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First Whole 30 - going strong with a question


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I am going to post my log here instead of on the main starting-the-Whole30 thread where I was posting since I just discovered this one.  Would love feedback and support!


Day 2 was a success, overall:


Breakfast: Eggs with zucchini and compliant chorizo + avocado

Black coffee


Snacks: 2 mandarin oranges, handful of pecans/walnuts


Lunch: Beef-Stuffed eggplant


Snack: Celery and cucumber with homemade baba ghanoush


Dinner: Compliant turkey burger with brussels sprouts in coconut oil


THEN I had some raisins while watching the national championship game.  Then I started thinking - are raisins ok? Is dried fruit ok? (I've only been working off the website, my copy of ISWF comes tomorrow).  I've looked at a few threads about this this morning, and I'm starting to wonder. I know the raisins were technically compliant, but my guess is dried fruit is not ok.  Does anyone else follow meals with a piece of fruit, or - if not - how do you quash that craving for something sweet to finish a meal? Is there a daily gram limitation on sugars from fruit?






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We want you to work towards eating three meals per day without snacks. Any time you eat a snack, that is a sign to an old timer like me that you did not eat enough at your meal. When you are eating according to the meal template - http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf - you should not need a snack. And when you eat a snack, we want you to eat a mini-meal with protein, fat, and veggies, not just some fruit, veggies, nuts, or raisins.


Raisins are acceptable ingredients in recipes, but it is a bad idea to eat dried fruit as a snack. It is a big dose of sugar and that is not a good idea. Fruit in general should be limited to 1 or 2 servings per day and it is great to let veggies crowd all the fruit off your plate. 

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Fruit is ok with a meal and raisins are ok as an ingredient in a meal but not just to snack on while watching TV. They are very sweet and when eaten alone would contribute to a large blood sugar spike. Actually as a whole snacking is discouraged during a whole 30. Your template meals should be enough to hold you over for 5-6 hours. If they are not you need to tweak your meals more fat, more veggies, etc. 3 meals a day are better for your blood sugar levels and in turn your hormones. If you must snack because of real hunger the snack should be a mini meal. I am sure a mod will add to this as well and provide more info. Other than that, good for you!!  :D Hope your whole 30 is great!

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Fruit is ok with a meal and raisins are ok as an ingredient in a meal but not just to snack on while watching TV. They are very sweet and when eaten alone would contribute to a large blood sugar spike. Actually as a whole snacking is discouraged during a whole 30. Your template meals should be enough to hold you over for 5-6 hours. If they are not you need to tweak your meals more fat, more veggies, etc. 3 meals a day are better for your blood sugar levels and in turn your hormones. If you must snack because of real hunger the snack should be a mini meal. I am sure a mod will add to this as well and provide more info. Other than that, good for you!!  :D Hope your whole 30 is great!

Opps! I see Tom answered you while I was typing! Lol. Well it is good to see I was pointing in the right direction anyway. :)

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Thanks so much to both of you! Made it through Day 3 without turning to any fruit, and cut out the morning snack, so hopefully Day 4 goes just as well.  I feel great - headache is gone, thank goodness.


Here's day 3:


Breakfast: Eggs with zucchini and compliant chorizo + avocado

Black coffee


Lunch: Turkey burger on a giant salad with walnuts, avocado, mandarin orange, tomato, cucumber, tahini/lemon juice dressing


Snack: Celery + cucumber + baba ghanoush


Dinner: Spaghetti squash with roasted chicken, cup of herbal tea after


I see what you're saying - adding dried fruit causes a sugar spike and keeps the same problematic sugar conditioning cycle.  Will try to beef up my meals so I'm not hungry in between, but it's hard! I am conditioned to snacking, even if it's been on healthy things (I was already snacking on cut veggies, eggs, fresh fruit before I started the Whole 30) and it's really hard to break that off when your brain/body is telling you it's time to snack.


Thanks for the support!

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I know what you're saying about snacking. I've been conditioned for years to eat five meals a day, 3 mains and 2 snacks, every three hours. I've been in for six days and started with my usual routine of 2 snacks. Yesterday I decided to roll those snacks into the main meals (breakfast and lunch) and it seemed to work. I eat fruit with breakfast and lunch (apple, orange or banana). I've been using the banana to ease carb withdrawal but will substitute some other fruit, probably grapefruit, once the bananas are gone.


Keep it up. You're doing great.

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Thanks Nancy!! Day 4 was a success - 


Eggs + compliant chorizo + avocado + zucchini + black coffee


Lunch was half a roasted spaghetti squash with chicken


I ate a longgg dinner, kind of cutting out the afternoon snack by just starting it later and eating over a period of 1-2 hours.  2 boiled eggs + baba ganoush + cucumber slices + chicken stir fry with papaya, green beans, onions, toasted garlic 




On to Day 5 - 1/6 of the way!

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Days 5 and 6 were successes!! How good does willpower feel? I successfully went to Starbucks with a coworker and only got an herbal tea instead of the usual sugary chai latte, and then last night, I went to two bars and had soda water with lime instead of drinks.  So proud of myself! Can't believe I've made it to Day 7.


I am still feeling a lot of intense cravings at night for wine/something sweet, even when I'm not hungry - does anyone have good tricks to handle those times?  I've tried/am trying to just drink tea, but it's not quite the same . . .


Thanks y'all!

