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Meal timing/spacing

Guest Andria

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Hi! I Haven't really been active on this forum in a while, but I am currently planning to start another Whole30 after my bday. Disclaimer: I haven't finished one to date!

My concern is with time between my meals. When do most people eat their dinner? We usually try to eat by 7pm and it is a struggle. This is mainly due to work schedules, exercise and the pup's scheduled walks. So if I eat at noon or 1pm I am looking at 6-7hours between meals and by 4-5 hours I am getting hungry. I don't want to have a mini meal that close to dinner but sometimes I don't see another option. I can see this situation occurring in the AM when I go back to work and eat breakfast earlier, there will likely be 6 or more hours before lunch(if I even get one! But that's another issue altogether).

Essentially, with my schedule and eating 3 meals per day I will have more like 6-7 hrs between meals rather than the recommended 4-5. Despite having to force Bfast, sometimes, my hunger signals are pretty good and I am comfortable for 4-5 hrs post meals. Should I have a mini meal just 2-3 hrs before my next meal, if needed? I think I know the answer....:-)

PS: weird question? How do I get the cute emoticons on my iPad?

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You might need to eat 4 meals per day and keep the spacing between meals to 4 or 5 hours. Three meals per day is the ideal, but eating 4 meals is not "bad." The thing that is important is not grazing, snacking all day. Your hormones need some hours between meals to go through their cycles. 


I can't answer the iPad question.

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Thanks, Tom. Four meals a day sounds but there will only be 3 hrs between either my 2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th. Just don't worry bout that?


If there is no possible way to space them more evenly then that is the best you can do. What I would probably do is plan a very large (higher end of the template) M2, eat until satisfied and then eat the leftovers when you get hungry again. 


Another thing to experiment with is just eating larger M1 and M2 and seeing if front loading your food could get you the extra hours you need. 

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After a while to adjust to whole30 eating, I found I really liked eating at 7am, 1pm and 7pm..... You just need the right size meals, and the occasional can of tuna or boiled egg. Now I am trialling two meals a day. Takes a bit of work as I still want the nutrient variety but I am finding it much easier than expected and my digestive system is enjoying the rest and I am sleeping well and waking up happy.

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I have problems on the two days I work each week as I go to the the gym before work - with no pre gym snack as I like to run on empty or I tend to throw up.


So breakfast is between 9 and 9.30am. My lunch at work is 12.30 to 1pm which means if I eat a big enough breakfast to satisfy my post workout hunger I am not hungry by 12.30. I leave work at 4 and we eat supper around 7.30. I am tending to a small lunch and a snack when I get home. Something like a hard boiled egg or a few macadamias. It seems to be working so far but I am only on day 6 of my first ever Whole 30. 

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Thanks everyone!

Juzbo, that is what I am shooting for - the 3 meal timing you mentioned. I like 7a, 1p, 7pm. I am working towards that, and like others have said, playing around with my prior meals hopefully will get me there so I am not looking for food around 5:30-6:30p while I am cooking.

And even if I need something on mid afternoon, as SharonF said, a hard boiled egg and macadamia nuts would be a good small option until I get to 3 a day. 3 meals a day would be so freeing, not having to worry about having snacks handy!

These few days that will lead up to the start of my Whole30 have been great for "practicing" these things, such as meal timing. I never did this transition before my previous Whole30 attempts. Previously, I would have been eating crappy, eating crappy, boom start Whole30!

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