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Starting my first Whole30 - January 1st!


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I've always been a chubby girl, I guess you couldn't call me "fat" right now. I'm female, 5'8 and 165 pounds. I'm a few pounds overweight, and my goal is to lose 30 pounds. I usually have to wear medium or large size shirts and large size pants, I want both of them to become small to medium. Of course, I can't do that in a month, but with the help of Whole30, I believe I can achieve it.


So, I've already tried Whole30 once, in late November I believe, but gave up on the 7th day for a chocolate, that I didn't even like. I really, really hope I can do this. For a cheese and potato lover like me, it's going to be tough. I don't think the sugar is going to be a huge problem, I can handle that. But I believe this time I can do this. I just have to think about how much better I'll feel. 

I admit, my basic goal here is weight loss. I really have no other health problems, I am actually healthy and my sugar and cholesterol levels are very healthy. I have never had any problems with my sleep or energy. I never really ate fast food in my whole life, since I don't live in a big city, but as I said, I love cheese, bread and potatoes, and that's why I have excess fat to lose. But I also want to get rid of my light cellulite on my thighs and my light muffin top. 


But, besides weight loss, is another problem that needs to be solved - keratosis pilaris. It's the thing I hate most about my body, and I have it pretty much everywhere, legs, arms, face. For those who don't know, keratosis pilaris is a harmless condition that builds up small, red bumps all over your body. Although it's harmless, it definitely doesn't look good. I hate wearing shorts and short-sleeved shirts, not because of my excess fat, but because of these bumps. I hope, I really hope Whole30 helps with this.


I'm sure I can't do this by myself, without the help of this forum. I'll probably be logging in every day so I'm reminded of my goal and get more motivation. Since I can easily give up on a piece of grilled cheese, I must remain motivated every second.


I believe I chose the right time to do the Whole30, because the new year is coming and it's a great kick-off. Also, my mum has been on a diet for like a month too, so it'll be easier with her motivation.


My breakfasts are going to be two bananas and an apple, almost every day. If not, some other fruit. My lunch is variable: sometimes it'll be cooked chicken, sometimes catfish or tuna, other times it'll be an omelette with tomatoes, and the occasional burger with some onions. The lunch is always served with a plain lettuce and tomato salad, with oil, vinegar and salt. I'll be honest, I really don't like most of the paleo diet recipes, I like to keep the food simple and eat it seperately. So I'll just keep up with the foods I mentioned above, since they are the only ones I liked. Dinner is usually a cabbage and carrot salad with oil and some kiwis or some other fruit. If I ever get hungry, my snacks will either be nuts or an egg.


Well, that's that. Tomorrow's my first day. I'll probably be making a small calendar for January with small motivating messages, because I really need the motivation.


If you've had any results on curing Keratosis Pilaris after doing the Whole30, please leave a comment, I'm really interested. 

Thanks for reading! :-)

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Fruit is an awful breakfast because it offers so little nutrition. Your first meal of the day should be a hearty one that includes a palm-size portion of protein, a good dose of fat, and some veggies. See the meal template for guidelines about what a good meal looks like: http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf


Really, it is very important to how your day goes that you avoid fruit and eat a good meal at the beginning of your day.

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Trust Tom on this.  I know you want to lose weight, but you're better off with less fruit and more protein, otherwise you'll be starving.  Try to make your meals large enough that you won't get hungry and need to snack.  You may need to tweak it a bit, but you'll get there. This is a process to learn how to eat healthy.  Welcome aboard!

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Here is the Whole30 meal template Tom referred to.  It's important that each meal fits this template during your Whole30. http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf  


You can do this while keeping it simple.


Snacks are discouraged, and are usually an indication that you're not eating enough at your earlier meals.  It's typically a sign to increase portion sizes in one more areas.

If you are truly hungry between meals (hungry = you could eat steamed fish and broccoli), have a snack that is a mini-meal, and includes at least a protein and fat.

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Is an omelette with two eggs and tomatoes with some fruit better? What would you suggest for me?

An omelette with two or three eggs, diced tomatoes, and fresh spinach would be great. No fruit is an excellent choice, but if you must eat a serving of fruit, save it for later in the day. 

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We don't mean to be too critical, bu we all really want you to succeed!  Sounds like you're moving in the right direction.  I would say don't worry about weight loss at the beginning.  It will be a natural side effect of the program.  To start, concentrate on food choices within the basic template.  


