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Out of control after just completing Whole30. Help!

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So I finished my Whole30 this past Friday (yay!) and I was super strict and all of that. Legitimately, throughout the whole thing I dreamed of dessert. I didn't crave it per say, but I just wanted to taste it. After my Whole30 was finished, I decided I could have a piece of cake that night... which has turned into three days of having a ton of junk food. I don't think I've eaten over 2000 calories, but I've just had a lot. I've gained back weight, which worries me a lot; I dropped to 148lbs, but when I weighed myself today I was 156.8lbs. I feel bloated and horrible, and my neck has gained like an inch in circumference. I want to get back on track, but I feel like I can't convince myself to do it again. If I start eating Whole30 again, will all of this go away? Help! 

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Here is a little tough love for you. By just diving into whatever post W30 you kind of wasted the experience. Taking the time to slowly reintroduce foods one at a time while staying compliant in between helps you figure out what you do or don't have sensitivities too. I'm guessing you may have a sensitivity to wheat but its hard to say if you have been eating junk for 3 days straight.


My advice if you really want to gain something sustainable is to go back to W30 eating for at least a week and then go through introductions carefully and see how you react.


It sounds like you are in a calorie mindset still which tells me you probably did a W30 for weight loss which really isn't the point. 

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-a LOT of that weight is bloat and water weight. More than you would ever believe. I had a MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) coach once who could sweat off 10 pounds of water weight in one evening to weigh in for competition...which means his body weight could fluctuate 10 POUNDS just on how much he'd been drinking recently. Junk food is salty and carby, so it's making you retain all that water...I'm not saying necessarily all of that weight gain you're seeing is water weight but chances are that a huge chunk of it is. So yes, if you go back to W30 food, chances are excellent that a lot of it if not all of it will vanish in a few days. It's extremely unlikely that you actually put on 8 pounds of fat, muscle, or anything else permanent in 3 days.


-I agree with Physibeth that if you're counting calories and doing the Whole30 for weight loss, you might not have completely learned to let go of the scale yet. I think you might want to sit down for a real heart-to-heart with yourself about it, and maybe commit to another W30 focusing on your relationship with food and your attitude towards eating, not the number on a scale or tape measure. And after that, maybe start reintroducing stuff one food at a time.


-Think of it this way, if it helps: you ate junk up for 3 days. You have the rest of your life to do better. That 3 days is nothing in the grand scheme of things, unless you let it pull you off track for good. You have not "blown it" unless you let yourself get derailed permanently, and you're so much better than that. But you know what I can promise you will absolutely positively not help? Eating junk for a 4th day in a row.

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-Think of it this way, if it helps: you ate junk up for 3 days. You have the rest of your life to do better. That 3 days is nothing in the grand scheme of things, unless you let it pull you off track for good. You have not "blown it" unless you let yourself get derailed permanently, and you're so much better than that. But you know what I can promise you will absolutely positively not help? Eating junk for a 4th day in a row.


I agree with this 1000x! I liked the post but only notacommittee and I will know that until they finish fixing the forums.  ;)

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I can confirm what nota said about water weight. I was in the hospital last year with stomach issues. I had nothing by mouth for 4 whole days. I was on an IV drip. When it was time to go home, my husband brought some clothes for me. I could not zip up the pants! I had figured that the only good thing about no food or drink for 4 days was that I would lose weight. But when I got home, I had actually gained 10 lbs! From an IV drip!


After a few days (of just having broth and other liquids), The water weight came down. I think that was probably the only time in my life I was fully hydrated.


Calm down, go back to the reintroduction chapter and follow that. You had a binge, it's over. You are back in control.

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By just diving into whatever post W30 you kind of wasted the experience



I have to very respectfully disagree with physiobeth's statement here. I totally did the same thing after my 1st AND my 2nd Whole30 - and they were still (in the grand scheme of things) extremely valuable experiences. Now I've been eating a very good primal diet with much ease for well over a month. I would have never gotten to this place had it not been for 2 successful Whole30s - despite not doing a reintroduction phase.


So this is to say, don't fret! Don't freak out. Much of what you gained is water weight. Be kind to yourself. Recognize the pattern of thoughts behind the "just a little piece of cake" that turns into a 3 day bingeapalooza. Restriction can really mess with our heads and cause some of us to binge. It takes time and a non-judging attitude to see through these patterns and get to a place where you don't really feel deprived. Enjoy the bingeapalooza - when things settle down for you, gear up for your next Whole30.


Sometimes it takes a lot more time than a mere 30 days to change your life ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@funwithcolors I feel you. I'm doing exactly this. I planned to have one "eat whatever I like day" post whole-30 and then immediately get back on with a slightly less strict version of paleo. That one day was Friday. It is Sunday and I have already failed to stick to my plan. I'm up 3lbs (probably a combination of water and PMS) and my stomach looks huge. Every time I have a bad start in the morning I think "well, today's a write off. What other things can I eat?". Definitely not what the plan was at all! 


I should recommit to starting right now, even though it's 3:30pm. Otherwise I'll just keep eating crap all night. 


