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Putting on my grass skirt and coconut bra


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My Whole30 starts July 1st. And I'll be honest. I am already grain free, mostly legume free, mostly sugar free, but the blue Linus blanket of dairy products is about to be yanked out of my grasp and I've been sucking down lattes with a last-flight-out-of-Saigon desperation. I stopped buying milk. I threw away the Splenda. (Permanently on the latter.) I drank a bulletproof coffee this morning with CO and ghee and didn't hate it. (Its a little like hot Guinness. Who knew.) 


I don't worry too much about the cooking shifts, I have been cooking almost Whole30 for a while now (with the exception of a glorious moussaka blanketed with golden cheeses like the wings of sweet baby angels and the odd zucchini lasagna) but I am determined to make the best of the experience and not freak out over going dairy free. It is my last idol, my last addiction that needs to be dealt with. 


I want it to be an experience of humor, learning, positivity, maybe a little joy if I can squeeze it in. One year I rode in a 150 fundraising bike ride. There were rest stops every 15 miles, and those last two or three stops along the way were staffed by the same helpful folks there to provide snacks and first aid. One in particular had a guy in a grass skirt and a coconut bra standing in the road to usher us into the parking lot and as ridiculous as that sounds, after riding almost 70 miles on your own leg power in shorts that feel less and less padded with every inch, he gave my toil just the right dash of absurdity needed to push me over the bridge and to the finish line. (Oh yes, there was an actual bridge, seven stories high.) 

So I'm bringing the absurdity to this experience.  I'm armed with a week's worth of meals planned, a bottle of coconut aminos, a jar of ghee, and a really good paring knife.

Bring it!

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I thought for sure I would add back in my stevia and cream for my coffee at the end. But I'm happy with my coconut oil and coconut milk. Dairy has lost it's appeal and definitely it's "essential" status. A positive curious attitude definitely helps!

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I've been letting things go one by one over the last week. (I start officially July 1) When the milk ran out I didn't buy more. I stopped using Splenda. I am already just drinking tea with a little CO in it, stirring it in but mostly just letting it sort of float on the top. Sounds weird but it isn't awful, and as a side bonus I haven't needed lip balm at all.  :P The cheese drawer is empty. 

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Kudos to being armed with a good paring knife (among your other clear dedications to starting fresh on Monday). A good, sharp knife should not be underestimated - either in it's value to do some heavy lifting in the form of meal prep or as a hearty, Whole30 weapon. 


I was using a less-than-stellar knife just this past week and learned this lesson the hard way...with a trip to urgent care and a nicely glued finger. Haha. Oops!  :o

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Oh no! I just resharpened my santoku yesterday. If I can thank the Food Network for one thing, it was for explaining to me why I needed one of those. I never thought I'd be someone who starts every meal prep by getting out the cutting board. Or that I'd wish for bigger vegetable drawers. Or that I'd fill and empty the two I have every week. There used to be sad carrots in there. And whatever I was hiding from the Moochy McMoocher in my house, who'd eat his and mine of anything good. :P

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