I have found that when I limit my carbs (including fruit) my weight loss improves, but for the first several days, just get used to the program.  

There's plenty to think about and adjust to.

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Day one and two went well.

Day 1: Breakfast: 3 egg omelette, salad with lettuce, tomato, cabbage, carrot and radish with olive oil.

           Lunch: 3 roasted chicken drumsticks with lettuce and tomato salad.

           After-lunch snack: Some nuts

           Dinner: 3 kiwis and 2 small bananas.


Day 2: Breakfast: 3 egg omelette, tomato and lettuce.

           Lunch: One can of tuna with some oil, a bit of cabbage and carrot salad

           Dinner: 6 kiwis (can't have enough!) and 2 large bananas, and some nuts.


What do you think? Please tell me if I can correct anything, I really appreciate your advice.

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oh honey, I'm sorry but no. 3 kiwi and 2 bananas is not a good dinner. not at all.


Every single meal should look like this: 1 or 2 palm-size portions of protein, 1-2 thumb-size portions of fat. 2-3 cups of vegetables. If you are still hungry after eating all of that, a piece of fruit is ok, but better having less fruit than more. Some people really enjoy using fruit as an ingredient/flavoring: think citrus segments or berries in a green salad, but relying on fruit as your entire meal is not ok.


Breakfast and Lunch looked good!

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Is spinach a good source of protein? If so, I'll try eating spinach with an egg, and then the kiwis and bananas. Is that better?

No, spinach is a vegetable source on a Whole30.  Have 1-3 cups of that with your protein and fat.

Check out the Whole30 shopping list for many great sources of protein, and fats. Again, you want 1-2 palm sized protein portions per meal, along with veggies and the appropriate healthy fat http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Shopping-List.pdf

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Checked out the list, it was helpful. My dinner will be 2 eggs, a chicken drumstick, spinach, kiwis, bananas and some nuts. How does that sound?


You're getting there! :) 

Eat the eggs, chicken, spinach and nuts (no more than one closed handful) first, and see if you're full/satiated.  If not, have 1 piece of fruit: a fruit serving is the size of your closed fist. Limit the fruit to 1-2 servings per day.

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Hi everyone,

Even though I did a partial Whole30 (24 days on January 2013) I had forgotten what it would feel on Day 2. I have a pounding headache and don't want to really get out of bed. Probably because all the crap I ate during the holidays and those cinnamon sugar pita chips I had before I started. So I'm just drinking plenty of water and focusing on my goals. Is anyone else experiencing any other symptoms?

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Day 3: Breakfast: 3 egg omelette, two tomatoes and some lettuce with olive oil.

           Lunch: Small steak with caramelized onions, and half an apple.

           Dinner: two eggs, a lettuce leaf (ran out of spinach  -_- ) , a banana and two kiwis.


I exercised for an hour today, feels great  :D  Also drank 2,5 litres of water. Woohoo!

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Way to go on the exercise and the water - I wish I could say I did the same!

If you do feel run down or low on energy, I'd definitely say up the amount you're eating.  Sweet potatoes with eggs make a great healthy breakfast, especially if you're exercising.  For me, the weight came off when I ate huge plates of food (following the template) - my breakfast this morning was two eggs, an entire head of broccoli and some sweet potato.  Feed your body and it will return the favor by running better.  Those kiwis are just sugar treats.  I love them too, but avoid them because then my body doesn't learn how to switch over to run off of fat and protein for energy.

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Hey, thanks, I guess I'm a little too in love with those kiwis! Need to cut them down. I'll try not eating any tomorrow. Truth is I'm not feeling hungry at all with this program. The way I was eating before, I could easily consume 4,000 calories in a day and still not be full, but the good with Whole30 is that it makes me feel full. I'm definitely not feeling any pressure, if I feel hungry, I eat. Good luck with your journey!


Well today wasn't great... I overdid it with the fruit again, and my apetite for vegetables was really down.


Day 4: Breakfast: 3 egg omelette and just a little spinach

           Lunch: A fillet of catfish with lemon and only 1-2 pieces of diced tomato

           Dinner: 1 banana, 2 kiwis and a small leaf of lettuce.


Drank 2 litres of water! But overall I believe I could do better. Tomorrow I'll try not eating any fruit and load up with vegetable salads and more protein.

