain if anything but i guess it's natural when you cut out the 2-3 nightly beers :)


Very exciting!

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I saw this posted by Tom, one of the Moderators in the Reintroduction Forum and I really liked it...so I thought I'd share it here since many of us are figuring out what we want to do for reintroduction...


"A lifestyle that involves cheating is unhealthy in all kinds of ways. There are no cheat meals in the Whole9 approach. You eat what you want. You can choose foods that make you more healthy or foods that make you less healthy. There is no cheating, just choices."

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Forgot to post on my day 30, which was Sunday the 23rd! Woohoo! Felt so good to finally get one under my belt! I was planning to do that Whole55 thing, but...I couldn't resist having a little celebration with my favorite ice cream, Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip, on Monday and Tuesday. It wasn't "all that," but it was pretty good. I did great again on Wednesday, then Thursday was an absolutely crazy day at work - I didn't get breakfast until after ten - and around 2 I decided to have one more treat.


Today I'm back on track. I have a new log thread, because this one's going to be a Whole60 before the hubby and I head to Indiana to see my family in August. (See my signature for the link.)


This group has been awesome and very instrumental in helping me make it through this time. If anyone wants to jump right back on and join me, come onboard!!



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Eats for Day 28:

**green smoothie: banana, tahini, blueberries, greens, coffee

**venti black ice tea

**grilled chicken and shrimp, onions, mushrooms, broccoli

**venti ice tea

**paleo fried chicken with mayo, sweet potato, cucumber salad with orange pepper, cherry tomatoes, vinagraite, cranberry Kombucha

**cherry pie Larabar

Ran a bunch of errands which culminated in my car breaking down! Stayed calm and steady. Much better energy today despite the intense heat. As for the re intro question, I will add back white rice and popcorn popped in coconut oil once a week or so. I'd love to add chocolate but I'm nervous it will lead to sugar binging as it did after my January Whole 30... I may try it after 60 days, or my birthday mid August.

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Congrats Gfchris, Delvallex & Lindalee! Your results are so awesome! And to keep doing it with little added items is inspiring.

I'm very afraid of Monday myself. It's the most stressful time of the year at work (physical inventory), plus that time of the month, and hubbie has brought into the house loads of sweets, sodas and non compliant foods for him and the little ones. As a result, I feel the sugar dragon rearing its ugly head. I want a coke and some of the vanilla wafers or turtles in the pantry. I'm tired of cooking so darn much. I don't know how to do this long term. But i know i should keep at it because I know it's helping. I guess I feel like a spoiled child that's so frustrated that I can't have sweets. Hrmpphh! Guess I have a case of the grumpies. :(

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Day 29 and still a little excessive with the pistachios.....but no more Trader Joe's Just Mango dried mango in the house...and will NOT buy more (for now, anyway).  Also, liking the Ginerade Kombucha a bit too much (:


I will start a new thread Sunday night in the Reintroduction section of the forum, as we discussed, "Whole30 JUNE GROUP - REINTRODUCTION"...so we can continue to support each other there.


I am behind in my Whole30 Daily emaisl....never finished reading everying in Days 23, 24, 25, 26....so will try to catch up today and think about my Whole30 experience thus far...for my own "success story".


How's everyone doing?



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2 days post-W30. Reintroduced alcohol yesterday (midafternoon vodka/sparkling wine/peach drink, then glass of red wine with dinner). No noticeable reaction. Had a fabulous piece of wild salmon for dinner. Away with friends. Breakfast out this morning: yummy omelette with tomatoes, spinach and avocado cooked in safflower oil (at least it wasn't soybean). Small cup of fresh fruit. It was amusing for my three friends to say they were stuffed, and I was pleasantly full. Still enjoying eating real unprocessed food. Didn't miss the side of hash browns with the omelette.

