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Oops- Communion. Bread not wafer.


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Had a nice sized chunk of bread yesterday during Eucharist (actually just a bite of course but seemed big!) and didn't realized until I sat down. I've read here that communion wafer is fine as a religious exception, but my faith tradition uses bread, and it's not "against my religion" so to speak to not take it. (Skipping wine or juice is definitely fine.)

Anyways, I restarted my 30 days, but now re-thinking. Does that much bread make a big enough difference in re-calibrating my body? I do have a bunch of Sundays to go.

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Even a bite of bread DOES make a difference if you are sensitive to wheat, but the Whole30 is not going to tell you to change your religious practices. 


My church hired a new minister with celiac disease and the first thing she did was get the church to offer a gluten-free option. That helped several people in the congregation. 

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The thought of communion didn't even cross my mind until I read this! We had communion on Sunday at church. Just a wafer with a sip of grape juice and the idea that it wasn't compliant never entered my mind. We will have it again before my 30 days are up. 

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I'm not Christian -- I practice ADF-style Druidry -- but my faith tradition tends to share a drink of wine, mead, or cider at religious ceremonies.  My workaround was to bring my own meal (with enough to share), and to sub in a drink if we were using one as a group that I couldn't do.  For me, that was a little bit of organic apple cider.  Not W30 perfect, but given that I had about as much as one might use to sweeten a serving of sauce, I was okay with that.  We also had a visitor who struggles with celiac, and we worked hard to accommodate her by offering safe food/drink, and making an effort to prevent cross-contamination.


How often do you take Communion in your tradition?  Do you think your officiant would be okay with subbing out something non-grain (e.g. cauliflower cracker) for the duration?

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It's worth discussing your needs for the Eucharist with your church minister, maybe not in a public forum so it doesn't feel like an ambush ;)


Many churches now offer gluten free and alcohol free options, but some ministers are struggling with the practical implementations of offering new options, especially if they require many layers of approvals to change operational procedures (eg. cross contamination protocols) or even ordering of supplies. If yours is having a hard time, a contact in a compatible church which has already implemented their changes, may help them immensely. 


No one wants anyone to be sick as a price of practicing their faith. A communion wafer volume of wheat would be more than enough to make me (gluten) sick :)

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My FIL was a celiac, and simply provided the church with a box of gf crackers.  A piece about the size of the other wafers was placed on the alter and consecrated along with them.  So if the church won't provide it for you, maybe you could supply them with something approved, and they'd incorporate it for you.

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