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Day 4: Breakfast: 3 egg omelette and just a little spinach

           Lunch: A fillet of catfish with lemon and only 1-2 pieces of diced tomato

           Dinner: 1 banana, 2 kiwis and a small leaf of lettuce.


Drank 2 litres of water! But overall I believe I could do better. Tomorrow I'll try not eating any fruit and load up with vegetable salads and more protein.


Ok, time for the tough love: You know what you need to do. We have explained REPEATEDLY that you need protein at every meal, and that fruit should be limited, and here you are with a banana, 2 kiwis and a small leaf of lettuce for dinner? You deserve better than this. If you want to do the whole30, stop messing around and do it! I'm betting you will be suprised at how much better you can feel when you start providing your body with the nutrition it needs to thrive.

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It sounds like you're eating to diet, which I know you are, but the fun thing about getting through the 30 days is eating to enjoy food (and then just losing weight without trying).  Do you have any paleo cookbooks?  They save my rear time and time again.  I was never a fan of cooking and would rather eat beets out of a can than cook something, but the cookbooks have worked for me.  My favorite for starting off was Practical Paleo, but now I'm discovering other books and other blogs via paleo searches on pinterest.  Weekends are good because they give me a chance to plan out what I will eat the next day.  As I'm writing, I'm reminded about how my family tried to make meals special during our first Whole30.  We'd light candles and all sit down together.  We've forgotten to do that, but I think I'll try to start that up again because it makes eating seem special instead of just counting calories or restricting.  

I am also craving catfish!  It's been years since I've had it and I love it.  Way to go on sticking to non-processed foods, drinking water, and listening to your body.  

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Day 5: Breakfast: 3 eggs, spinach and tomato, and some nuts

           Lunch: A fillet of catfish with cabbage and carrot salad with olive oil, also just 2 bites of mushrooms with onions.

           Dinner: 2 chicken drumsticks with some spinach and a salad with lettuce and cherry tomatoes with oil & vinegar. 


Yup I made it! Didn't eat any fruit today. I think I drank 1,7 - 2 litres today, didn't really count.

Ok, time for the tough love: You know what you need to do. We have explained REPEATEDLY that you need protein at every meal, and that fruit should be limited, and here you are with a banana, 2 kiwis and a small leaf of lettuce for dinner? You deserve better than this. If you want to do the whole30, stop messing around and do it! I'm betting you will be suprised at how much better you can feel when you start providing your body with the nutrition it needs to thrive.



Thank you, I started eating protein and veggies for dinner. It does feel better!



It sounds like you're eating to diet, which I know you are, but the fun thing about getting through the 30 days is eating to enjoy food (and then just losing weight without trying).  Do you have any paleo cookbooks?  They save my rear time and time again.  I was never a fan of cooking and would rather eat beets out of a can than cook something, but the cookbooks have worked for me.  My favorite for starting off was Practical Paleo, but now I'm discovering other books and other blogs via paleo searches on pinterest.  Weekends are good because they give me a chance to plan out what I will eat the next day.  As I'm writing, I'm reminded about how my family tried to make meals special during our first Whole30.  We'd light candles and all sit down together.  We've forgotten to do that, but I think I'll try to start that up again because it makes eating seem special instead of just counting calories or restricting.  

I am also craving catfish!  It's been years since I've had it and I love it.  Way to go on sticking to non-processed foods, drinking water, and listening to your body.  


Truth is I don't have any paleo cookbooks, but I can try searching on the internet. But no, I'm being honest, I really enjoy what I eat, not doing it just for the diet. Yeah, my main goal is weight loss, but I really hope I get used to this eating style because it just feels better. I'm having a great time enjoying vegetables I rarely used to eat. And for catfish, I know right, isn't it delicious? Probably my favorite fish after sardines - I just can't have enough of them! 

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I feel better too eating this way - like way better.  And once I'm firmly into it, I have no desire to eat the other foods.  Unfortunately, if I slip up too much, I have a hard time getting back to my healthy ways.  I'd been really proud and pleased that I'd kept off 40 pounds for over a year, but the last couple of months have shown me that I can't just have a month vacation of eating junk.


The cookbooks really are kinda fun.  It gets me using a wider variety of spices and trying out more flavors which helps me prefer our home cooked meals over restaurants.


Great going on your meals.  

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