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Whole30 to ring in the New Year....

Julie Sassaman

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So, I wanted to start off this New Year right by making better decisions and choices. I attempted three Whole30's over the last two years and lost it after a couple weeks (which means I'm fortunate enough to have a clear picture of where I begin to struggle!). Unlike my earlier attempts, I'm not quite as gung-ho and dreamy-eyed, but more realistic of the challenges and expectations. Maybe it's because I'm older, maybe it's because I feel like more crap than I did before trying the other ones, or maybe it's just because I finally get that it's an actual lifestyle change I'm trying to ultimately achieve here. So, here I am. Day 4 is done. And not only did I want to "kill all things", I still really feel like crap. I'm still feeling bloated, I have to pee more frequently (but mostly at night), and I'm much hungrier this time around. But you know what? I'm making the right choices and that feels good too, even if I did just rip my husband a new one :) ....good thing he's supportive! Next up, day 5. One at a time.....


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It's absolutely amazing to me the things we allow ourselves to believe is "normal" for our bodies. I've only just begun day 5, and as I stated in my previous post, I still don't feel all that great yet, but this morning, at about 4 a.m. my sinuses started to clear up so noticeably that it woke me up. I wouldn't have even said I was having trouble with them, that's how used to the 'clogged' up feeling I was! I'm off to the store today to stock up better to help combat some of the excess hunger I've been experiencing. Rock your day 5 my fellow peeps! (Or whatever day you're on!! :)


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When I went to the store today, we got out of the car and were immediately hit in the face with the aroma of McDonalds. I waited for that ugly craving monster to rear its head, but instead of smelling good, all I smelled was the nastiness of grease and processed food. Blech. It was a good moment. :D

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While I did stay compliant today, I did not eat as I should. I kind of started this Whole30 last minute and was not properly stocked up, as I know I should have been. I also am realizing that I need to be careful adding coconut milk to my morning coffee because when I oversleep, then have it, it's about 2 or 3 in the afternoon before I start feeling hungry. So, besides the coconut milk, I didn't eat today, until dinner time. Not good, I know. But as I said, I did stay compliant, so YAY for me! :rolleyes: I had a lovely stir-fry consisting of chicken, broccoli, bell peppers, jalepeno, onion, ginger, garlic, and a splash of coconut aminos all fried up in coconut oil of course! I do still feel a little bloaty, but I do feel a bit of an uptick in my energy, and when I was walking by the mirror in my room tonight, I thought to myself, "there is the skin you've been missing!"


Right now I am really wrestling with the thought of breakfasts. I am not a breakfast eater. Which makes me find myself relying on eggs, but I get sick of those quite fast. I miss bacon, but I cannot find any here without sugar at all and the online stuff is just too pricey right now. Something I did find is coconut flakes! Those I have to be careful with because they are so darn snackable! :wacko: It is on to day 6 for me, and I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I really want this to be successful for me, but I know I have yet to make it past days 10-14, and even if I do when I do, there are 16-20 days left beyond that. It's a lifestyle change, Julie. Take a deep breath and

Whole30 on. ;)


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Thanks Kryztle! On my first Whole30 I had headaches on day 2 as well as some shaking going on. Just make sure you are eating enough. I have such a hard time with that, seriously. That is a change I made this time. I was tracking my food before because I just always have. DO NOT TRACK YOUR FOOD! (Unless of course you have a medical reason that requires you to!) :) After tracking it for 10 days or so, I could SEE that I wasn't getting enough calories, instead of FEELING what my body was saying to me. So I ended up psyching myself out totally and didn't finish them. I too have not been sleeping well, but that is nothing new for me, so I am looking forward to seeing how things go on this journey. I am going to try to use this forum as a tool for accountability as well, as I think that will help me. Remember, it's only 30 days! Good luck, you can do this too! :D

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So today the kids go back to school (YAY!!!). It's been a fun winter break, but I'm ready for my time back during the day while they are at school! Anyway, the reason this is significant enough to log about for me is that before their break, I could seriously NOT get out of bed in the morning. I mean I was literally driving them to school in my pajamas (which is very much not like me), because I only got up at the very last minute, threw my sandals on, and then took off. Fast forward to day 6. I am having trouble sleeping right now, but when my alarm went off, BAM. I was up and at it. Because of my lack of sleep, I do still feel a little tired, but still feel very much awake and alert! It's the small things sometimes! :)