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Planned my reintro of dairy for Monday....organic 1/2 1/2 w coffee, lunch will add Fage plain Greek yogurt, dinner wii have 2 or 3 string cheese

For grains, not sure...probably quinoa....but what else? Want to stay away from gluten.....don't plan to add back

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Planned my reintro of dairy for Monday....organic 1/2 1/2 w coffee, lunch will add Fage plain Greek yogurt, dinner wii have 2 or 3 string cheese For grains, not sure...probably quinoa....but what else? Want to stay away from gluten.....don't plan to add back


Rice? Oatmeal? Rice pasta or corn pasta?

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Well I'm happy to say that even though I'm 3 days into my 2 week vacation I have been able to stay 99.99% compliant!  I only had a little sanfu where I tried something one of my uncles made before getting the complete ingrediant list, thankfully it was only two small bites so I'm calling it ok this far into my W30.  Other than that it has been surprisingly easy, no snacking, good foods, enjoyable visits with family.  Tomorrow will be the big test since it's my final day and there is a big family potluck picnic and I won't know what is truely ok to eat except what we bring.  I'll probably eat big for M1 and maybe take some compliant snacks in the diaper bag just incase.  I'm fairly certain I won't be able to have anything anyone else has made (that's just how my family cooks).  Bring it on!

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Was reading the Whole30 Daily for today and I am going to commit to an Exercise30....I did not work out much during this Whole30 and so I am going to start July 1 with an "Exercise30"...meaning I will exercise DAILY for 30 days. Does not have to be killer workouts...just "some" type of activity or movement....some days cardio or Zumba....other days kettlebells....other days gentler activities like stretching or yoga...but I need to get back into an exercise routine...something I do consistenly vs on and off (mostly off).

Hey Mrs. Frosty! I independently made the same decision! And also called it an Exercise30 -- a couple of friends have said they will try it too. Very similar concept: committing to some form of exercise everyday, even if it's just 10 minutes of yoga before bed or a quick tabata set. I tend to get a good, intense routine going for a little while and then give up when I can't sustain it. Hoping this will help me figure out how to do things differently.


*Edited after catching up on posts*


Love that so many people are doing this and love the idea of using the reintroduction thread to track and compare notes (if I'm understanding that correctly?).

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I can't believe it.... day 30 is finally coming!!!  Got a kombucha to celebrate tomorrow :P  

today I had the eggs & banana pancakes (I know I'm not supposed to... but I really wanted to try the recipe... and OMG they are to die for!!! )


When visiting the supermarket today I realized things have changed....  I pass by the veggies and get so excited to see an Acorn Squash, an artichoke, bananas, cherries... and I start craving all these fruits and veggies... I do not care for the bakery or the chesses nope.... I feel in paradise on the produce section :o it was funny Cause I wasn't a veggie eater at all.  That's makes me very happy!!!!  My refrigerator is stuffed of good food and I cannot wait to start preparing all of them!!!!  


So are we doing a w30 workout with the  reintroduction?


Happy 29th night!!!!

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Hey Everyone!  I have been MIA due to summer camp this week, but I'm back... just in time to say that I am finishing the Whole30 strong!  The kitchen I used at camp was STOCKED full of Little Debbie snacks, chips, soda pop... you name it.  I had already planned out every single meal before I left on Monday, so there was no guess work involved when I got there.  It took very little time to put my meals together, because I cooked up as much as I could before my trip.  I got some GREAT tips and recipes from my new "Well Fed" cookbook that came in the mail last Friday... just in time!  The funniest part was watching everyone drool over my meals while they had to eat the fried junk food from the cafeteria.  Everyone was complaining of how bad the food was and how yucky they felt all week.  It made me VERY thankful that I didn't have to eat that stuff.  It was a fantastic week, but I'm glad to be in my own home, cooking in my own kitchen and away from all of those tempting treats!  I'm proud of all of us who have overcome more than they thought possible during the past 30 days.

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Thx for the grain suggestions...maybe I'll do brown rice, quinoa and corn pasta (: for day 4. Yes on exercise30....and reintro thread (: thx to everyone in this group....you're a major reason why I made it...on to day 30

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