What's really strange is I'm not even *hungry* right now. 

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So I finished my whole 30 months ago, and decided to stay compliant, HOWEVER I feel your pain!

A few cupcakes and pizza one night, led to crackers and other bad foods at dinner a week later. To top it off, I spent the past week at my mothers on vacation and stayed compliant only 2 out of 7 days! I get the bloating... and all else your commented on,  feeling like all the work I have done has gone to pot... but i know deep down, despite my off tracking, not to punish myself and to move forward from today because I know how I feel when I eat WHOLE foods. better!


Back home, and back on track (only my 2nd day back on track). But here's my deal.  I have no food allergies. I tried the whole30 to reduce my abs (I have two children and am pretty athletic, but my midsection puts me to shame). I got other great results so stayed true to compliant (mostly) for four or so months. My abdominal area still sucks (in my opinion). and have to shake it up! so did some investigating online and am now doing a 30day abs challenge- where each day for 30 days I do core work in addition to my other weights and/or cardio activities. Keep in mind, I used to do tri's, but had a major set back in june (bike accident, head trauma, ER visit...) so all i had was my eating to manage my body and recovery.


interestingly as subscribers at the end of our whole 30, the support emails suggests trying a "30" of something else. I did the sister30 and was in contact with my sister for 30 days. Guess this is my abs30.  In addition to getting myself back on track, I treated myself to some crab meat, salmon, real whole guac from whole foods... got some new recipes, spices... and am going to enjoy the compliancy as i get back on track.


I suggest embrace getting back on track, make it enjoyable! Not a labor.

Good Luck!

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I just finished my first Whole 30 and I was so scared that this would happen to me, thankfully I'm fine so far.


When I'm struggling or wanting something off plan I go back and READ BOOKS. Any paleo books. I re-read why grains/sugar are so bad for you, I reconnect with the paleo community. I remind myself why I'm doing this. And to be honest I get grossed out being reminded of all the negatives of a bad diet. I also like to picture a tub of margarine or anything with trans fats/HFCS. I picture the food I want being the lowest quality ingredients, and think of what they'll do inside me. And it cuts out the cravings.


Good luck with it and don't feel bad, just get back on track. Remind yourself why you did this in the first place.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have gone way of the rails post Whole30, which is why I'm starting up with another Whole30 (or 45, or 60) on Tuesday. I don't think I can psychologically handle exceptions at this point. If the line isn't THERE, and I can have this one treat...well then where IS the line? I'm going to do a longer Whole experience until I can get that sorted out.

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I have gone way of the rails post Whole30, which is why I'm starting up with another Whole30 (or 45, or 60) on Tuesday. I don't think I can psychologically handle exceptions at this point. If the line isn't THERE, and I can have this one treat...well then where IS the line? I'm going to do a longer Whole experience until I can get that sorted out.


you have to make your own line, and have the strength to stick with it no matter what. if you can follow a whole 30/whatever, you're just following someone else's rules - you can make yourself do it with your own rules too! being able to set your own and stick to them is harder because you're likely to give yourself leeway

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Im so glad I read this thread. Thank you all for your honesty. I am on my 10th day of the Whole 30.


The first 3 or 4 days I kept thinking about what my cheat meal would be when I finished the 30 days. Steak and Shake kept coming to mind! CheeseBurger w/ bun , fries, and milkshake! and anything chocolate! Now on my 10th day I feel great and am no longer craving all that. Im starting to see a little definition in my abs again and dont feel bloated. So I do not want to blow my hard work. After reading your posts I am going to stick with a paleo treat for when I finish. ( I have been Paleo for 2 years but was making a few too many paleo baked goods.)

I will be making one of Elana's Pantry treats  and I will enjoy every last bite! ( but not the whole pan!)  

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Why oh why are we so hard on ourselves??!! Yes, I am mainly saying this to myself!  After doing a handful of W30's over the past year, I 'thought' I finally had a healthy relationship with food...recognizing that it's a source of fuel, thinking that a night out with friends was more about great company than great wine, realizing that I could go to the movies without having soda and popcorn.  And then I got pregnant! Staying on track with healthy eating has definitely been a challenge.  I seem to beat myself up everytime I eat something that isn't W30 compliant.  I feel guilty the rest of the day.  Why is that?!  How have I so quickly forgotten about the fact that I made great choices the other 80% of the day?  Why do I obsess about the fact that I had a tablespoon of nutella because I was craving something sweet, when before W30 I would have had a large blizzard from Dairy Queen?!  I think it's really important to focus on the positive changes and knowledge that you've gained from doing W30 instead of focusing on chocolate cake. Good luck to you!  And I'll remind myself of this as well.

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Ajclemons5, congratulations on your pregnancy!  And I totally agree with you: let's not let perfection be the enemy of the  good.  Right now I am trying to battle my main trigger, wine.  Originally, I had intended to start another whole30 right after my first, but I'm realizing that it is just too much for me right now. So, I'll continue to eat primally, as I have been for the last couple of years, except sans alcohol.  That's enough of a challenge, believe me!  And if that means I have a couple of coke zeros along the way, so be it!

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