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Day 31 Re-intro Email - Sugar not listed


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Just got my Day 31 Re-intro email and looked at the schedule...


Re-intro schedule: Days 1-3, Dairy; Days 4-6, Gluten grains only; Days 7-9, Non-gluten grains; Day 10, Legumes.


Curious as to why sugar (in any form) is not listed as a re-intro category. I believe part of the re-intro logic is to see how it affects you...just like the reason for re-intro of the other items.


I plan on re-intro of honey because I believe it to be a less bad sugar. Using as a sweetener when that is called for in a recipe, etc.


Did I miss something?  :-)





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If the email is like the ISWF book, it's a sample schedule.  If you want to test sugar and/or honey, just add it into the schedule.  :)


You can tweak it to suit your curiosity on how eating certain foods will make you feel, or not.  For example, I've been gluten-free for years, so I won't be reintroducing gluten-containing grains.  Others pretty much know they're done with sugar, so they don't have a need to do a sugar reintro - maybe just have a piece of chocolate once in a while.

Hope that makes sense.

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Yes, that makes sense. I was just curious as to why it was omitted, but I'm figuring that sugar is such a bad thing that the prevailing thought is why would anyone even want to test it.


Local honey and quality cacao...well, and my wife's chocolate chip cookies...no more than 1 or 2 a day...those will probably be the extent of my non-naturally-occurring sweets. I'm pretty much done with the rest of it but need to figure out a way to make pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving using honey as my only sweetener. That may not be possible.  :)

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Having taken sugar out of my diet with the W30, I moved on to raw local honey for the homeopathic effect it can have on allergies. I also discovered coconut crystals (http://www.coconutsecret.com/crystals2.html). I saw them at Whole Foods and thought, "why not?" Interestingly, it tastes like brown sugar and can be substituted 1:1 for regular cane sugar in recipes. I've used very little of it, but have been happy with what I've had. 

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This is a really good question, and the first time anyone has ever asked me! Nice work.


The reason we don't give sugar its own reintroduction day is because 1) we assume that other reintroduction foods will have sugar in them, by default, and 2) you'd have to eat a busload of sugar in its purest form in any given day to assess how it makes you feel. (A teaspoon in your coffee and a few grams in your ketchup probably won't send you into a death-spiral of cravings, or give you blood sugar highs and lows.) You'd need to really go for it to evaluate--and frankly, we all know that a bunch of sugar in any given meal will make your body and brain feel like junk. No science needed for that.


In additon (to my first point), if you're reintroducing grains, that's pretty much as good as sugar. Most folks experience some of the negative effects of grains AND sugar when they carb out on pasta, bread, etc. Same with most forms of dairy. If you really wanted a sugar-by-itself day, go right ahead, but don't get it from fruit or sweet potato - you'll have to indulge in added sugar to most of your otherwise Whole30 foods. Which would be weird. And probably gross. (Sugar on strawberries? Ew.)





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Well said, Melissa!


In response to the original post, I have realized that sugar has a much more immediate effect on my blood pressure/heart rate than I ever could've imagined. I'm only 27, but now have a 100% cause and effect relationship between sugar and my heart. If I eat sugar (a significant amount, like chocolates or something) after around noon (still narrowing down the timeframe; after dinner is definitely a cause), when I go to bed at night, my heart will still be at a 70+ bpm. I feel fine, other than the fast heart: no sweating, not out of breath. Just my heart shouldn't be that fast.


Yesterday I was good and didn't have anything (hubby keeps pushing it on me since we're getting rid of stuff as we move, but I'd already brushed my teeth and he didn't keep pushing) and, what do you know, my heart rate in bed was normal - 60s or well below (I think I was in the 50s last night) immediately after laying down.


Today is a test - I ate like crap for lunch and, when I got hypoglycemic around 4, I tried to just use my coconut larabar but it wasn't enough. I eventually caved after feeling like crap and ate chocolate. Now I'm sitting here with a 68 bpm, after sitting on the couch with my computer for an hour. Sigh.

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Day 25 here: I have been wondering the same thing, although Melissa is right - anything not on Whole30 will probably have some sugar in it, if you're out and about. Since I have never gotten used to tea and coffee without a bit of sweetener, I was thinking of using coconut crystals or lo han powder (about which I have seen nothing in this forum). I don't like stevia, no one can convince me it doesn't taste like licorice. A small amount of sweet in beverages doesn't trigger the sugar dragon, for me.