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I am still feeling a lot of intense cravings at night for wine/something sweet, even when I'm not hungry - does anyone have good tricks to handle those times?  I've tried/am trying to just drink tea, but it's not quite the same . . .

 It kind of depends on what the nature of the craving is for you. If it is about the ritual, then your cup of tea is on the right track. You might try making it extra special (brew a special loose-leaf one you love, use a nice tea service, that sort of thing). Sparkling water or kombucha in a wine glass can work for some people.


If you are craving a sweet treat, it's a bit different. The key is to avoid anything with a sweet taste. Don't go for dried fruit, for example, which will only amplify the craving. Instead eat something fatty and savory, like a boiled egg, maybe? or a small portion of leftover fatty meat? or some compliant beef jerky? If you must munch on something.

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First Whole 30 week 1 recap:


The first week has been good, and I can't believe I'm on Day 8.  I'm still having a lot of strong cravings and am occasionally waking up with a dull headache, but I guess battling that is part of the challenge.  


A few things I will change for Week 2, and going forward in my Whole 30, based on yesterday's email from Whole30 about common mistakes.  Those resonated with me, and here are somethings I want to change:


- No dried fruit in the house at all, since I think this is just as tempting as candy

- No more using nut butters unless they are in something (like a sauce) because I think I am using nut butters to deal with the same cravings I have for sweetness/snacks/dessert.

- Use nuts and seeds less, and when I do, pay closer attention to the types of fat that I'm taking in.


Alright, here goes week 2! 

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Update - haven't been posting daily food because work has. been. insane.  But the good news is - I am still on track!! Packing my healthy lunches, eating sweet potatoes, spinach, and eggs for breakfast after a workout . . . loving it.  Made an awesome "spaghetti" and compliant sausage with homemade pasta comfort food dish with spaghetti squash yesterday - nom.  Day 12, can't believe I'm almost HALFWAY.  No more headaches, definitely feeling good, and I'm loving not feeling tired from 2-4 pm.  


I am still having cravings though - but only for liquids!! Specifically: chai tea lattes, diet coke, and red wine.  Any thoughts on why I can't stop thinking about these three? My thinking is that these were my go-to drinks everyday - chai tea or other latte in the AM, diet coke EVERYDAY at 2-4 pm, and red wine at night.  And my brain is still wanting that! Weird.


Happy holiday weekend!!

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You mentioned breakfast after working out...are you eating a pre-workout snack? A single hard boiled egg works perfect. We just want you to eat within an hour of waking.


Have you tried making a bulletproof tea by blending a compliant chai tea with some coconut oil? Kombucha might be a nice replacement for pop. I think very differently about my beverages now than I used to. 

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This is day 10 of my Whole30! I am feeling so much better then week one! Headache is gone, mood and energy improvement and not mourning all my not so healthy foods any longer. The best news of all is my chronic cough is gone!!! I have had this cough for YEARS. It is a nasty, deep, barky cough. Sounds like a smokers cough, only I am not. People worry about me, turn their heads, hide their children, etc. I have been to the Dr. numerous times over the years. Have had inhalers, including corticosteroids only to find out last year that I do not have asthma. I have had nebulizer treatments, I have been on numerous allergy pills that never worked. I had chest exrays last year to make sure I didn't have a tumor. I also was referred to an allergy specialist last year. I found out I have some enviromental allergies, but not severe or would be the cause of my hack. When my 22 year old daughter said my cough will be one of the things she will always remember about me I was very sad. This is actually the reason I started on the Whole 30. Everything else is just a bonus!

Here is my question. I have been enjoying kombucha daily the last 5 days. The other day I saw a package of kombucha at Costco and immediately snatched it up. Opened my first one tonight and after a few drinks thought I better check the ingredients. I know, I know. I should have checked before buying. I was fooled by the previous brand I had been drinking. This one tasted sweeter and less carbonated, so there is organic evaporated cane juice in it. Do I need to start at day one tomorrow?

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This is day 10 of my Whole30! I am feeling so much better then week one! Headache is gone, mood and energy improvement and not mourning all my not so healthy foods any longer. The best news of all is my chronic cough is gone!!! I have had this cough for YEARS. It is a nasty, deep, barky cough. Sounds like a smokers cough, only I am not. People worry about me, turn their heads, hide their children, etc. I have been to the Dr. numerous times over the years. Have had inhalers, including corticosteroids only to find out last year that I do not have asthma. I have had nebulizer treatments, I have been on numerous allergy pills that never worked. I had chest exrays last year to make sure I didn't have a tumor. I also was referred to an allergy specialist last year. I found out I have some enviromental allergies, but not severe or would be the cause of my hack. When my 22 year old daughter said my cough will be one of the things she will always remember about me I was very sad. This is actually the reason I started on the Whole 30. Everything else is just a bonus!

Here is my question. I have been enjoying kombucha daily the last 5 days. The other day I saw a package of kombucha at Costco and immediately snatched it up. Opened my first one tonight and after a few drinks thought I better check the ingredients. I know, I know. I should have checked before buying. I was fooled by the previous brand I had been drinking. This one tasted sweeter and less carbonated, so there is organic evaporated cane juice in it. Do I need to start at day one tomorrow?

No. Set aside that brand of kombucha for 30 days and ideally delay sugar/ sweetener reintro for 30 days to give you 30 consecutive sugar-free days.

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