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I ate breakfast before 10 am!! I made a batch of breakfast sausage last night, so I fried two of those patties up, topped each with a fried egg, and added a side of orange slices. It was guuuuuud. ;) I still had my coffee with coconut milk in it, so I am feeling pretty good right now, although I am still a little on the tired side from not getting enough sleep. My sleeping habits are the mini goal for this week. I usually get around 6 hours of sleep on a 'normal' day, but lately it has been more like 4 or 5 hours - definitely not good. I've lived a lifetime like this, and I'm over it. So, in the name of 'reachable' goals, I want to get at least 7 hours a night of awesome sleep this week. I know that 8 is ideal, and if I do that then I am a bonafide rock star, but in order to set a realistic goal, I am going to baby-step it and start with 7.

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Thanks misshannah!! Even though it does suck to know people are struggling, it is oddly comforting to know I am not alone! The biggest difference I can feel in myself, besides the physical changes I'm going through, is that I am totally trusting my body. It is actually kind of scary to let go of that control, especially when I didn't even realize it was such a bad habit to begin with, but liberating as well. You will own this too!! Whole30 on my friend!! ^_^

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Your quote is a good one.  I have to remind myself at times that my reason for doing this is so that I will have a healthier body as I get older.  It's hard to remember to do that though!  So then I tell myself that the good sleep won't really start (for me) till the third week.  Oh, I can't wait for that to happen.  Your experience with McDonalds reminded me of last year when I had to travel for work and of course, traveling for work, means eating lots of good junk food.  But the smells didn't trigger the hunger and cravings.  My body was totally content with its hardboiled eggs and sweet potatoes and healthy foods.  Way to go getting to Day 6.  You can totally get through this Whole30.

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Julie I am on Day 3 and still not sleeping well...I am ready to sleep better! I am pretty emotional today, which I am not an emotional person. My headache is off and on...we got this and thank you so much for your support and inspiration!!!

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Thanks Emma! Sleep has always been a demon I've struggled with my whole life. It runs in my family, but I hope to break out of that mold. Embracing my body and loving it is a big deal to me this time. It is hard to do anything positive in life if you are constantly feeding yourself with negative self-talk, which I was. I've been so gung-ho so many times about changes in my life, but the one thing I never changed was how I saw myself. I always wanted the change because I hated my body or hated the way I felt. Hate is such a negative word. This time, I want the change because I am absolutely in love with all of myself! Thanks for the support, it really does make a difference!

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Hey Kryztle! I remember my first day 3. It was not fun for me either.....like you, my headaches were starting to subside, but I was tired and plain out grouchy while being over-sensitive to anything that was said to me! Have you checked out the timeline they created for the Whole30? It's scarily accurate.....at least in my case! I have never really thought of myself as someone that inspires others, so thank you for that compliment!! Totally made my day! Support is such a good thing, it really does make a difference in someone's day sometimes, so I thank you for your support as well! Having people to "talk" to keeps my hands on my keyboard and not on a snack food!! ;) We do have this....and Day 3 is just as big a deal as day 30....so make sure you pat yourself on the back girl!!

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Joining you in the New Year for Whole30 #2--I'd say good luck, but looks like you've already figured out that it ain't about luck. So I'll wish you continued strength against things like the McDonald's machine. They, and the other fast/processed food manufacturers know what chemical-lade potions will cause you to spend your money on them. They're not the boss of us!

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Thanks Alliea! I think we could all use a little good luck from time to time, but you're right, this isn't about luck. I wish you continued strength as well and you're right again - they are NOT the boss of us!! I just have to remember that when it comes to listening to my own body.....I'm not the 'boss' of it either!! :D

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Hey ArcheoGator! It's nice to have someone in the same neck of the woods! I'm in the NE part of town, not too far from downtown. Congrats on finishing a W30 and full steam ahead on the W100! That sounds so intimidating to me right now, although I secretly hope this W30 'accidentally' turns into W100! ;) Is it just me, or does Ocala seem to be quite slow into getting some of these more healthy foods available? I go the farmer's market and that helps, but it just doesn't seem like there is a lot out there in our community yet. Best wishes on your journey as well!

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