If I bake (which WILL happen), it will be with xylitol or honey, depending on the bulk or effect needed, and it would probably only be my almond flour chocolate chip cookies with sugar-free choc chips (and I will romance them, not cram them down, as stated in ISWF) or flour-free choc cake (DH's BD). And of course, pumpkin pie (thanks for that).


So basically, my question is now, what does Whole9 think about lo han/monkfruit as sweetener? And also coconut sap as opposed to coconut crystals, or are they basically the same? Neither one would be used much, but I don't want to use cane sugar in any form.



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Day 25 here: I have been wondering the same thing, although Melissa is right - anything not on Whole30 will probably have some sugar in it, if you're out and about. Since I have never gotten used to tea and coffee without a bit of sweetener, I was thinking of using coconut crystals or lo han powder (about which I have seen nothing in this forum). I don't like stevia, no one can convince me it doesn't taste like licorice. A small amount of sweet in beverages doesn't trigger the sugar dragon, for me.


If I bake (which WILL happen), it will be with xylitol or honey, depending on the bulk or effect needed, and it would probably only be my almond flour chocolate chip cookies with sugar-free choc chips (and I will romance them, not cram them down, as stated in ISWF) or flour-free choc cake (DH's BD). And of course, pumpkin pie (thanks for that).


So basically, my question is now, what does Whole9 think about lo han/monkfruit as sweetener? And also coconut sap as opposed to coconut crystals, or are they basically the same? Neither one would be used much, but I don't want to use cane sugar in any form.



 lo han is an herb like stevia, right?  My guess is the answer would be it is as acceptable as stevia for a sweetener.  Does it leave an aftertaste when you use it in larger amounts for baking?

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lo han is an herb like stevia, right?  My guess is the answer would be it is as acceptable as stevia for a sweetener.  Does it leave an aftertaste when you use it in larger amounts for baking?


PamH - I don't know yet, haven't tried it. I know some of it is mixed with erithrytol, one has to find the "Simply" brand to get the pure stuff. I will post if/when I try.



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Oh, and it's almost impossible to find pure Lo Han. It's either mixed with inulin (bad stuff I think) or erithrytol. I found some mixed with maltodextrin and another with dextrin. Monkfruit in the Raw is apparently mixed with corn syrup, Nectresse has erithrytol and molasses for goodness sake! Basically, I don't know that I will be using monk fruit, maybe this is why people don't. http://www.thekitchn.com/monk-fruit-sweetener-ingredient-spotlight-186887

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for asking this: in anticipation of a coming reintroduction, I was also surprised to see sweeteners and/or preservatives of any kind omitted from the reintroduction list.  Melissa's explanation makes perfect sense though, and it's not rocket science that sugar will make me feel icky.  Eating pretty strictly paleo most of the time, the sample reintroduction protocol isn't super helpful to me.  


I'm planning to modify the reintroduction this time to play with things like non-gluten grains, goats milk, various clear liquors, and sweeteners other than sugar.  Thanks for broaching the subject!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So my question is this...what kind of sweetener should I use? According to the book sugar is sugar no matter what I use. I don't have a problem with sugar demons but I do want to put something in my coffee. I only drink one cup a day, so should I use real sugar, stevia, etc...?

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So my question is this...what kind of sweetener should I use? According to the book sugar is sugar no matter what I use. I don't have a problem with sugar demons but I do want to put something in my coffee. I only drink one cup a day, so should I use real sugar, stevia, etc...?

There's no official answer here. You have to decide for yourself. You can treat it like any other reintroduction and have sugar one day and see how you feel, stevia another day, etc. Or just use the one you like best. However you do it, pay attention to how you feel -- does it cause cravings? Does it cause you to have a sugar crash later? Then use your observations to inform your decisions in the future.

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  • 2 months later...

Hmmm... I was planning to test incidental sugar (in bacon, balsamic vinegar, etc.) as the first reintroduction test (Day 1), to see if it caused cravings and then real amounts of sugar (candies, honey in my tea, maybe a sweet bbq sauce) as the last step (Day 31, Day 34) for the same reason.  I *know* sugar isn't good for me, but I'd like to know if I can enjoy it in moderation or if I need to swear it off completely.

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